"But his provocation may really work. I heard that the young master of the Lin family is a first-class filial son!"

After hearing Qin Ji's announcement, the monks in the Immortal Realm all despised his shameless behavior.

At the same time, they couldn't help but stare closely at Lin Xingyun in the barrier, worrying about whether he would succeed in the provocative general method.

However, after Lin Xingyun heard Qin Ji's words, he was not angry, but he made the same announcement in a stern voice.

"Why do you say I'm hiding behind women?"

"Who are you to define her gender?"

"Women should not be defined!"

Chapter 355 Sisters, rush into these forbidden area thieves!

Lin Xingyun's words were deafening and impactful, sweeping the entire audience like a wave.

After Qin Ji heard this, he immediately felt like his brain was spinning!

He stared and didn't know how to refute Lin Xingyun. Every immortal monk present was stunned by Lin Xingyun's reply!

"Fellow Taoists, I would like to take the liberty of asking, what does 'women cannot be defined' mean?"

"The one lying on the young master of the Lin family...isn't she the goddess of the Chu family?"

An old saint with pale beard and hair frowned and asked the monks around him for advice.

"Senior, I don't know. What the Lin family's young master said should be the practice guidelines recently promoted by the female cultivators in the fairyland!"

"That is, it cannot be defined, described, observed, or recognized!"

"What?! Are the young people in the Immortal Realm so good at playing now?!"

"If we can really reach this point, even if we can't describe or observe, I'm afraid the emperor will have no choice but to bow down and surrender, right?!"

The old saint was amazed. All the male cultivators present were silent after hearing this, while the female cultivators were collectively excited!

"Young master Lin is so brave. He is still fearless in the face of so many powerful enemies!"

"Yeah! And his views are so right! He matches me well!"

"His facial features are a perfect match! He is a perfect match for me!"

"Are you worthy? I am worthy!"

"Fellow Taoists, I have something to say, please listen carefully!"

"These people in the restricted area have been provoking and killing wantonly since the lockdown was lifted. The younger generation of our major forces have been bullied by them!"

"It's rare to have a large number of people these days, so why don't we work together to kill these people in the restricted area here!"

A tall female cultivator in moon-white robes took the lead to speak out. Her words were so impassioned that many cultivators present nodded in agreement.

However, her eyes were always fixed on Lin Xingyun inside the barrier. She swallowed two mouthfuls of saliva from time to time, and her heart was bleating like a deer!

"If I can mobilize everyone to surround those in the restricted area, I can rescue Mr. Lin along the way!"

"Young Master Lin will definitely have a very good impression of me by then. After this incident is over, you can..."

She was secretly calculating in her mind. The more she thought about it, the more intense her eyes became. She almost couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to invite Mr. Lin to taste the Roujiamo immediately!

However, coincidentally, not only did she have this idea, but soon every female cultivator reacted and immediately spoke out.

"That's right! The world has been in pain for a long time!"

"It is our duty to rebuild the glory of the Immortal Realm!"

"Sisters, rush these thieves from the restricted area!"

Seeing the excitement of the crowd, the female cultivator in Taoist robes was afraid of being overtaken by others, so she immediately climbed up on the clouds, holding a magic fly whisk, and fired thousands of killing divine lights at the followers of the seven emperors!

Seeing someone taking the lead, the other female nuns gathered together to respond. For a time, countless magic weapons and magical powers rained down on the restricted area.

Even though the people in the restricted area generally inherited the Tao and Dharma of the ancient emperors, and their combat power was far superior to that of the immortal monks in the same realm, they were still unable to withstand the siege of a large number of female cultivators, and casualties occurred quickly!

"What a shame! We are not as courageous as these female cultivators and dare to challenge people in the restricted area!"

"You may not believe it, but I don't see the hatred of the older generation of monks towards the restricted area in their eyes..."

"Only desire for the young master of the Lin family!"

"A bunch of female lickers! They even risked their lives to save a man!"

"Those are the Emperors of the Forbidden Zone! They can't be dealt with simply by relying on a large number of people!"

All the male cultivators were dumbfounded, but they were still afraid of the power of the emperor in the restricted area and did not dare to take action rashly.

And as if to confirm their guess, a moment later.

"I'm really looking for death. If I can't take care of Lin Xingyun, I can't take care of you either?!"

Cang Luo, who was attacking the barrier, found that his men were being surrounded by female cultivators from the fairyland. He was immediately furious. He immediately turned the folding fan in his hand and turned around to fan out.

The next moment, a green demonic storm rose to a size of several thousand feet, turning into a tornado and pressing steadily towards the female nuns in the fairyland!

"Watch out!"

All the female cultivators noticed the terrifying force of the green tornado, and immediately used their magic weapons and magical powers to annihilate the tornado!

However, the tornado was like a bottomless pit. Even if everyone worked together, they could only weaken it slightly, but could not destroy it at all. The tornado was still sweeping towards everyone at a high speed!

"No! Back away!"

Only then did the female cultivators realize that something was wrong, and they immediately ran away!

"Spiritual Sacrifice Technique·Mu Zun's Body!"

But at this moment, a shout resounded throughout the audience, and then thousands of wicker shadows emerged from the void, and in the blink of an eye they condensed into a huge wooden man over a thousand feet tall!

Then the wooden man seemed to have his own intelligence, with his arms spread out, exuding a majestic aura and the power of the wood principle, and began to fight the tornado head-on!

However, after a dozen breaths, although the wooden man was injured, the tornado had been smashed and annihilated by the wooden man!

"Huh? Liu Zhennan?!"

"Are you going to go against the princes too?"

After Qin Ji saw the wooden man and the instigator clearly, he couldn't help but show a look of fear on his face.

Chapter 356 I jumped out again!

On the top of the huge wooden man, a heroic man in a green shirt was standing tall, with willow branches all over his body waving the powerful and abundant wood principle, quickly dissolving the remaining power of Cang Luo's attack.

"What emperor's son? It's just a bunch of insect cubs!"

"Why are you showing off here?"

Liu Zhennan glanced at Qin Ji, and then looked at the seven emperor's sons with a bad look. He was not timid or afraid at all, but full of contempt and hostility.

"Ha! How brave!"

Cang Luo was so angry that he laughed when he saw this. He stopped bombarding the barrier and turned around to break through the air.

He waved the folding fan in his hand, and thousands of poisonous insects buzzed out, ready to devour Liu Zhennan!

Liu Zhennan did not give in. He immediately made a seal with both hands, and the wooden man under him immediately burst out with green divine light. With a wave of his hand, he blasted a large number of poisonous insects into pieces. It was hard to tell who was better between the two sides!

"This... can actually fight on equal terms with the emperor's son?!"

"Of course, this is the first saint son of the Changsheng Liu family in the contemporary era. He is extremely talented. It is rumored that he has inherited the legacy of many ancestors of the Liu family. His future is limitless!"

"It seems that these forbidden area emperors are not invincible!"

The crowd of onlookers were amazed and suddenly felt that they could do it. They began to get excited!

On the battlefield, Qin Ji saw that Cang Luo could not take down Liu Zhennan for a while, his eyes condensed, and he immediately attacked!

A huge black unicorn phantom appeared behind him, the might of the beast was lifelike, and a roar made the world change color!

"Qilin Roaring Sky Strike!"

Qin Ji shouted, and the unicorn phantom behind him immediately shone with divine light, rushing towards Liu Zhennan from the side!

"Great Wilderness Sealing Heaven Seal!"

However, before the black unicorn had reached halfway, a blue-gold divine seal flew out from the lower side, carrying a divine power of tens of millions of pounds, and completely smashed the black unicorn into spiritual power debris!

"Huh? Lin Chun?!"

"You dare to get in the way?"

Qin Ji looked at the burly man who cast the divine seal, and recognized that the other party was Lin Chun, the first saint of the Lin family, and his brows frowned even tighter.

"Qin Ji! I *you*!"

"My young master is still in that barrier, get out of the way if you know what's good for you!"

"Sky-lifting Dragon Transformation!"

Lin Chun cursed on the spot, and then his body shook, and he turned into a three-thousand-foot-long blue dragon with a complete beard and tail and shining scales. A series of dragon roars were like a bell, and he flew into the air and turned to charge towards Cang Luo!


Cang Luo was confronting Liu Zhennan and was distracted at this moment. He was directly hit by the tail of the blue dragon transformed by Lin Chun and fell to the ground like a meteorite in an instant!

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