On the other side, Xue Tuoming was frightened when he saw that Yipan, who had always dominated with his physical body, was defeated with one blow.

He hurriedly stopped his charge and turned to control the boundless river of blood to press and cover Lin Xingyun!

But Lin Xingyun didn't stop at all, and turned to look at Xue Duoming. He raised his hand and turned it over. The Xuanqi Sword Box was already in his palm!


He slapped the sword box, and with the clear sound of the machine expansion, one thousand and eighty green-gold sword grasses in the box immediately flew out, and were controlled to form a nine-leaf sword array with infinite power, heading towards that The blood river keeps attacking!

In just a moment, the evil blood river that had devoured the lives of countless immortal monks was blown away by the impact. Countless blood was dispersed by the sword energy and turned into smoke and dust and disappeared in the air!


When Xue Duoming was shocked, he was quickly enveloped by the sword array, and thousands of green-gold sword grass began to cut and kill his body at a rapid speed!



Just when Lin Xingyun had the upper hand, two black swords suddenly attacked, slashing at his two vital points with the sharpness that could cut through all things!

Lin Xingyun's eyes twinkled with light, and he had already seen clearly the direction of the opponent's two swords. At the same time, he turned his hands together, and the Daluo Dao Sword and the Blood Killing Sword fell into his hands respectively, and they directly collided with the two sword lights!


The three of them suddenly collided, and the four sharp swords turned into lightning and thunder. In the blink of an eye, they exchanged thousands of sword moves!

The sword energy of the three people flew out, and any foreign monk who dared to approach the three people in the double-eyed prison would be instantly cut into corpses all over the ground by the scattered sword energy!

"Nine leaves divide the universe!"

Lin Xingyun held two swords to fight with each other, and suddenly raised the Daluo Dao Sword and slashed a powerful golden sword grass towards the two of them!

"Black Death Sword!"

Jianyan and Jianyi also synchronized at the same time, dancing the black sword in their hands into magical sword flowers, evolving countless pitch-black crescent sword energy, and colliding with the sword grass!

Between the two sides' extremely powerful sword moves, Lin Xingyun was the winner in the end. The Golden Sword Grass destroyed all the Black Moons, completely forcing Jian Yan and Jian Yi back. At the same time, it also caused blood to bleed from the corners of their mouths and cover their bodies. Countless wounds were cut by the escaped sword intent!

"Damn! What kind of monster is this?!"

"It's so terrifying... no wonder all my uncles died tragically in his hands!"

Yuan Rui was even more frightened when he saw that the other four imperial clan monsters were no match for Lin Xingyun!

But he also knew that he could not escape alone for a while, so he came to Yipan who was about to stabilize his body and declared in a cold voice.

"Everyone, please do your best together! Otherwise we will all die here today!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Today I'm going to punch this kid to death!"

Yipan snorted disdainfully, looking at his twisted and mutilated right arm. Although the pain was unbearable, there was still no pain at all.

Instead, the power of his pure energy and blood suddenly evaporated and turned into an evil dragon, making his muscles like a horned dragon swell more and more powerfully!

He specializes in the Tao of the physical body and understands the Tao of the body. At this time, the power of the Tao fully explodes, allowing his combat power to climb to a new level, completely reaching the level of a saint. He rushes towards Lin Xingyun like a bull. go! !

"Hmph! You're such a reckless man, I'll let you die first later!"

Although Yuan Rui thought to himself with disdain, he did not dare to watch the show idlely.

I saw that he had a full-scale explosion of strange phenomena behind him, and all the various physical essences he had absorbed over the years were turned into a torrent of spiritual power and integrated into his body, causing his aura to skyrocket, and his whole body began to emit billowing evil black. Fog, chanting some kind of spell very quickly in his mouth, seemed to be brewing a terrifying curse!

"Lin Xingyun! Die!"

"The Nightmare Curse of Hades!"

After Yuan Rui finished singing, he immediately shouted loudly, raised his hand and struck out a gloomy evil ghost talisman. With the sound of thousands of ghosts wailing and roaring, he flew towards Lin Xingyun!

But Xue Duoming was still trapped in the Nine-leaf Sword Formation, feeling that he was being tortured by Lingchi. The endless pain added to his body, causing his pale and monstrous face to begin to twist and deform!

"How hateful! I will drain all your blood!"

"God Burial Technique in the Sea of ​​Blood!"

He shouted angrily, and his skin, which was originally as pale as paper, immediately turned into red blood. Rolling blood surged out from his limbs and bones, turning into a sea of ​​blood. Every drop of blood falling on the ground was enough to kill a body. The monk's body corroded and turned into pus and blood!

At this moment, Xue Duoming thought, and the billowing sea of ​​blood surged toward Lin Xingyun!



Jian Yan and Jian Yi have the same mind. Just through simple communication, they have completely understood each other's meaning.

In the sword fight just now, they had already fully felt Lin Xingyun's terrifying swordsmanship and combat power. At this time, the two of them did not underestimate the enemy in the slightest, and were ready to use their strongest moves to kill Lin Xingyun with one blow!

I saw the two of them opening the eight demonic pupils on their faces at the same time, and the sixteen demonic lights flashed alternately, targeting any possible flaws in Lin Xingyun's body!

"Mirror of Disaster·Infinite Moon Wheel!"

The next moment, the two men held black swords and performed exactly the same sword moves like mirror images. They slashed out countless sword energy moon wheels and attacked Lin Xingyun's body everywhere!

When Lin Xingyun saw that the other party had used all his moves to attack him, he smiled slightly and immediately began to activate his Supreme Bone!

"Flying Immortal Tribulation: Divine Punishment Prison!"

The Supreme Bone in his heart glowed with divine light, and the power of punishment surged out, evolving into the vision of the Eighteen Hells. The purgatory scenes of mountains of swords, seas of fire, iron trees, and stone mills became real, covering all five of the other party!

Yi Pan, who was violently hit by a meteorite from outer space, immediately felt that he was in the real purgatory. Even with his strong body, he still couldn't resist the erosion of the mountains of swords, seas of fire, and the power of punishment. Finally, his face showed an expression of unbearable pain!

However, just as he gritted his teeth and fought for his life, breaking through the blockade of the purgatory of heavenly punishment, and finally attacked Lin Xingyun again.

A petite figure in a black dress, emitting a fairy light all over her body, as if she was about to ascend to become a fairy on the spot, had already appeared from Lin Xingyun's heart!

Chapter 328: Tragic Deaths, Soaring to the Top

"Who are you————?!"

Yipan was still moving forward, and was about to crash into Lin Xingyun with a mighty force, but he suddenly woke up after seeing the petite figure with cat ears and cat tail, and stopped his body forcibly. The space around him was squeezed and collapsed!

Even though he had always been tyrannical and bloodthirsty, and had drunk countless precious blood of creatures to cultivate his body.

But after seeing such a delicate and lovely girl, he seemed to see the great horror of the world, and an infinite chill rose from the bottom of his heart, and he no longer had the slightest intention of rushing to kill!

But the delicate and weak girl had already raised her slender arm, and Lin Xingyun threw it casually, and the Daluo Dao sword had its own spirituality and flew into her palm with ease.


The next moment, Feixian Qin Diyao passed by with a sword, as free and easy as a fairy painting.


Yipan opened his eyes wide, and instinctively wanted to run away, but it was too late. A sword light passed through his body, splitting him diagonally from the shoulder to the waist!

The sword arts that were extremely sharp were like a whirlwind, destroying and cutting Yipan's rock-hard body at a high speed, causing the vitality in his eyes to quickly fade, and he was powerless to save the situation!

And Lin Xingyun also put his arm around the small shoulder of Feixian Qin Diyao at the right time, the supreme bone in his heart burst into infinite brilliance, and his double pupils shone with divine light. The two had already cooperated closely!

A pair of emperor double pupils appeared behind Lin Xingyun, and the two eyes looked at Xue Duoming and Yuan Rui who came to attack.

"Feixian Moving Heaven Technique!"

Lin Xingyun shouted, and the two huge eyes behind him immediately burst into two gray auroras after gathering spiritual power for a moment!


On the other side, the blood sea that Xue Duoming had transformed into with all his strength was penetrated by the Flying Immortal Divine Light like mud and paper. Even his body was locked by Lin Xingyun, and the Flying Immortal Divine Light steadily bombarded his body!

On the other side, Yuan Rui was not doing well either. The forbidden spell runes he sent out were shattered and wiped into nothingness by the Flying Immortal Divine Light before they even hit Lin Xingyun!

Then the Divine Light continued to move forward, and hit Yuan Rui, who was covered in evil black smoke, head-on. In the blink of an eye, he was wiped out with his limbs broken, and blood was gushing from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose!


"Lin Xingyun! You will die a miserable death!"

"We, the Yuangui clan... will sooner or later turn you and the Taichu Saint Body into war slaves!"

"Do you know? Your elder brother is now... more obedient than a dog! Hahaha————!"

Yuan Rui's torso was about to be broken apart by the divine light, and his body was covered with blood and death. Knowing that he was dying, he subconsciously used Lin Xingyun's brother as a provocation, wanting to irritate the other party again before he died!

"Oh? Really? I don't believe it!"

"If it's true, then I thank you so much!"

"Meeting is also fate, so I'll give you a quick death!"

Lin Xingyun heard him say this, and combined with the previous projection of the image stone, he roughly understood Lin Feng's current situation.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, his eyes sparkled, and he stretched out his hand and grabbed Yuan Rui's Qiankun Ring in his hand without any time to distract himself!

Then he increased his strength, urging the double pupils behind him to burst out with all their might, and soon Yuan Rui was worn out and his limbs turned into dust, and he couldn't even speak!

On the battlefield, the foreign side watched their own emperors being killed by the same person and waiting to be killed, and the originally in full swing pursuit of the immortal cultivators also stopped suddenly!

"Too scary! Fighting so many emperors, but still in an absolute advantage!"

"Didn't they say that the immortal cultivators are generally weaker than us? When did this kind of monster appear?!"

"We can only rely on the two emperors, they are the sons of the emperor, they should be able to————!"


While the foreign cultivators were shocked and sighed, Lin Xingyun and Feixian Qin Diyao had each held the Daluo and Blood Killing swords, breaking through the crescent sword energy blockade of Jianyan and Jianyi, and came to the two of them respectively!

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