He declared in a cold voice, the sound echoed throughout the world, and then with one step, the majestic spiritual power turned into a storm, shattering the corpses that had just been killed into ashes!


The terrifying power made all the immortal monks present gasp in horror!

Lin Chun adjusted his injuries for a while, but he wanted to explode his cultivation again and challenge Jin Lingtian.

"No! This person is extremely powerful and cannot be defeated by us!"

"The Divine King Body...is indeed well-deserved!"

Liu Zhennan hurriedly pulled him back and sent a message to dissuade him.

"If we don't help, what will my young master do?!"

"We can't be impatient. We can only wait until the god king's body relaxes a little, and then we fight to the death to see if we can win a glimmer of life for your young master..."

Although Lin Chun was extremely anxious, he was still persuaded by Liu Zhennan. When the two of them looked at Jin Lingtian, their eyes were full of fear and vigilance.

"Hmph! Ants will always be ants!"

Seeing that everyone did not dare to make any rash move, Jin Lingtian snorted and turned to the red sacred mountain, looking at the barrier with contempt and disdain on his face.

"Thank you, Brother Jin, for the rescue. When I get back to Tianyuan, Cang will definitely prepare a generous gift to express my gratitude!"

"Brother Jin is so mighty that we admire him endlessly!"

"Brother Jin is worthy of being the first person of his generation. It's so easy to sweep away those ants!"

"Please also ask Brother Jin to take action and break through that barrier in one fell swoop!"

Cang Luo recovered from his injuries and immediately flew forward to compliment him. Several other emperors also agreed, hoping that Jin Lingtian could also break through the barrier so that they could profit from it.

"The face of the restricted area has completely defeated you."

Jin Lingtian glanced at the six emperors, as if he was ashamed to associate with them.

Then he looked at the red barrier, still showing contempt, as if he could break it by raising his hand!

He waved his sleeves, and the worshiping vision of the gods in the sky once again erupted with divine power. Endless golden light fell like a meteor shower, but they all concentrated their attacks on the barrier!

Waves of fierce spiritual storms swept across the world. Everyone present was staring intently, wondering whether the barrier had been completely destroyed under such a terrifying offensive!

But when the smoke cleared, everyone present could not help but fall into a strange silence.

I saw that the red barrier remained motionless, not even a crack was made!


"It does have some ability."

Jin Lingtian frowned slightly when he saw this, but his expression remained calm.

Then he raised his hand again, and the divine ring behind him turned like a wheel, controlling the visions of the gods in the sky, and launched another attack!

This time, the gods in the sky bowed directly to the barrier. An indescribable terrifying wave immediately dispersed for thousands of miles, followed by a huge beam of light a hundred feet thick, with the force of penetrating the heaven and earth, hitting straight towards That red barrier!

And feeling the power of this blow, countless people felt frightened and sweaty!

Liu Zhennan and Lin Chun were also shocked when they saw it. They felt that if they tried to take this extreme move forcefully, they would probably be wiped out into ashes on the spot!


However, after a shocking loud noise, the smoke and dust dissipated, and the barrier still stood firm, as stable as a mountain!

Chu Weiluo even jumped up and down in front of Lin Xingyun, seemingly showing off her skills!

Lin Xingyun even kissed Chu Weiluo on the forehead as a reward in front of everyone, making Chu Weiluo so happy that she took the initiative to hug his waist!

"court death!"

Jin Lingtian watched the two of them flirting there as if no one else was around, and his originally indifferent expression finally couldn't hold back anymore!

Chapter 358 Kill them, yes, both of them!

Jin Lingtian has activated the real fire, and the spiritual power in his body surges like a tide. The golden divine ring behind him is flying, and the gods in the sky also roar in low voices, with great power, as if they will all rain down divine punishment in the next moment!

"The God King is coming to Jiutian!"

He shouted, and an even more majestic figure of the God King immediately appeared in the center of the vision of the gods. He looked down at the people in golden robes and armor, and his aura was so powerful that it was difficult for monks in the saint realm to look directly at him!

Then he slowly raised his hand and made a palm print towards the red barrier below!

Wherever the palm print passed, large areas of space collapsed. The power was already shocking. When it fell on the red barrier, a deafening loud noise broke out again!


However, when the smoke dissipated and everyone stared at it with rapt attention, they suddenly took a collective breath again.

I saw that the barrier was still intact, not even the slightest crack!

"It's so perverted! The barrier of the goddess of the Chu family...isn't it too strong?!"

"Damn it! I have also seen monks who have understood the principles of imperialism, and their defensive power is definitely not so terrifying!"

"Can't break the defense! Can't break the defense at all!"

"Can it be that even the divine king's body can't help the goddess of the Chu family?!"

Everyone in the Immortal Realm was extremely amazed, but Jin Lingtian's face became even more ugly!

He did not hesitate and used his ultimate moves again. The visions in the sky erupted with terrifying power again and again, vowing to break through the barrier!

"The King of Gods shines upon the sun and the moon!"

"The God King is angry and the universe is shaking!"

One after another, he continued to use his terrifying magical powers, attacking the red barrier one after another. The surrounding space was crushed to pieces, and the earth was flattened and dented by nearly ten thousand feet in the aftermath!

But half an hour later.

After experiencing countless magical bombardments, the barrier is still strong and cannot be broken open at all!

The attitude of the people in the fairyland also changed from nervous staring to relaxed watching, and then to watching and appreciating the show!

Looking at Jin Lingtian, who had just killed all around, and displaying all kinds of terrifying magical powers there, but it was still useless.

They only felt inexplicably happy, and they just wanted to shout that it was exciting!

And Cang Luo and other people in the restricted area fell into silence.

Everyone's face was as ugly as eating Kun Kun, but because of Jin Lingtian's face, they did not dare to interfere with his actions without authorization.

But at this time, inside the barrier, Lin Xingyun was hugging Chu Weiluo's slender waist and looking into her eyes with affection.

"Weiluo, from the first time I saw you, I felt that you were very special, different from other women."

"Maybe... this is love at first sight."

Chu Weiluo was ecstatic when she heard it, her little pink legs were trembling constantly, her eyes were full of peach blossoms, and she responded in the same infatuated way.


"I...I also...fell in love at first sight!"


Lin Xingyun couldn't help but frown when he heard this long-lost title.

But the atmosphere was already here, and he didn't care about it, and immediately lowered his head slightly.

"Virgo! Come on! It seems like we're going to kiss!"

"Ah?! Kiss?! Lulu, what should I do?!"

"Just raise your head and pout your lips!"

"Oh oh! OK!"

Chu Lulu urged excitedly and shyly in her mind, and Chu Weiluo immediately did as she was told, pouting her rosy little mouth high, waiting for Lin Xingyun's love.

Lin Xingyun couldn't help laughing when he saw her cute look, but he still cooperated and pressed his lips against hers.

When the two of them were kissing each other, the people in the restricted area and the immortal realm cultivators all broke their defenses collectively!


"We are fighting to the death here, and these two are dating here?!

"I eat lemons! I want to break the barrier now!"

"Kill them! Yes, kill both!"

"One is buried in the extreme north of the fairyland, and the other is buried in the extreme south of the fairyland!"

When the male cultivators broke through the defense, the female cultivators looked at the two people in the barrier and envied them collectively.

"Mr. Lin is so smart! Isn't the goddess of the Chu family so happy? !"

"In such a dangerous situation of war, the two of them can still fall in love like this, what kind of fairy love is this? !"

"Juejuezi, Jimei, I also want the same Taoist partner!"

While everyone was talking and arguing, Jin Lingtian's face was completely ashen!

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