Lin Xingyun took her into his arms and explained with a smile.

"Yao Yao, what you just said was right."

"If you have it, I have it!"

He did not tell Qin Diyao that as long as the two of them broke the window paper in the future, they would complete the union.

So whatever principles Qin Di Yao masters, he can also use them directly!

Who can refuse this kind of happiness of eating two things with one fish?

"Nebula! You..."

Qin Diyao looked at his firm expression and knew that she couldn't refuse, so she could only lie on Lin Xingyun's shoulder with both emotion and guilt.

After a while, she raised her face and looked at Lin Xingyun with firm eyes.

"Xingyun, don't worry, I won't use your treasure in vain."

"In the future I will be invincible, and no one in this world will be able to hurt you!"

"Well, I believe you, Yaoyao is the best!"

Lin Xingyun rubbed her head encouragingly, making Qin Diyao pat his chest in embarrassment, while the confidence in her eyes became more and more abundant!

And Chu Weiluo watched these two people spreading dog food there unscrupulously, especially Lin Xingyun, who actually gave Qin Diyao the use of the nine-color jade slate.

She was so envious that tears flowed from the corners of her mouth, and she pouted her little mouth in grievance, as if she had hundreds of pools of vinegar filled in her heart.

At this time, Chu Lulu's voice also sounded in her mind at the right time.

"Willow, I want to sing a song..."

"Lulu, do you still have the heart to sing at this time?!"

"I think there is a song that suits both of us particularly well."

"??I should be under the car~??, not in the car~??"

"How sweet it is to see you~??"

Chu Lulu sang with a crying voice, which made Chu Weiluo feel more and more uncomfortable. Her big eyes were filled with tears, and she was about to cry!

"That's enough! Stop singing!"

"Lulu, you're a loser! What's the use of just being able to sing? Hurry up and find a way to get this man. I want to kiss and hug them both!"

Chu Weiluo roared in her heart, but Chu Lulu was still pitiful and weakly replied.

"Willow, what can I do? I have never found a man..."

"Hmph! You're such an old man and you haven't found a man yet. You're such a loser!"

"Willow, have you ever found a man?"


"Obviously you haven't looked for it! And you still say I'm not good..."

Chu Weiluo was embarrassed for a while, and she was obviously completely inexperienced, so Chu Lulu turned back resentfully.

"Oh, that's good! Just practice more dishes! Let's start with Mr. Lin!"

"Okay, then you practice first and I'll learn!"

"Just practice! Hmph!"

Chu Weiluo snorted unconvinced and immediately approached Lin Xingyun and Qin Diyao.

She closed her eyes tightly, flushed her face, and mustered up the courage to speak loudly.

"Yao Yao, Mr. Lin, I too... I also want to hug you!"

Lin Xingyun and Qin Diyao, who were still making out, were stunned for a moment. They both turned around and looked at this naive girl with strange expressions on their faces.

But after the two of them looked at each other, they both showed understanding smiles.

Qin Diyao gently broke away from Lin Xingyun's arms, then pulled Chu Weiluo with a gentle smile and pushed her into Lin Xingyun's arms.

"You two hug me, I will go to enlightenment first."

Then she walked lightly and was about to step into the nine-color jade ultimatum.


However, before she could move, a small gray snake suddenly sprang out of her sleeves. It spit out snake letters and flew towards Lin Xingyun, wrapping itself around his waist affectionately.

"Cailin, long time no see!"

"Huh? Are you already in the saint realm? Why haven't you transformed yet?"

Lin Xingyun rubbed Cailin's snake body and couldn't help but feel a little confused after feeling the other person's state.

"I don't know either. When this happens, you can take Cailin to the headmaster and the others to have a look."

Qin Diyao sighed softly, let them reminisce about the past, and stepped directly into the nine-color jade ultimatum.

The Ten Thousand Dao Creation Jade immediately burst out with thousands of rays of light, and the power of Dao spread like a silk screen, quickly turning into a flower of the Dao, shrouding Qin Di Yao in the center of the flower bud.

When Lin Xingyun saw that Qin Diyao was already sitting cross-legged in the center of the Flower of the Avenue, officially beginning to realize the Tao without any danger, he felt relieved and stretched out his hand, a small ball of chaotic green lotus fire appeared at his fingertips.


Cailin's snake eyes immediately shone, and she took the ball of fairy fire and Lin Xingyun's fingers into her mouth with great surprise.

Feeling the warmth coming from his fingers, Lin Xingyun couldn't help but have a strange look on his face.

"If this little snake can never transform, I'm afraid it's still inappropriate..."

"Even if Xu Xian is reincarnated, he won't be so vigorous!"

He shook his head. Even for a pervert like him, he still thought this was too perverted.

Chapter 353 Dark Clouds Overwhelm the City

Then she stopped paying attention to Cailin, and instead looked down at Chu Weiluo and teased.

"Goddess Chu, Yaoyao and you are really close."

"To be so generous, I don't reject you at all."

"Hehe! Yaoyao likes me! I like her too!"

With a proud look on her face, Chu Weiluo continued to push in quietly, getting closer to Lin Xingyun.

"Master Lin, smell so good..."

She greedily sniffed Lin Xingyun's unique aroma, looked up at his rare and handsome face, and felt her mind agitated and intoxicated, and her little hands couldn't help but start touching around!

"Ding! Get 10,000 attribute points!"

"Ding! Get 5000 attribute points!"

"Yeah! Touch it, it's more than ten thousand!"

"Master Lin seems to have more attribute points than Yaoyao!"

Chu Weiluo was surprised and happy, and when she saw that Lin Xingyun had no intention of objecting, her little hands became even more unable to restrain themselves, and she immediately started licking him everywhere!

Lin Xingyun felt the other party's dirty hands, and felt that except for the key parts such as Kunkun, he was almost touched by this gangster-like girl, and he was a little confused about whether to laugh or cry for a moment.

Although he had read the system prompts and knew that the other party might be doing it partly because he wanted it, and partly because he wanted to get attribute points from him!

But he still couldn't bear it anymore and immediately stopped the other party.

"Ding! The host makes the girl of destiny feel itchy, and she will be rewarded with an additional 5,000 points of destiny!"

"Ding! The host has made the daughter of Destiny extremely happy, and will be rewarded with an additional 10,000 Destiny Points!"

But soon, a system prompt rang in his mind, causing him to stop talking again.

"Forget it, helping others is the basis of happiness. Let her touch a lot of meat!"

"She gets attribute points, and I get destiny points."

"This wave, this wave is a win-win situation!"

After Lin Xingyun figured it out, he remained calm and continued to let the little girl in his arms do whatever he wanted.

After a while, he raised his eyebrows and lowered his head with a half-smile.

"Goddess Chu, stop touching me, someone is coming."

"Ah?! Who... who's coming?!"

Chu Weiluo was still intoxicated when she suddenly woke up.

Then he looked to the south and saw groups of monks from the Immortal Realm, rushing towards here like crucian carp crossing the river!

They were all attracted by the shocking news of the arrival of the Ten Thousand Dao Creation Jade, which came in force and was extremely powerful!

"Yao Yao is fully enlightening the Tao in the Ten Thousand Dao Creation Jade, and it must not be interrupted during this period."

"You saw it just now. The temptation of Ten Thousand Dao Creation Jade is not trivial. Even if we are monks in the Immortal Realm, we won't be merciful. By then, most of these people will probably be enemies!"

Lin Xingyun looked at the thick crowd, with a trace of murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

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