"Yaoyao, feel it, is it familiar?"

"I have killed Qin Yiren, and I have also taken his Supreme Heavenly Bone, which has been fused with your Supreme Flying Immortal Bone."

"Well...thank you...it's hard for you..."

Qin Diyao felt the surging resonance in Lin Xingyun's chest, and knew that the two Supreme Bones she had grown had indeed been gathered and fused, and were calling her eagerly!

At the same time, her eyes were filled with tears. When she thought that Lin Xingyun was willing to offend the Changsheng Qin family to death for her, her feelings were no longer restrained.

"Ding! The host moved the daughter of destiny inexplicably, and an additional 30,000 points of destiny were awarded!"

"The daughter of destiny's favorability has increased, and the current favorability is 95 [Unswerving until death]!"

"Very good, continue to increase the intensity!"

Lin Xingyun listened to the system prompt and directly took out the Daluo Dao Sword.

"Yaoyao, I dug out your Feixian Supreme Bone to purify it. A hundred years have passed, and it has finally been purified by me."

"These two Supreme Bones were originally yours. Now that they have merged into one, it is time to return them to you."

As he said this, he smiled calmly and raised his sword to cut his heart.

Qin Diyao was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he hurriedly held Lin Xingyun's arm tightly.

"No! Don't!"

"You warned me at the beginning that the Supreme Bone is just an external object. I want to walk my own invincible path and can't rely too much on these things..."

"Those two bones... Keep them for yourself... I don't need them..."

Qin Diyao said this with great toughness, but he subconsciously touched Lin Xingyun's heart to check, as if he was afraid that he would be scratched by the sword just now.

"But Yaoyao, do you think... I am coveting your supreme bone?"

"You want to be invincible, am I a scoundrel who relies on external things?"

Lin Xingyun put down the Daluo Dao Sword and frowned, looking reluctant.

"No, I know... you are not that kind of person!"

"It's just a piece of bone, if you have it... I have it..."

Qin Diyao was obviously very emotional, and couldn't help leaning on Lin Xingyun's arms, blushing and whispering softly.

Lin Xingyun once again held her firmly in his arms, with a smile of "planning is in place" on his lips.

The Daluo Dao Sword in his hand emitted a glowing gray light, and the sword body kept humming, as if scolding the owner's shamelessness!

Tell a joke, Lin Xingyun poked himself with his own sword!

It would be a miracle if he could be hurt!

The key is that someone really believed it and stopped him!

"Poor little cat, being played around by him!"

The Daluo Dao Sword was already full of spirituality, and it wanted to fly up and really strike the beast Lin Xingyun with a sword!

At this time, while Lin Xingyun was stroking Qin Diyao's body, his eyes lit up and he noticed a recent opportunity in Qin Diyao's attribute panel.

Chapter 351 Secret Treasure, Wandao Creation Jade

"【Recent Opportunities】: Because Lin Xingyun caused the seven treasure mountains to appear, the final secret treasure of the Wandao Small World, Wandao Creation Jade, appeared. After entering Wandao Creation Jade, he had an epiphany and finally realized the strongest Dao in the world. The road to invincibility in the world began from now on!"

"Wandao Creation Jade? Is this treasure the same as these seven sacred mountains, or does it still need me to trigger it?"

"The strongest Dao in the world? It is even higher than the Dao of Destiny?!"

"Good guy! I call it good guy!"

Lin Xingyun looked at the kitten in his arms and said in his heart that it was you. Although it was very outrageous, it was still reasonable!

He also understood the appearance of Wandao Creation Jade in his heart, so he gently let Qin Diyao go, turned to sit cross-legged, and ordered the two girls of destiny to protect him for a while.

Then he used all his strength to activate the innate Dao embryo physique anomaly, and a huge Dao fairy bell of a thousand feet appeared on the top.

As it slowly rotated, the Dao rhythm was natural, and even the seven treasure mountains seemed to be trembling with the rotation of the immortal bell!

He did not stop, and took out the essence of the Dao Lingyu that he had collected along the way.

After his clever seizure, he saw that it was a hazy ball of light dozens of feet in size, with wind, fire, thunder and lightning, rain, snow, light and darkness, and countless innate Dao forces rolling and surging in it.

It can be said that this ball of light formed by the essence of the Dao, even if it is stuffed into hundreds of saints to absorb and refine, it will definitely create hundreds of great saints on the spot!

But at this time, this ball of treasure was roughly thrown into the vision of the Great Dao Immortal Bell by Lin Xingyun.

It was like adding fuel to the fire, making the vision power of the innate Dao embryo as fierce as a burning fire!




The sound of bells ringing like the power of heaven resounded throughout the universe, one after another, and the majestic and powerful Dao rhyme continued to surge like a wave, as if to awaken the silent Wandao world!

And this small world also cooperated to continuously show thousands of strange phenomena of heaven and earth, sometimes nine-colored strange flowers appeared all over the ground, and sometimes thunder mixed with rain, snow, wind and frost fell, as if it was resonating with Lin Xingyun's innate Dao embryo vision!

And the cultivators of the two domains in the Wandao world naturally noticed the changes in heaven and earth, and rushed towards this central area together.

But before the two sides had fully assembled, they saw that the seven constantly shaking sacred mountains suddenly shone brightly, and huge beams of light burst out from the seven mountain peaks at the same time, rushing straight into the distant clouds!

Not long after, a vast expanse of nine-colored auspicious clouds appeared in the sky, and unimaginable strong power of Tao escaped from it. The charm of the Tao was so rich that even if you throw a Kun into it, you might have an epiphany and ascend, turning into a Kunpeng. !




After Lin Xingyun continued to push with all his strength, he struck the bell ninety-nine and eighty-one times.

The nine-color auspicious cloud finally slowly parted, and a seven-foot-wide nine-color jade ultimatum that illuminated the world with its brilliance slowly descended from it!

"Then...what is that?!"

"You still have to ask?! This rhyme and spirit are definitely an incredible treasure!"

"Just looking at that jade certificate, my Great Sage bottleneck has begun to loosen!"

"I have a hunch that if I can get it, I will be able to attain enlightenment and become an emperor in the future!"

"It's too small! It's too small! It's obviously possible to become an immortal!"

The monks who were sadly picking up leaks on the other six sacred mountains were all red-eyed when they saw the Wandao Jade appearing in the world, and the greed in their hearts could not be contained at all!

Although under the intimidation of Qin Diyao and Chu Weiluo, most people still did not dare to act rashly.

But there are still people who want to take a big shot and immediately rise up from the sky to fight for the Ten Thousand Dao Jade of Creation!


When Chu Weiluo saw this, she looked displeased and raised her little arm to punch him!

A black fist light erupted violently, knocking two monks who were close to the Wandao Creation Jade and sending them flying thousands of miles away!

Then she punched three times in a row, and the three punches were like three heavy cannons, blasting the monks who were desperate to seize the treasure, causing the magic treasure to shatter and spurt blood and fly backwards!

As soon as she took action, everyone's greed was instantly shattered!

"This goddess of the Chu family... is so overbearing!"

"We are both monks in the Immortal Realm, so we should be there to help each other, but they still attack us so arrogantly!"

"That's right! What this fellow Taoist said is right. He also asked you to go up and negotiate with the goddess of the Chu family and let her share some of the treasures. We will definitely support you!"

"No, no, no! I was born deaf. I didn't hear what you just said clearly. It would be better for you, fellow Taoist, to go!"

"What a coincidence, isn't it? I'm actually mute and not good at socializing. I'd better ask other fellow Taoists to die!"

Although the monks were indignant, none of them dared to stand up and die. They could only watch the nine-color jade tablet land on the top of the red sacred mountain.

At this time, Lin Xingyun was still sitting cross-legged, watching the jade slip fall in front of him very obediently.

Chapter 352 Eat two fish for one fish

"Is this the Wandao Creation Jade? It's really extraordinary!"

Lin Xingyun looked at the infinite Taoist charm emanating from the jade tablet, and felt his body and mind being washed, knowing that this treasure had extraordinary magical effects.

Moreover, his physique and the jade ultimatum echoed each other, which made him clearly understand the usage and efficacy of the jade ultimatum.

But after he saw Qin Diyao's recent opportunity reminder, he already had a plan. He immediately stood up and took Qin Diyao's little hand, smiling gently.

"Yao Yao, this is the biggest secret treasure in this world, the Ten Thousand Daos Creation Jade!"

"This jade ultimatum can only be used by one person once. Please prepare it and sit in the jade ultimatum later."

"What?! You want to give such a precious treasure to me?!"

"No, I'll give this treasure to you——"

Qin Diyao said in shock and was about to refuse immediately.

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