"It's a trivial matter, it's up to me!"

However, Chu Weiluo patted her small chest with confidence, then spread her arms, and a layer of dominion techniques burst out from her body, and in an instant it turned into a square red barrier.

The barrier was as transparent as a light curtain, but seemed to be as solid as gold. Including the nine-color jade ultimatum that Qin Di Yao was on, it protected the entire mountaintop from airtight!

After doing all this, Chu Weiluo clapped her little hands, hugged Lin Xingyun again, raised a smile and said proudly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin, don't talk about these little minions. Even if the quasi-emperor comes, they can't break through my defense!"

"Well, of course I believe in the goddess, but..."

"Can I, like Yaoyao, call the goddess Wei Luo from now on?"

Lin Xingyun's soul reached out and initially felt the terrifying defensive power of this barrier.

While he was extremely surprised, he also felt more reassured, so he lowered his head and continued to laugh softly.

"Yeah! Of course!"

"Then I...I also want to call Mr. Lin——"

Chu Weiluo's eyes sparkled with excitement and she nodded repeatedly. Just as she was about to speak, Chu Lulu's shy voice came to mind.

"Willow, otherwise..."

"He's so handsome...so good-looking!"

"I want to... just call him husband!"

"I have grown up and I have never called anyone else my husband..."

"Husband? What is this title? How strange."

"Forget it, since you like Lulu, I will listen to you and call him husband!"

"Yeah! Willow is so nice!"

Chu Lulu said shyly and expectantly. Chu Weiluo didn't want to refuse, so she immediately agreed, and then looked at Lin Xingyun with a lively smile.

"Mr. Lin, then...I will call you Lao from now on——"

Before she could say anything, a thousand-foot-long white bone giant spear shot out and hit the red barrier with the force of crushing mountains!


I saw that the giant white bone spear was like an egg hitting a stone, completely unable to break through the defense of the barrier. Instead, starting from the tip of the spear, it was blown away by the force of the counterattack until it shattered!

Under the isolation of the barrier, only a muffled sound was heard inside, but outside the barrier, it resounded like thunder for thousands of miles, which made the monks who were arriving marvel at it.

"The emperor's son Bai Wuyou, who was in the restricted area of ​​Minghai just now, took action!"

"The Emperor of the restricted area couldn't even break through the barrier when he tried to attack it. That Chu family goddess is so terrifying!"

"The nine-color jade tablet in the barrier is natural and extremely extraordinary. The vision of the sky and the earth just now was caused by its appearance in this world. It must be an incredible treasure!"

"Although the treasure is good, this is a battlefield between two realms after all. We are all monks in the Immortal Realm, so it's not easy to quarrel!"

"Let the people in the penalty area take the lead and hit the wall. Let's just wait and see for a while!"

The monks present are all saints, so naturally they are human beings and are unwilling to take risks easily.

After arriving at the seven sacred mountains, only people dared to go into the other six sacred mountains to search for leftovers, but no one dared to take the lead in attacking the red sacred mountain where Lin Xingyun and the others were.

Only the people in the restricted area dared to risk the disapproval of the world, and they gathered in the sky of the red sacred mountain like black clouds over the city!

Among them were eight figures, standing proudly at the forefront of the restricted area. They were the seven emperors and Qin Ji who was climbing up.

"There is something about this barrier. Is it the evolution of the Tao of Yu?"

"Hmph! I have also fought against geniuses who have understood the principles of imperialism. Although the defense is strong, it has its limits. I can break it with one force!"

"Hurry up and break it! Kill that kid, and the nine-color jade slate will be distributed then!"

The six emperor sons, including Bai Wuyou and Cang Luo, were already gearing up. Looking at the Ten Thousand Dao Creation Jade, everyone's eyes were filled with greed.

But Cang Luo, who had first seen Lin Xingyun's power, was very wary now. He turned to look at the blond man at the core of the eight of them.

The man was dressed in a dazzling gold robe and wore a purple gold crown. He had a chiseled face and a tall and burly figure. He exuded the majesty of a superior person like a born emperor, making people intimidated. There was also a kind of sacred light lingering around him, as if he contained unimaginable power. The terrifying power!

"Brother Jin, please take charge of the overall situation!"

Cang Luo took a very low posture and raised his hands to ask for instructions from the man. Upon seeing this, several other emperors also looked at the man. Not only did they have no objections, but they all respected him implicitly.

"Presiding over the overall situation?"

"Surrounding and killing several princes here is not embarrassing enough?"

"You guys go ahead and seize the jade certificate. I will have my own say."

Jin Lingtian's eyes were shining like stars. He just glanced at the barrier and gave cold instructions.

Chapter 354 The emperor’s son besieged, hp-1

"Brother Jin, this..."

Cang Luo and the other six emperors looked ugly when they saw Jin Lingtian being so bossy, but no one dared to speak out against it.

Just because Jin Lingtian's majestic power has already penetrated into their hearts, even among the elders and powerful men in the four restricted areas, there is a consensus that Jin Lingtian is the first person in the saint realm today, and he has the appearance of becoming an immortal!

"Forget it, revenge is important now!"

"We must work together to kill that boy and that bitch first, otherwise the jade certificate will not fall into our hands!"

Cang Luo and Bai Wuyou looked at each other, quickly communicated and made a plan, and then they all took action, using their magical powers to bombard the red square barrier.

The other emperors also have ulterior motives, but they still plan to work together to break the barrier first, and then they will each rely on their own abilities!

The auras of the emperors surged like raging waves, and all kinds of quasi-emperor-level and emperor-level magical powers in the restricted area were exerted towards the barrier, as if to annihilate the whole world into ashes!



The earth-shaking explosion spread thousands of miles around, and the earth was shaking, but the barrier remained motionless, without even a crack!

"If these six princes of the restricted area attack, the Great Saint Realm will also be bloody, right? They can't even break the barrier?!"

"Too scary! The Chu family goddess's damn defense, is the way of control really that powerful?"

"She is so amazing at the king and prince level, I really don't know who will be able to break her defense in the future?!"

"But no matter how strong the barrier defense is, it still needs spiritual power to support it. Now those princes are besieging together. Although they can't break the barrier for a while, it will definitely cause huge consumption for the Chu family goddess!"

"Wait until her spiritual power is exhausted, then it's hard to say!"

The army of immortal cultivators in the distance looked at the battle situation, all of them were amazed, but they only dared to do intense oral gymnastics, and no one dared to rashly step forward to participate in the battle.

At this time, Chu Weiluo, who was in the barrier, was very relaxed. Lin Xingyun sat cross-legged, and she lay on Lin Xingyun's lap pillow with joy at Lin Xingyun's invitation.

It doesn't seem like they are under siege at all, but rather like they are out for a spring outing!

"Virgo, do you think your barrier can last until Yaoyao's enlightenment is over?"

"Of course! This is just the beginning?"

Chu Weiluo's hands were still not honest, rubbing and touching Lin Xingyun's body, and she was still full of confidence.

"Lulu, analyze how long it can last?"

"Virgo, this little attack doesn't hurt at all!"

"It's just like fighting the monsters in an online game, hp-1, hp-1, hp-1, hp-1, it's so easy!"

"It's no problem to last for two and a half years!"

"Well, but Lulu, what is an online game? What is a monster? What is hp?

"Ah... this, it's nothing, Weiluo, you heard it wrong!"

"Humph! Say some weird things again! "

Chu Lulu's performance of trying to cover up her guilt made Chu Weiluo pout in dissatisfaction, but she didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, she drooled again and immersed herself in Lin Xingyun's beauty.

A quarter of an hour later, the fierce killing outside the barrier was still earth-shaking. An emperor's son shot out 360 miniature stars in an instant, which was enough to collapse a large space, but still couldn't shake the barrier at all!

Others also used up their ultimate moves and magic weapons, but they also achieved nothing!

And Qin Ji, who was mixed in with the six emperors and had also tried many times without success, was thinking fast.

He stopped and sent a message loudly to Lin Xingyun in the barrier in front of everyone.

"Lin Xingyun, you are the young master of the Changsheng Lin family, but you are so timid and cowardly that you only know how to hide behind a woman to survive!"

"You have disgraced the faces of your eighteen generations of ancestors in the Lin family! ”

“No wonder your father Lin Chen died so early, he must have been pissed off by you, a filial son! Haha——————!”

His arrogant voice resounded in all directions, obviously wanting to humiliate Lin Xingyun in front of everyone in the fairyland and provoke him to jump out of the barrier for a fight.

“The Qin family’s holy son is really a piece of shit, working so hard as a lackey for those people in the restricted area!”

“Good dog, really a good dog!”

“A man who knows the times is a hero, all the Qin family members are like this!”

“Map cannon, right? I am also a branch of the Qin family, why am I not as dog-like as him?”

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