"By the way, it seems that in the Burning Flame Realm, we also killed several foreigners named Yuan!"

Lin Xingyun recalled that Yuan Ang, Yuan Zhang, and Yuan Zhi of the Yuan Gui clan whom he had killed in the Burning Flame Realm also had a clear understanding at this time.

It seems that Lin Chen and Lin Feng were kidnapped back to the alien source ghost clan after being plotted against them. The other party coveted their origin of the Holy Body of the Beginning, so they tried every possible means to extract the holy blood and the holy waist.

"No, I haven't seen enough. I have to find the person who put up the projection just now and interrogate him again!"

His eyes immediately turned into double pupils, and with intense searching, he locked onto Yuan Rui, who was sneering ferociously at him on the battlefield in the blink of an eye, and whose aura was very similar to that of Yuan Ang and others!

"You are the one!"

Lin Xingyun locked his target, but then remembered that there were outsiders around at this time.

My well-known character as a filial son in the Immortal Realm cannot just collapse!

He made up his mind, and immediately used his most affectionate acting skills in the fairyland, making an expression of unbearable anger and inexplicable grief, his eyes turned red, and he yelled angrily.

"You foreign thief! Give my father back his life!"

A mysterious silver-white fairy light flashed under his feet, and his figure had already swept into the core of the battlefield in an instant!

The two gatekeepers beside him couldn't help but smile with relief when they saw that Lin Xingyun was finally angered.

"Although this little guy is a little careless about the overall situation, he still has a pure heart of filial piety!"

"Avenging his father, working so hard without caring about his own life. I haven't seen such a filial son for too many years!"

"You have great talent and good temperament. We should tell the emperors and lords that this is the future hope of our Immortal Realm, so we should focus on cultivating it!"


The two old gatekeepers stroked their beards and nodded in admiration. Their impression of Lin Xingyun had already risen several levels!

At this time, in the battlefield, everyone in the Immortal Realm was in the process of being defeated and fleeing.

But there was a ray of silver-white celestial light that traveled retrograde in the sky, like a comet crossing the night, and struck Yuan Rui in an instant!

Chapter 326 Breaking the formation, the whole world is the enemy!

It turned out that Yuan Rui was grinning wildly when he saw Lin Xingyun being so enraged that he joined the battlefield, waiting for the other party to come and die so that he could seize the opportunity to seize the innate Dao embryo.

But at this moment, seeing the silver-white fairy light approaching him in a trance, Yuan Rui immediately smiled stiffly, the hairs on his body stood up, and a sense of endless danger suddenly arose in his heart!

"What?! How could it be so fast————?!"

The other party's extreme speed shocked him, but he didn't know that this was actually the first magical power in the fairyland - "Rescue Sutra"!

Since leaving Huangcheng, although Lin Xingyun has been busy day and night, he has always found time to study the precious scripture given by Han Feiyu.

At this time, when it was initially displayed, the movement speed was so fast that no one in the audience could match it!

Yuan Rui didn't have time to think about it, and immediately retreated in horror!

But the silvery-white fairy light had completely killed him, and a vague figure punched him in the chest!

Lin Xingyun's fist had gathered the power of 36,000 dragon elephant particles. As soon as he punched out, a mighty dragon elephant flew out, and the roar of the majestic dragon elephant resounded throughout the world!

Yuan Rui felt the power of this punch, and felt that the crisis of life and death was right in front of him. He did not dare to hold back at all. The vision behind him was fully unleashed, and the nearly a hundred physical essences he swallowed turned into a rolling torrent, blessing that place. On the hook and chain, try your best to resist in front of you!


But as soon as the two collided, Yuan Rui's physical abnormality only lasted for less than two blinks of time. It was like a big wave pushing away sand, and it was smashed to pieces by the dragon elephant!


The physical abnormality was broken, and Yuan Rui's momentum weakened rapidly. At the same time, he was hit by the dragon elephant, and he immediately vomited blood and flew out like a rag.

"Lord Yuan Rui!"

"Come together, form a formation to surround and kill this boy!"

Nearly a hundred monks from the Yuangui clan were wantonly chasing and plundering the monks from the Immortal Realm. Seeing this, they immediately turned around and surrounded Lin Xingyun!

I saw them all bursting into cultivation momentum, and hundreds of similar hooks and chains appeared behind them. They actually cooperated with each other to form a huge formation that sealed the world!

There is a strong wind in the formation, and ghosts are howling continuously. When an ordinary monk steps into the formation, he will definitely be in a state of confusion, and his body will be cut into countless pieces by countless hooks on the spot!

But Lin Xingyun was trapped in the formation, and he did not panic at all. The Supreme Bone in his heart was flowing with heavy flying immortal tribulation light, protecting his body and mind so airtight that he was not affected by this evil formation at all!

He saw countless hook-claw chains coming towards him, but thousands of green-gold sword grasses flew out from around him, easily chopping those hook-claw chains into pieces!

Then he raised his hand and made a move, and a great avenue fairy bell covered with fairy patterns suddenly appeared three feet above it!

He yelled, and the Great Dao Immortal Bell immediately faced the storm and turned into a giant bell thousands of feet tall. Then it suddenly rang with Lin Xingyun's yell!

"The bell rings all over the world!"

A layer of immortal bells and sounds of heaven spread out, like rolling waves, violently impacting the formation formed by hundreds of princely realm monks!

I saw the formation began to shake violently. Every monk of the Yuangui clan felt that their souls were about to be shattered. Those with lower cultivation levels began to bleed from the corners of their mouths!


Lin Xingyun activated the fairy bell phenomenon again, and another bell burst out, resounding throughout the audience!

The formation was hit hard again, some foreign monks' heads exploded, and their souls were shocked to the point of annihilation on the spot!


The Fairy Bell of the Great Dao rang for the third time, and nearly a hundred monks of the Yuangui clan vomited blood and died immediately!

The formed formation was finally completely shaken to pieces, without causing any harm to Lin Xingyun in the whole process!

Instead, Lin Xingyun waved his sword finger, and thousands of green-gold sword grasses around him immediately turned into ten nine-leaf sword formations, and they headed towards the remaining monks of the Genggui clan, killing them all in the blink of an eye!

Yuan Rui, who finally managed to stabilize his body and was pouring the healing elixir, saw his people being slaughtered, and the resentment and fear in his heart suddenly reached a new peak!

"Yipan, Xueduoming, Jianyan, Jianyi! Come and help me!"

"This kid is too terrifying, we must attack him with all our strength!"

He roared loudly and immediately attracted the attention of the geniuses of various imperial clans in foreign lands.

"What a strong physical body, let me play with you!"

In the northwest corner of the battlefield, Yipan also noticed that Yuan Rui was defeated with one blow. He was immediately delighted to see Lie Xin. He put aside the corpse in his hand, and with a strong body like thunder, he suddenly charged towards Lin Xingyun!

"Is this the constitution of the innate Dao embryo? His blood must taste good!"

To the southwest, Xue Duoming's eyes also shone, as if he saw something delicious, and he immediately drove the surging river of blood towards Lin Xingyun!

In the southeast corner of the battlefield, the two white-haired swordsmen had already cut Lu Zhuangxiang down with their swords. They only needed one last blow to easily take away the opponent's life!

But at this time, the two of them stopped at the same time without hesitation, and looked with burning eyes at Lin Xingyun, who had become the center of the battlefield!

"Brother, this Immortal Realm person has such a strong sword power!"

"What he used was the Nine-leaf Sword Technique of the Immortal Realm. Maybe he can steal it and give us a boost in our swordsmanship!"

Jian Yan and Jian Yi had the same mind. They didn't even look at the dying Lu Zhuangxiang, and immediately flew towards Lin Xingyun!

"Tsk! You want to gang up on me again?"

"Make it seem like I am the [enemy of the whole world]!"

Seeing enemies coming from all directions, Lin Xingyun sighed helplessly with a smile.

A pair of pupils fully bloomed with a stunning light, and the small world instantly became dim and dull!

"Double Eye Opening Technique!"

A huge shadow of two eyes appeared in the sky, and the double-eyed prison that sealed the sky and locked the earth quickly took shape, covering a large number of foreign monks and the four invading imperial clan monsters!

After the prison was formed, the double-eyed divine light was like a life-threatening arrow. Every time it shot out, it would pierce the body of a foreign monk!


"Emperor, save me!"

"My lords, please kill this person quickly!"

Although a group of foreign monks faced a life and death crisis, they could not get close to Lin Xingyun, so they could only turn to those four imperial clan monsters for help!

"It's embarrassing, shut up!"

"Dou Mie Killing Fist!"

Yipan roared at the audience and was already in front of Lin Xingyun. His huge and strong fist was as powerful as a mountain collapsing and the earth was splitting apart. It brought heavy sound waves and hit Lin Xingyun!

Lin Xingyun was also unequivocal. The 36,000 dragon-elephant particles on his right arm shone brightly again, and he punched Yipan without hesitation!

Chapter 327 Fierce battle, using all the ultimate moves!


There was a thunderous explosion, and the billowing air waves from the fists clashing were like a torrent, blowing away all the corpses and broken armor in all directions on the battlefield!



Yipan's bull's-eyes like copper bells suddenly widened, and he felt a terrifying force coming from his fists. His entire right arm, from skin to bones, began to explode inch by inch!

The next moment, there was a look of disbelief on his face, and he saw that all his fists and spiritual power had been destroyed. Even he himself could not withstand the impact and was knocked backwards and flew hundreds of feet away!

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