The two old men showed a look of surprise, and after looking at Lin Xingyun, they were so shocked that they could hardly close their mouths!

Although the other party's realm was only the perfect king realm, his spiritual energy was as strong as the abyss, far beyond the ordinary saint realm, and he seemed to be a darling of heaven and earth, and he was detached from the world, making the two great saint realm gatekeepers feel a little bit of life and death threat!

"That's right, please tell me."

Lin Xingyun continued to ask, and the two gatekeepers did not hesitate and responded respectfully immediately.

"Mr. Lin, your wife has gone to Zhenlong Pass, 100,000 miles away in the north. It is the main battlefield of the saints on both sides."

"But Mr. Lin, you can rest assured. Your wife's talent is unprecedented. She has killed many saints from foreign lands. Moreover, our high-level gatekeepers attach great importance to her. I think there will be no danger."

"Mr. Lin, you are also a child of destiny and extraordinary! I hope you can get out of the pass as soon as possible and help our fairyland win!"

The two old men said sincerely, with their withered but bright old eyes full of expectations.

They all felt that if Lin Xingyun could join the battlefield at this time, not to mention turning the tide, at least he could stop one or two foreign imperial monsters, reduce casualties and buy time for the army to retreat!

"Well, not bad! The rise and fall of the fairyland is the responsibility of every man!"

Lin Xingyun immediately beat his chest with his right hand, looking like he was ready to give his heart to the fairyland at any time, which made the two old men's eyes light up!

"But I have something important to do. I have to find my wife."

"Next time, I will be the first to fight on behalf of the Immortal Realm!"

"And the two seniors, you must believe in our Immortal Realm cultivators. They will definitely be able to turn defeat into victory!"

Lin Xingyun explained passionately, then bowed and turned to leave.


"Mr. Lin, please stay! I just said that your wife is fine in Zhenlong Pass. Why are you in such a hurry to see her now?!"

The two old guards were completely shocked. They didn't expect that the boy in front of them, who looked like a scumbag, was actually so love-brained that he didn't care about anything in order to find his wife!

At this time, on the battlefield outside Zhenliang Pass, Yuan Rui, who was slaughtering and harvesting the physical essence of the cultivators, suddenly turned back, as if he had sensed that some treasure had finally arrived!

His eyes were shining like torches, and the induction of the strongest physique in his blood was fully stimulated. In just a few breaths, he stared at Lin Xingyun standing at the entrance of Zhenliang Pass in the distance.

"The induction can't be wrong... That's... the innate Dao embryo physique!"

"Haha! It's the kid from the Lin family! God is really helping me!"

"Huh? Why is he turning around and leaving? Is he afraid of fighting and retreating?!"

Yuan Rui laughed out loud with ecstasy at first, but when he saw Lin Xingyun turning around and leaving, he got anxious on the spot!

He was fed one of the top ten physiques in front of him, and the enemy who killed his uncles, how could he let the other party leave easily?

But at this time, Lin Xingyun was standing at the gate, and there were great saints guarding the gate beside him. Naturally, he couldn't go through the gate alone to capture Lin Xingyun!

"No! We have to keep him and drag him into the battlefield!"

"Got it!"

Yuan Rui's mind was churning rapidly, and finally a flash of inspiration came to him, and he came up with a vicious plan!

He raised his hand and took out a top-grade black stone from the Qiankun Ring. After preparing the means, he took advantage of the inattention of the crowd and waved the hook behind him, throwing the stone into the crowd and disappeared!

After a few breaths, the means on the stone exploded!

While shattering itself, it also released a video like a projection of heaven and earth, and it soared into the air, forming an image in mid-air, showing it completely in front of all the cultivators in the two worlds!

The picture showed a dark prison scene, like a purgatory on earth, with a large number of corpses of men, women, young and old from all races hanging on the walls full of bones and corpse oil.

Some of them had incomplete limbs and torsos, and some had their souls annihilated, but their bodies were still restless and were being dismantled by several black-robed men for research!

In the center of the prison, a middle-aged man was tied to a rack with his eyes closed. He was tortured to the point of being almost breathless, and there were serious injuries all over his body. Even his abdomen was torn open and had not closed yet!

Chapter 325: The End of a Filial Son!

The projection suddenly appeared in the air, which was extremely conspicuous, and made both sides confused. They couldn't figure out who was crazy enough to play a battlefield movie in such a situation!

At the Zhenliang Pass, the two gatekeepers noticed the changes in the field.

After a closer look, the two recognized the identity of the man in the center of the picture and were immediately shocked.

"Hmm? Isn't that the long-missing Lin Chen, the head of the Lin family?!"

"After he and his eldest son Lin Feng disappeared, it is said that the secret was concealed by the supreme power, and no one could find them. Now it seems that they were indeed captured and taken to a foreign land!"

"Looking at the appearance and behavior of those black-robed people, they should be the source ghosts from a foreign land!"

When the two old men were amazed, Lin Xingyun also stopped and began to watch the projection in the air with shining eyes.

Not long after, a hunchbacked old man hidden in a black robe came to Lin Chen. His aura was as deep as the abyss and the sea, and his sinister and evil was far better than that of demons. The unique pressure of the emperor realm was faintly exuded, and just looking at the image of the image stone made people shudder!

He walked up to Lin Chen and spread out his arms. Behind him appeared the strange phenomenon of huge hooks and iron chains. Two pairs of dark purple hooks with a deadly force suddenly grabbed Lin Chen.

After taking control of him, he began to erupt with pulling force, trying to forcefully peel off the essence of his body and extract it as usual!


The heartbreaking pain made Lin Chen scream in pain, and a humanoid shadow appeared uncontrollably behind him, emitting a dazzling golden light, like a born king, coming to the mortal world!

The Holy Body Vision and the Hook Claw Vision compete and repel each other. Even though Lin Chen is extremely weak, as one of the ten strongest physiques in the Immortal Realm, the Holy Body Vision is still not shaken at this time and cannot be affected at all. Extract from the body!


Seeing that the rickety old man in black robe was still the same as before, unable to forcefully extract the source of the Holy Body, he stopped entangled and withdrew his vision, and the confrontation between the two disappeared.


Then he waved his hand and gave an order.

Another four men in black robes held four sacred iron needles engraved with strange runes. As usual, they pierced the large blood vessels of Lin Chen's limbs with all their strength!

Lin Chen's face was convulsing and painful, and he saw four streams of pure golden blood flowing out and being transferred into four bone bowls. There were a large number of scriptures and Taoist symbols flowing in the blood, revealing an unparalleled pure and noble aura and powerful strength. .

After the holy body's essence and blood were drained once again, Lin Chen, who was already extremely weak, fell into a coma again and has been unconscious ever since.

"Sun Er Yuan Pi, pay homage to our ancestor!"

At this time, another man in black robe appeared like smoke and saluted the old man respectfully.

"What's the matter?"

The old man picked up a bone bowl and asked casually while raising his head to taste the holy blood of Taichu Holy Body.

"It was my grandson who heard that the matter of seizing the origin of Taichu's Holy Body was not going well, so he searched all over the ancient books and finally found a compromise!"

"Tell me the details!"

The old man drank up a bowl of holy blood and urged with gleaming eyes.

"Yes, according to an ancient book collected in the Immortal Realm, the physical properties of the Taichu Holy Body are extraordinary. Two Taichu Holy Bodies can be connected to each other, transmitting spiritual power and the origin of the Holy Body!"

"Lin Chen is a quasi-emperor in the eighth level and is difficult to control, but Lin Feng has been given a demon seed by us and has completely become our slave!"

"Why don't we use Lin Feng's life as a threat to force Lin Chen to transfer all the origins of his holy body into Lin Feng's body!"

"Although we cannot directly obtain the origin of the Holy Body of the Beginning, in the future, Lin Feng will become the most powerful war slave of our clan!"

"A war slave carrying the Holy Body of Taichu, this is an extremely explosive existence in the entire history of our clan!"

Yuan Pi's eyes sparkled and he explained excitedly.


The old man also nodded repeatedly when he heard this. He was so happy that he handed a bowl of pure gold holy blood to Yuan Pi.

"Grandson, thank you, ancestor!"

Yuan Pi immediately kowtowed and thanked him, and at the same time, he did not forget to add another explanation with a flattering face.

"By the way, ancestor, this Lin Chen is already a candle in the wind. If he gives away the source of the Holy Body, he will definitely die tragically on the spot!"

"Old Ancestor, it's better to enjoy his mutilated body while he is still alive!"

"I heard that the Taichu Holy Body not only has extraordinary cultivation and combat power, but also has four more kidneys than ordinary humans..."

"Ancestor, look at it, how about it?"



Grandfather and grandson looked at each other with expressions of understanding, and couldn't help but laugh out loud knowingly.

It didn't take long for the old man to take action himself, took out a dark sharp-edged magic weapon, found the right position, and stabbed Lin Chen in the waist!


The unspeakable horrific pain made Lin Chen wake up again, and his screams and wails suddenly echoed throughout the prison!

And the shadow stone projection stopped here and completely dissipated in mid-air.

Both sides of the battlefield also reacted quickly, but they only thought that this was foreigners abusing prisoners of war and using this kind of photos to frighten the fairyland side. In fact, they didn't take it too seriously.

At the Zhenliang Pass, Lin Xingyun, who was concentrating and excited, saw that the projection suddenly stopped, and he almost slapped his thigh in excitement!

"Damn! I'm just seeing the highlight!"

"There is also a review mechanism in foreign lands, right? I didn't even shoot all of them. Are you afraid that the next content will be too bloody and brutal?!"

"Yuan Pi? Why is the name so familiar..."

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