
Looking at the flying fairy Qin Diyao coming towards him, even strong men like Jian Yan and Jian Yi could not help but feel fear and alarm from the bottom of their hearts!

The four swords of both sides collided. This time, under the attack of the Nine-leaf Sword Domain and countless sword grasses, Jian Yan and Jian Yi were engulfed and surrounded by countless sword lights in just hundreds of rounds!

The sixteen pairs of demonic eyes were taken care of by Lin Xingyun. Countless sword grasses chased their souls and pierced and attacked their sixteen pairs of demonic eyes!

In a short while, Jian Yan and Jian Yi were already covered with wounds, and finally their heads were chopped off by the two swords!

At this moment, the five demons of the imperial clan on the foreign side had died one after another!

Just when the cultivators on the foreign side were terrified, Lin Xingyun spread his arms and burst out the great power of double pupils to open the sky, which included almost all the foreign cultivators present!

He shook his body, activated the ten evil treasures in his body, and directly transformed into a Kunpeng that soared up to 90,000 miles!

Chapter 329 Young Master of the Lu Family, I am not going to refuse it


The Kunpeng divine form soared into the sky, making a loud and proud roar that broke through the clouds, and then swooped down, falling towards the foreign land with a force of ten thousand pounds!

"Run! Run away———!"

Countless foreign cultivators felt the terrifying power of the Kunpeng divine form, and they felt that their souls were surging, and they instinctively wanted to escape for their lives.

However, the Kunpeng beast that appeared was the fastest in the world, and at this time Lin Xingyun activated the "Rescue Sutra" to bless the Kunpeng divine form, and a series of silver-white fairy lights flowed in Kunpeng's wings like fairy light, making its speed rise to a new level, which was far beyond the limit that the cultivators present could reach!




The Kunpeng spirit glided down, bringing with it boundless power and the Dao, knocking all the foreign cultivators to pieces, causing their bodies to explode and their souls to collapse. In a blink of an eye, only puffs of blood mist were left floating in the air!

The strange black air also continued to float out from the bodies of the foreign cultivators. Lin Xingyun knew that it was the nutrient for activating the War Immortal Dao Clothes, and because all the dead were king-level cultivators, the black air was quite dense and of excellent quality, and he would not waste it!

He controlled the Kunpeng spirit to open his mouth and suck, and together with all the opponent's magic weapons, he collected all the blood mist remains into his Qiankun Ring, waiting to slowly absorb and devour them later!

And far behind the double pupil prison, a group of immortal realm monks who had stopped fleeing saw Lin Xingyun killing people everywhere, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. In a blink of an eye, he was about to kill all the foreigners who were just so vicious!

Everyone was stunned, and they didn't even dare to make a sound!

An hour later, the double pupil prison that covered the sky and the earth finally slowly dissipated.

Except for Lin Xingyun, there was no one left in the prison. The extremely strong smell of blood filled the air, reminding everyone what a brutal massacre this place had just experienced!

Everyone in the immortal realm was staring at the young man in white who stood high in the sky with two swords in his hands, with a charming aura and a carefree manner, just like strolling in the garden. They felt like they were in a dream and couldn't believe it!

After a while, the crowd finally erupted in earth-shaking cheers. Everyone was excited by Lin Xingyun's achievements, and the haze of the previous defeat and escape was completely dispelled!

"All... all wiped out! Those foreign thieves... were all wiped out!"

"This is a god... no! It's a celestial being! A celestial being descended to earth!"

"With the power of one person, he destroyed the foreign side. The young master of the Lin family... is really terrifying!"

"Even the young emperor back then did not have such an outrageous fighting power. This young master Lin... is really terrifying!"

"Much stronger than the Di Yao Tiannu and the Chu Shennu, Young Master Lin should be the number one person under the Saint Realm in the Immortal Realm now!"

"Jun Chengdao of the Jun family, it's really not unfair that he died!"

"Your mother——————!"

The few children of the Jun family present were so angry that they were fuming, but they didn't dare to speak again. They retreated behind the crowd, fearing that Lin Xingyun would come to his senses and find them out and kill them!

After all, the war is now over, and the short-lived comradeship should be replaced by the feud between the two families!

The children of the Ye family, Qin family, and Wang family also knew that their young masters had a feud with Lin Xingyun, so they didn't dare to speak out, but just trembled in the crowd.

The female cultivators present were completely infatuated, as if they had lost their souls, staring at Lin Xingyun intently.

Many of the female cultivators even had trembling legs, and after subconsciously clamping them, they moved closer to Lin Xingyun, wanting to get a closer look at this handsome and powerful young master of the Lin family!

When Lin Xingyun put away his two swords and was about to leave, a blue-robed figure covered in blood staggered over and thanked him deeply.

"I am Lu Zhuangxiang from the Changsheng Lu family. Thank you, Master Lin, for saving my life!"

He was just fighting Jian Yan and Jian Yi alone, but was defeated miserably. If Lin Xingyun hadn't taken action in time to lead the two away, he would have been killed by the sword!

"Hmm? Changsheng Lu family, are you the young master of the Lu family?"

Lin Xingyun looked at the man in front of him and knew his identity.

Although the Lu family is one of the top ten longevity families, and there are many great emperor ancestors in the family, they are not famous for their strong combat power. Instead, they focus on refining pills and medicines. They are the first alchemy family in the fairyland.

The third largest immortal force in the fairyland, Danding Divine Dynasty, is closely related to the Lu family, and has a closer relationship with the Yaochi Holy Land than the Liu family.

"I am ashamed! I am the one."

"I am grateful to Mr. Lin for his kindness this time. Please come to Danding Divine Dynasty when you are free, so that I can express my gratitude!"

As Lu Zhuangxiang said this, he took out a sandalwood token with a bright light and handed it to Lin Xingyun respectfully.

"This is a special Danding token made by the clan. Mr. Lin can travel freely in the Divine Dynasty with this token!"

Lin Xingyun looked at the other party and the token, but he was secretly calculating in his heart.

The man in front of him gave him an extremely strange feeling. He even exuded a slightly similar aura to the Son of Destiny, but did not trigger the system prompt.

This means that the other party is not a blood relative or Taoist partner of the Son of Destiny, which surprised Lin Xingyun.

"Forget it, I'll go to Danding Divine Dynasty to find out the truth another day."

"The Lu family is also one of the immortal families. In this era of great strife, it's good to have one more ally."

Lin Xingyun took the token with a smile, and also returned a slight salute and explained.

"Brother Lu is too polite. I'll be disrespectful to refuse."

"Now I have something important to do. I will definitely visit you another day."

As he said that, he stepped on the silver-white fairy light, and in a few blinks he was away from the battlefield and flew to Zhenlong Pass in the north!

And the eyes of the female cultivators present also drifted to the north as Lin Xingyun left. Many people finally came back to their senses after a long time, and kept muttering to themselves.

"Mr. Lin...he...he just smiled at me...hiss————!"

"Hey hey hey! Jimei, you should stop! Mr. Lin was obviously smiling at me just now!"

Some female cultivators thought of Lin Xingyun's slight smile in their direction just now, and felt a warm current surging from their hearts and down to their lower abdomens, and immediately clamped their legs tighter!

If one must use a sentence to describe their state of mind at this moment, then it is "sit! Queue!"

At the entrance of Zhenliang Pass, the two gatekeepers were also shocked by Lin Xingyun. Looking at the other party's back that suddenly disappeared, they couldn't help but sigh.

"Monster! A peerless monster!"

"The young emperor is far inferior to him. This boy... I'm afraid he has the potential to become an immortal!"

"Quick! He is going to Zhenlong Pass to find that little girl. Report this little guy's battle record to the emperors!"

"This is the future jade pillar of my fairyland, the golden beam that spans the sea. We must pay great attention to it!"

Chapter 330 Zhenlong Pass, Chu Weiluo

Just when everyone at Zhenliang Pass was discussing Lin Xingyun's battle record and potential fiercely and it was difficult to calm down.

At this time, tens of thousands of miles away in the north, there is another pass fortress on the endless border, named Zhenlong Pass. It is also under the dark clouds that are about to destroy the city. Countless strong men from both sides gathered here, and the surging fighting spirit and murderous aura enveloped the entire pass.

But unlike the battle outside Zhenliang Pass, the two sides were just facing each other from a distance in front of the pass, and they had not really started a war.

At this time, the number of cultivators on both sides was thousands of times less than that in front of Zhenliang Pass, but the momentum and pressure were far superior!

It was only because the forces gathered outside Zhenlong Pass at this time were all saints from both the fairyland and the foreign land. Those who could successfully survive the saint calamity and become saints were already rare talents in the two worlds.

The two sides faced each other across the vast wasteland outside the pass. Although the atmosphere was solemn and solemn, they never took the initiative. It seemed that there was some kind of tacit understanding, waiting for something to come.

At this time, at Zhenlong Pass, a group of cultivators from the Immortal Realm camp were waiting in full battle formation. They all came from the Immortal Realm's myriad races. Many of the cultivators looked different from humans, but all of them were dignified and imposing without anger.

But there were only two petite girls who looked very out of place in the crowd. Even though the atmosphere was serious, many people still looked at them and talked about them.

"Have I practiced pupil techniques too much recently, and my eyes have split? Why are there two kings and princes here?"

"You are not mistaken. These two are the two most famous girls of heaven in the border in recent years. Although they are kings and princes, they have the fighting power to kill saints!"

"This time, the high-level officials of the border specially selected them to help!"

"Brother, are you kidding me?! Even if these two girls can kill saints, they can only deal with the early stage of the saint realm. There are a large number of saints here! Isn't this sending them to die?!"

"Oh! You don't believe it even if I tell you. You will see it later. You will understand after you pass it!"

"Regardless of the strength of these two girls, their looks...are truly stunning and hard to find in the world!"

"Ahem...Ahem! Let me clarify first, I don't have any preference for petite women, but these two girls are really——"

"A bunch of idiots! Are you here to fight or to flirt? Behave yourself!"

"No! Fellow Taoist, don't you see those two girls eating there? You should take care of them first!"

There began to be a series of chaotic discussions in the crowd, which were basically centered around the two beautiful figures at the front of the Zhenlong Pass.

At this time, on the wall of the pass, two girls were sitting side by side, without any sense of tension before the war, but were kicking their feet and eating snacks in a chic manner.

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