"Oh? Good! Goddess, come and try! How would you like to test first?"

Qin Ji looked at the other party's innocent and cute little face, and saw that the other party's cultivation was only perfect in the king realm, so he naturally had no defense and agreed without hesitation.

"It's very simple, Saint Son, take my punch. If you can stabilize your body within a thousand feet, the test will be passed, how about it?"

Chu Weiluo rubbed her hands and proposed to Qin Ji with a sly smile.

But as soon as she said this, it was like a huge rock smashed into a deep mountain pool, and everyone around, including Qin Ji, was completely stunned!

Qin Ji didn't even react to what the other party meant!

Chapter 332 Saint Son is just like this? Chu Lulu

In Qin Ji's cognition, the difference between the king realm and the saint realm cannot be said to be a world of difference, at least it can be said to be a world of difference!

If an ordinary king realm cultivator punches him, let alone repel him, I'm afraid he will be hit by the saint's body and his tendons and bones will be broken!

But looking at the excited and eager Chu Weiluo in front of him, he laughed secretly in his heart, thinking that she was really ignorant, and he couldn't help showing a playful look on his face.

He made a polite gesture, spread his hands and smiled at Chu Weiluo.

"Goddess, if you have such a refined taste, I am willing to accompany you."

"But please be careful, Goddess, although I am not a saint who specializes in physical cultivation, after all, I am also————"

"Watch the punch!"

Before Qin Ji finished speaking, a small pink fist came over with Chu Weiluo's delicate cry!

"Hmm? How could there be such a reckless girl? She didn't even use the Dao rules or magical powers, and just threw a punch like that?"

"It seems that I have to relax my defense a little, so as not to really hurt her by the backlash, which would be embarrassing..."

"Hmm? What————?!"

Qin Ji was just about to greatly weaken his body's protective spiritual power, when he felt an indescribable force, like a heavy hammer made of stars, hitting his chest!


With a violent sonic boom, he was immediately smashed like a cannonball, and in the blink of an eye, he broke through the sky and was thrown out of Zhenlong Pass!

"Freeze it for me!"

When Qin Ji reacted, he suddenly burst out with spiritual power to freeze his body, but found that it was still difficult to stop!

After flying thousands of feet, he completely burst out into the form of a deep yellow unicorn, and finally stopped in mid-air.


But he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood. He subconsciously touched his chest and found that a five-inch square dent had been smashed into his sternum!


"How is it possible?! She is a prince, and she just punched... and she could beat my holy body like this?!"

Qin Ji's face was as pale as gold paper, and he still couldn't believe what he saw!

The monks on Zhenlong Pass were also completely stunned, and they didn't understand what had just happened!

A powerful saint, and the extremely respected son of the Qin family, was actually knocked away by a prince cultivator with a punch, and was beaten to vomit blood, and couldn't even stop his body!

This incredible scene shocked everyone in silence!

After Chu Weiluo threw this punch, she clenched her fist in the air in the direction where Qin Ji flew out.

"Ding! Gain 1000 attribute points!"

"Tsk! You only got 1000 attribute points after I punched you, you're such a loser!"

A soft reminder sounded in Chu Weiluo's mind, causing her to curl her lips in dissatisfaction.

Then she clapped her hands, looked at Qin Ji and shook her head with a disdainful smile.

"That's all the Qin family's saint is? That's all?"

"Still want to protect me and Yaoyao? You better save your breath!"

As she said that, she smiled and took Qin Diyao's arm beside her, patted her shoulder quietly, and stretched out her hand to hold it.

"Ding! Gain 5000 attribute points!"

"Hehe! Yaoyao is still the best! You don't have to do anything to her, and all the attribute points on her body will explode!"

Chu Weiluo looked at her good sister beside her, and felt that she was like a walking attribute point gift bag, which made her like her more and more!

After all, when the two met for the first time, when she saw the countless attribute points on Qin Diyao's body, she decided to be a good sister with Qin Diyao for life!

"Ding! Please ask if you should continue to add attribute points... to the defense value?"

At this time, the weak voice in Chu Weiluo's mind sounded again, as if asking carefully.

"Defense against you! I have said it many times, add all attribute points to my strength value in the future! I want strength, more strength!"

"Oh oh! Okay, okay! Don't be mean to me... Weiluo..."

"Oh! Lulu, you are really! I'm sorry, but you have to be more obedient!"

Chu Weiluo held her forehead with a headache, and helplessly coaxed the pitiful and weak female voice in her mind.

At the same time, she couldn't help but recall the scene when the two first met.

Since she was unsealed from the family's ancestral land five years ago, there was suddenly such a voice in her mind.

The other party called himself the "Destiny Point Adding System" and said that because she was the one and only destiny girl among billions, he chose to live in her body to help her become an emperor and immortal, and reach the pinnacle of the immortal realm in the future!

And then he gave her a novice gift package————9,999,999 attribute points!

These attribute points can be used to increase her strength, defense, speed, life, soul, and even charm, figure, and other attributes. They have endless uses!

After Chu Weiluo realized the magical effect of this system, she was very excited and immediately wanted to use these more than nine million attribute points to give herself a huge boost!

As a result, just when she was about to increase her height and body measurements a few times, she found that the attribute points she had just received had been cleared in one go!

Taking another look at his attributes, the defense value has increased by an impressive 9,999,999 points!

This has far exceeded all of his other attribute values, and it seems so dazzling and shocking!

"Ding! I'm sorry host, if you get hurt in the future, I will feel it..."

"People...people are more afraid of pain..."

"So I have to add more defense value first... I'm sorry..."

When Chu Weiluo listened to the other party's explanation, she immediately felt bad!

A system with such a powerful function has such a weak personality, and is as afraid of pain as a petite mortal girl!

But after all, it was her own system, so she could only make do with it. How could she leave it?

As she became more familiar with the system, she named the system with its soft and waxy voice "Chu Lulu".

After getting along day and night for a long time, the two gradually became sisters who talked about everything, and Chu Weiluo also discovered that although the other party had a useless personality, her functions were still very powerful!

As long as you confront the enemy in battle and injure the enemy, attribute points will be exploded from the opponent. If you kill the enemy, more attribute points will be exploded. As the enemy becomes stronger, the attribute points exploded will also become larger. Exponential growth!

And since she first gained attribute points against an enemy and added them to her strength.

She was intoxicated by the wonderful feeling of a sudden surge in body strength without any side effects!

From that moment on, she made up her mind that her future attribute points would only be added to [Strength Value]!

I want to take the path of defeating all laws with strength, and in the future I will use the great way of strength to prove the truth and become an emperor!

Chapter 333 The Emperor of the Forbidden Zone targets Qin Di Yao

"Lulu, remember, if you have attribute points in the future, you can only add strength points to me, not defense points!"

"Now I receive a full blow from the Great Saint Realm and I don't feel anything at all. How could I still be injured or in pain?"

"Really! With such a high defense value, I don't know how I will find a man in the future..."

Chu Weiluo pouted her mouth slightly and complained in her heart angrily.

"Willow, can you... stop looking for a man in such a hurry?"

"I...I'm a little scared..."

In her mind, Chu Lulu begged aggrievedly, like a young girl who couldn't leave the house, feeling very nervous and afraid about finding a man.

"Oh, don't worry! I just said it casually, did you really think I was thinking about spring?"

"There is no man in the Immortal Realm who can fall into my eyes now!"

She was already extremely talented, and after she was released from her ancestral land, she fought against all the heroes of the Chu family and became the highly anticipated goddess of the Chu family. She has never been defeated so far, which naturally makes her even more proud.

Chu Weiluo rubbed her brows triumphantly, and after coaxing Chu Lulu, she took Qin Diyao's arm and prepared to sit down and have snacks.

"Lord Holy Son!"

"Goddess of the Chu family! You have gone too far!"

"The holy son of our clan has great righteousness and came to the border to help in the battle. You only hurt people with your actions, but you still speak so rudely. Do you think my Qin family is easy to bully?!"

The dozen or so saints of the Qin family came to their senses. Some went to check Qin Ji's injuries, while others immediately accused Chu Weiluo in an old-fashioned way.

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