Lin Xingyun chuckled lightly and sucked on her pink neck a few more times.

"you you----!"

Liu Xinyan clenched her teeth tightly, feeling her body become weak and weak, and she unconsciously leaned on Lin Xingyun.

The two of them hesitated and accidentally moved to the edge of the bed.

Lin Xingyun gently laid the senior sister down, took off her shoes and socks, kissed her on the jade lotus, and then slowly began to loosen her belt.

Liu Xinyan was so nervous that she closed her eyes and lay down straight as if resigned to her fate, letting Lin Xingyun do whatever he wanted.

Not long after, their clothes were piled one by one on a nanmu chair next to them.

"Sister, you are so beautiful."

Lin Xingyun admired all the unparalleled beauty in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh in a daze, thinking to himself that his senior sister was indeed the most beautiful woman in the Immortal Realm. Touching!

It’s enough for him to travel as much as he wants!

"Don't...don't call me...senior sister..."

Liu Xinyan still closed her eyes tightly, scolded in embarrassment, and stretched out her hand to cover it up.

"If I don't call you senior sister, what would you call me?"

"By the way, Senior Sister, you'd better ask the Peak Master of Sword Peak, otherwise I'll call you the Peak Master."

“When I’m working, I like to call my job!”

Lin Xingyun smiled playfully and began to gently peck her face. A pair of skillful hands moved around, taking off Liu Xinyan's defense step by step.

"Lin Xingyun! You want to die——!"

When Liu Xinyan heard that he was about to call her Peak Master, she became even more embarrassed and anxious. She stretched out her hand to pinch him, but she revealed even more of her beautiful body.

"Sister, do you know where to start climbing when climbing?"

The other party was now as soft as a sheep, and Lin Xingyun avoided it lightly. Instead, he went to the end of the bed and asked pretending to be mysterious.

"What climbing? What comes from where?"

Liu Xinyan asked in a daze, feeling a wave of bad premonitions.

Sure enough, Lin Xingyun started to toss her pair of jade lotuses again.

"Wait! Lin Xingyun! Shut up————!"

Liu Xinyan panicked and called to stop him, but it had no effect at all. Instead, it only fueled Lin Xingyun's interest!

After the two played and played for a long time, their eyes finally met again, and their lips and teeth were intertwined.

"Little...little beast...I'll kill you sooner or later...sooner or later..."

Liu Xinyan was panting and hesitating and cursing, but her hands were already hooked on Lin Xingyun's neck.

"Senior sister... I am indeed a beast, with extremely bad conduct."

"Then senior sister...will you love a beast?"

Lin Xingyun's eyes were full of tenderness and he asked solemnly and seriously against her cheek.

Liu Xinyan was stunned and fell silent.

But not long after, she seemed to have made up her mind and closed her eyes tightly again, then stretched out her little hand and pulled Lin Xingyun towards her...

Three hours later.

The sky above Liangzhou City was originally clear, but suddenly endless pink clouds floated in, and in the blink of an eye, it covered the sky!

A huge shadow appeared faintly in the sky and clouds, but it was a vast Dao Immortal Bell with countless subtle and mysterious scriptures of heaven and earth inscribed on it. A puff of purple energy with Dao rhyme was coming from the Immortal Bell. Surrounding it, it was like a supreme magic weapon descended from heaven, shocking countless people in Liangzhou City!

And when the vision was completely formed, the fairy bell swayed and began to ring on its own.


A bell rang, and the heavenly sound of the great avenue spread to every corner of Liangzhou City. Countless monks were enlightened by this, and even broke the bottleneck of their cultivation on the spot. They were all ecstatic and exclaimed!

"This... what kind of great fortune is this?! I have been trapped in the divine fire realm for three hundred years, and now this heavenly voice can make me realize the truth and break through the realm instantly?!"

"I already have a long lifespan, but I am able to break through the realm at this time. Is it God's will that I go to Zhenliang Pass to fight again?!"

"That's... the Dao Immortal Bell?! It's the legendary physical abnormality of the innate Dao embryo's physique!"

"The constitution of the innate Dao embryo? Isn't that the constitution of Fairy Liu from Yaochi Holy Land? Could it be that Fairy Liu came here?!"

"You old man, you are really old and confused. Fairy Liu has long been a powerful person in the Great Sage Realm. If she wants to come to the border to help in the battle, she will go directly to the Great Sage Realm battlefield to suppress Tianguan. How come she comes to Liangzhou City?"

"And you are so ill-informed! Another innate Dao embryo has appeared in the Immortal Realm a long time ago, and it is Lin Xingyun, the young master of the Changsheng Lin Family!"

"Huh? Isn't that young master a waste body that cannot be cultivated? And I remember that he has a very abnormal and outrageous physique. What is it called..."

"Hush! Your version is too far behind! Now you dare to mention the waste body. If anyone hears it, you will be dead!"

While everyone was talking about it, they all went to the center of the vision, but were surprised to find that it was just a high-end inn. The Fairy Bell on the sky was emitting a puff of purple energy, turning into a ethereal dragon and snake. , all gathered together and poured into a wing on the top floor of the inn.

Soon, the city's defenders came in groups, and the leader with the highest cultivation level was an old man from the Great Saint Realm. After discovering the vision here, they quickly recognized that the vision belonged to the innate Dao Fei was also shocked after some speculation.

"Sure enough, it is a physical abnormality of the innate Dao embryo. It should be the young master of the Lin family who is here without a doubt!"

"This vision is so magnificent and majestic, and it can also benefit all living beings. This young master of the Lin family is really a young man to be feared, a young man to be feared!"

"I heard that the other party once killed the Jun family's double pupil. His strength should not be underestimated. It is indeed a blessing for us that he is willing to come to help this time!"

"Young Master Lin Feng of the Lin family was once a powerful figure at the border. His Taichu Saint Body was so powerful that he killed countless foreign masters!"

"His whereabouts are still unknown. It's a pity and a pity!"

"As expected of the pride of the Changsheng Lin family, his father and brother both encountered accidents at the border, but he still dared to come to help "Zhan, it's really courageous and admirable!"

"Perhaps this young master is also thinking of looking for his brother!"

"Yes, it must be so! Such brotherly love and respect, the family tradition of Changsheng Lin family is really good!"

"But this pink cloud in the sky...what kind of physical phenomenon is it? Why is the momentum more magnificent than the Great Dao Immortal Bell? !"

Once the words of the defender of Liangzhou Town spread, it was like a stone stirring up a thousand waves. The cultivators in the city who were helped to break through by the Great Dao Immortal Bell phenomenon couldn't help but start to inquire about Lin Xingyun's family background.

When they learned that his father and brother were missing at the border, and even his father had died, countless people couldn't help but sigh and even shed tears for him!

"People say that the son inherits the father's property, and the younger brother inherits the elder brother's property. However, this Mr. Lin did not inherit the estate, but inherited the will of his father and brother!"

"He can inherit the legacy of his father and brother. Such a noble character reminds me of a great emperor surnamed Sun in the fairyland!"

"And Mr. Lin is so righteous. We should go to meet him in person to thank him and admire his demeanor!"

"Hey! Wait a minute. The strange phenomenon has not disappeared yet. Mr. Lin must still be cultivating and practicing. We must not disturb him!"

"That makes sense! Let's wait for the strange phenomenon to dissipate before visiting Mr. Lin!"

After countless cultivators exchanged ideas, they all reached a consensus.

But they had so much emotion in their hearts that they had nowhere to express it. They spontaneously began to publicize the glorious deeds of the young master of the Lin family to the cultivators from various states in the fairyland who gradually gathered in Liangzhou City!

Lin Xingyun's reputation also rose rapidly, and gradually became a model of filial sons and brothers and a role model for the younger generation in the entire fairyland!

The people in the city gradually discovered that the pink clouds and the strange phenomenon of the Great Dao Immortal Bell in the sky had never dissipated, and there seemed to be some kind of pattern.

Every three or four hours or so, the Immortal Bell would ring once, releasing the Great Dao Heavenly Sound to benefit the people in the city, allowing them to practice and break through the realm unimpeded.

But sometimes it would ring three times a day, sometimes four times a day...

In short, there would be three to four bells every day, making the cultivators and mortals in the city cheer all day long, and some people even began to kneel down and worship in front of Tongfulou every day, thanking the young master of the Lin family!

After thirty-three days, the Immortal Bell had already rung a full 108 times!

Chapter 321: The Battle of Zhenliang Pass, I jumped first

Thirty-three days later, at noon.

Thousands of miles west of Liangzhou City, across the wasteland, is a stretch of endless Tongtian Pass that spans the immortal realm for eternity!

It towers thousands of feet high, straight up to the nine-layer sky, connecting the vast earth and the endless starry sky. It is the largest line of defense of the fairyland against foreign lands, and has witnessed countless fights between the two sides since ancient times, and the blood and bones shed by hundreds of millions of Tianjiao!

On the border, there are also fortresses and passes built for garrisoning. The pass here is called Zhenliang Pass!

At this time, the outer periphery of Zhenliang Pass is already shouting and killing. Countless cultivators are fighting bloody battles with foreigners. Tens of thousands of fairy boats are spewing divine light in the air. Billions of magical skills are like a storm on the entire battlefield. Every moment, there are lives falling!

On this battlefield, both sides agreed to only send out the king and prince realm combat power. There are very few evil characters in the divine fire realm who can fight against kings and princes, and they are also brought to the battlefield for training and fighting.

But the battlefield is clearly divided. At a glance, the foreign cultivators are like a tide, and their number is obviously far greater than that of the fairyland!

In addition, the foreigners were naturally gifted, and everyone had strange black lines all over their bodies, which made them bloodthirsty and brutal, but also blessed them with cultivation and combat power as if blessed by God. There was a big gap between the two sides from the beginning.

Especially in the highest cloud peak of the battlefield, it was the place where the top monsters of both sides confronted each other.

The foreign side had an absolute advantage here, and beat the immortal cultivators almost without the ability to fight back!


In the northwest corner, a three-meter-tall foreign strongman posed a domineering fist posture, and his blood rushed into the sky and turned into a blood-colored dragon, and his sturdy body was like copper and steel!

Just one punch was thrown, like a hurricane passing through, and the unmatched physical strength instantly beat the immortal cultivator in front of him into pieces of meat paste!

"Too weak! Where are the sons of the emperor and the sons of gods in the fairyland? Are they hiding in the pass and not daring to come fight?"

Yi Pan waved his fists, laughed wildly and continued to kill as much as he wanted.

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