"Yao Yao, try this! This is our Chuzhou specialty, it's delicious!"

A pretty girl wearing a red embroidered skirt and a bun, took a bunch of soft glutinous pastries covered in sugar and happily stuffed them into the mouth of the woman next to her.

She was only five feet tall, almost exactly the same as the other girl next to her. She had a thin and unremarkable body, and the red dress clung to her body tightly, but couldn't hold it up at all.

But her eyebrows were pretty and cute, and her fair and delicate face had a lively smile. When she looked at Qin Di Yao, her expression was full of unconcealable affection.

"Willow, calm down, this is a battlefield after all."

Qin Diyao reluctantly advised, but still chewed the delicious food in his mouth quickly, obviously not taking it seriously.

A hundred years later, she is still wearing a black dress without any decoration, but her appearance is unparalleled, her eyes are pure and flawless, but her expression is not as happy as it was a hundred years ago, but has a bit more vicissitudes and vicissitudes. A sense of maturity.

At this time, she had already hidden her cat ears and tail features, just like a simple mortal girl, not showing off, just sitting quietly eating snacks.

"Why are you restraining yourself? Who dares to care about us two?"

"And don't you just want to fight with those little minions on the opposite side? I'll take care of them all by myself later!"

Chu Weiluo remained relaxed, took the half-eaten pastry from Qin Diyao, and stuffed it into her mouth.

At the same time, he waved his small arms towards the outside of the border, and clenched his slender and white right hand into a pink fist, proudly showing off his strength.

These extremely arrogant words and actions left everyone around him speechless!

"That's crazy! Whose little girl is this? She is quite beautiful, but why is her brain so bad at such a young age?!"

"This is the immortal goddess Chu Weiluo of the Chu family. It is said that her cultivation qualifications are unparalleled in ancient and modern times. She is the chosen person of the Chu family who is not seen in a million years!"

"It doesn't matter if she is someone you haven't met in millions of years. It's outrageous for a prince to be so mad!"

"The foreign land attaches great importance to this battle, and the twelve imperial clans have sent a large number of people here!"

"There are many true emperors among them. Once the war starts, even if we all come together, we dare not say that we can compete!"

"The goddess of the Chu family said that she wanted to deal with him alone!"

"This is too ignorant! Young people are too young after all!"

While all the monks were discussing, they couldn't help but look towards the wasteland beyond the border.

In the foreign camp, in addition to a large number of foreign monks waiting in formation, there were also twelve Iron Thrones stretched across the sky!

There is a figure sitting on each Iron Throne, all exuding the purest aura of superiors, as if they were born emperors, with indescribable dignity, overlooking all the creatures below indifferently from a high position.

The monks below didn't even dare to look up too much, just because the twelve of them were the best among the twelve imperial clans in the foreign land, and some of them were even the true heirs of the great emperor!

Among the twelve Iron Thrones, there was a middle-aged man in black robes. His face was livid at this time, his knuckles were clenched, and the rolling murderous intent could hardly be contained, and it almost condensed into substance around him!

"What's wrong Yuan Pi, you don't look right, what happened?"

There was a person on the throne beside him who was waving a folding fan. Seeing his strange expression, he asked with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a small matter."

Yuan Pi's face was gloomy and he didn't say anything clearly, but boundless anger was already welling up in his heart!

Just now, a life tablet he stored in the Qiankun Ring was broken. It was the life tablet of his most beloved legitimate son Yuan Rui!

"How is that possible! Our side has an absolute advantage over Zhenliang Pass, how can we still lose?!"

"Who is it! Who killed my son?!"

"If I find you, I will torture you thousands of times, and then drain your essence, blood, and origin to vent my hatred!"

Yuan Pi's face was gloomy, but he didn't reveal his thoughts, and he still sat calmly.

Naturally, the Fairyland side could not detect their strangeness, and could still only feel the terrifying power of the twelve Iron Thrones in the sky!

Chapter 331 The Holy Son of the Qin Family, give it a test

Everyone knows that the strength of the foreign monks is stronger than that of the fairyland. The twelve iron thrones sitting on the twelve iron thrones are the most famous figures in the foreign land. They must be incredibly tyrannical!

At this time, the twelve Iron Thrones are like twelve sharp swords, floating above the heads of everyone in the fairyland. They don't know when they will fall down and kill everyone to hell!

Everyone looked at the twelve Iron Thrones and couldn't help but feel nervous. They even stopped talking about Qin Diyao and Chu Weiluo.

Only a few people were still secretly transmitting messages, complaining that the border officials were playing the piano randomly and actually dragged these two little girls over to die!

Just as everyone was gradually concentrating and waiting for the battle to begin, monks from the pass were still coming from the sky to help in the battle.

Among them was a young man with an extraordinary bearing who was wearing a luxurious crane cloak and came across the space passage with more than a dozen elder saints from the clan.

"Huh? That is... Qin Ji, the first saint of the Qin family!"

"It is said that he has reached the perfection of the saint realm three hundred years ago. He is invincible with the magical power of Qilin. He is the first person in the immortal Qin family's saint realm!"

"With him here to help us fight, we will have a better chance of winning!"

After some people recognized Qin Ji's identity, they nodded in admiration and even took the initiative to talk to him.

Qin Ji simply dealt with it, then swept through the crowd and quickly located Qin Diyao's figure. Apparently, he had already sent someone to check the information and knew that the other party must be here at this time.

With a deep smile in his eyes, he led his clansmen to Qin Di Yao unhurriedly and saluted politely.

"You are polite, sister of the Di Yao tribe. I am Qin Jijun, the holy son of the Qin family. I am here to bring you back to the Qin family."

Qin Diyao frowned her delicate eyebrows, looked at him as if looking at a fool, then turned back and replied coldly.

"No need."

Qin Ji had already expected this, and still said with a gentle smile.

"You don't have to be like this, sister of the Di Yao tribe. You may have heard that Qin Yiren, the god son of our tribe, has died in the Void Immortal Palace."

"When a person dies, it's like a lamp goes out. Maybe some of the grudges from the past should be eliminated."

"To be honest, what their father and son did back then were greatly despised by many of our fellow tribesmen!"

"If you, sister, are still worried about what happened back then, you should at least return to the clan. Today is different from the past. As blood relatives, we will naturally try to ask the elders of the clan to uphold justice for you!"

Qin Ji's righteous demeanor made Qin Diyao frown even more.

She also heard some news a few days ago, saying that Qin Yiren was dead and the Qin family was holding a funeral, but they did not dare to go into the wasteland to look for Qin Yiren's bones. After hearing this, she naturally felt that a great revenge had been avenged. of pleasure.

But it didn't take long for her to regain her composure, because she knew that the mastermind who dug up her Supreme Bones and framed her parents was still Qin Yiren's father, Qin Ziyan, the current head of the Qin family.

If the culprit is not eliminated, she will feel uneasy!

"Qin Yiren is dead, and Qin Ziyan has no successor..."

"You asked me to return to Qin's house because you want to use me to criticize Qin Ziyan again?"

Qin Diyao also quickly understood and responded coldly, her eyes as if she had read all the warmth and coldness of human emotions, extremely calm.

"Well, the clan sister is so straightforward, so I can't explain much."

"But the Di Yao girl can still think more about it. After all, it will be of great benefit to you."

"Don't you want to wander outside all your life and work hard on your own? Don't you want to return to the clan and be fully cultivated by the clan?"

Qin Ji did not quibble, knowing that the other party was not a fish in the pool, but directly offered inducements.

"In no mood."

"Stay away from me."

Qin Diyao turned his back completely and didn't even look at Qin Ji. His attitude was already very clear.

"Oh! Sister Di Yao, young people, don't be too arrogant!"

Qin Ji also wanted to give a "heartfelt" admonishment. After all, Qin Diyao had a special status. She was a hybrid of the human race and the demon race, so no matter how talented she was, she would not be designated as the next young master of the family.

It can be said that it is not a big threat, but also has infinite uses. He naturally wants to win the other party into his camp!

When Chu Weiluo saw that he wanted to continue lobbying, she immediately became impatient. She stood up and threatened him with her small fist waving at him.

"Yao Yao asked you to stay away from us. Are you deaf?"

"Huh? Is she the goddess of the Chu family?"

Qin Ji recognized the other party's identity, the smile in his eyes became stronger, and he immediately raised his hand and saluted with a smile.

"The goddess is polite. I am Qin Ji, the first saint of the Changsheng Qin family. When the Chu family held the goddess's banquet, I happened to be present. I was lucky enough to meet the goddess. I am truly lucky————"

"Hey, hey, are you leaving? If you don't leave, I'm going to take action!"

Chu Weiluo lost her patience, and immediately rolled up some of the sleeves of her right hand, clenched her pink fist, let out a sigh of relief, and was ready to take action!

"Ha...ha! The goddess really knows how to joke..."

When Qin Ji saw the other party's attitude, although he was extremely annoyed, he could only apologize with an awkward but polite smile.

"To be honest, I have perfected the Saint Realm. I am only one step away from reaching the Great Saint Realm. I am still somewhat capable."

"I know that the Goddess and the Emperor Yao girl are here to participate in the war, but the Saint Realm battlefield is too dangerous. Although you two have unlimited potential, your cultivation is still shallow after all."

"What do you think of this? When the battle begins later, Goddess, you and the Di Yao girl will stay with all of us in the Qin family. I am willing to swear on my life that I will never let you suffer any harm!"

Qin Ji solemnly promised, as if he wanted to bring Chu Weiluo to his side to complete the unfinished task of marrying the Chu family and marrying Qin and Chu!

However, when Chu Weiluo heard what he said, her eyes lit up, a sly and smug smile appeared on her face, and then she pretended to thank Qin Ji.

"The battlefield in the saint realm is indeed very dangerous and dangerous. It is rare for the saint son of the Qin family to be so kind, so Wei Luo will thank you in advance!"

"But Holy Son, you said you want to protect me and Yaoyao, so can you let me test your strength first, Holy Son?"

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