He is a direct bloodline of the Yi clan in the foreign land. This clan is famous for its physical strength. He himself is the strongest evil figure of this generation in the clan!

At the same time, in the southwest corner of the battlefield, a red-haired man with pale skin and strange clothing was waving two folding fans. Every time he waved the fans, a thousand-mile river of blood swept out from the fans and attacked each of the immortal monks!

Although everyone tried their best to use their magic weapons and magical powers to resist the invasion of the blood river, after only blocking it for a moment, they were horrified to find that they seemed to be cursed, and their whole bodies were covered in blood!


After bursts of shrill screams, blood burst out of the bodies of the Immortal Realm monks, and their deaths turned into smoke and dust horribly!

And that large amount of blood also merged into the blood river and was swallowed back into the mouth by the strange man.

"Well, that's not enough. I want to see blood flowing into the sea!"

Xue Duoming tasted the taste of blood, and with a look of crazy joy on his face, he continued to dance with his fan and launched a huge offensive towards the Immortal Realm!

In the northeastern corner of the battlefield, a black-robed figure was manipulating the shackles of the hook and staff behind him. Like a vicious god in hell, he dragged the immortal monks into the vision, and in a matter of seconds, the original essence of each other was taken away. All the soul is drawn out and turned into nourishment for oneself!

"Hey! What kind of broken physiques are these? Aren't there people with top ten physiques who come here to die?"

Yuan Rui laughed proudly, his expression full of pride, and he seemed to be in a particularly comfortable mood.

Because since his six uncles died in the lower realm more than a hundred years ago, his father's status in the Genji Imperial Clan has increased, and he has naturally been under the protection of the clan and has become a key cultivation target in the clan!

"I heard that the boy with the innate Dao embryo in the Immortal Realm has been in seclusion for more than a hundred years. Is he still in retreat?"

"Ask Lin Xingyun to die!"

While Yuan Rui was shouting the message without restraint, in the southeast corner of the battlefield, two exotic white-haired swordsmen stood in the formation like two bloodthirsty swords!

They said nothing and even stood still.

But the sharp and ferocious sword intent of the two men, coupled with the pieces of corpses and broken bones in front of them, frightened a large number of immortal monks!

Not far in front of him, a man in blue robes was holding a broken sword and was coughing up blood. The wound on his chest was so deep that his bones were visible, and the powerful sword technique was eroding his internal organs.

Obviously, he had just fought with the two foreign swordsmen and lost with regret!

When the immortal monks behind him saw this, they were horrified and couldn't help but sigh!

"It's too scary! Even the young master of the Lu family can't fight those two monsters. Aren't we going to die?!"

"After all, there is only one person, Young Master Lu. It would be great if there was one more top genius to help him fight!"

"Where are the Goddess Di Yao and the Goddess of the Chu family?! If those two giants were here, how could we have been defeated like this?!"

"They were transferred to Zhenlong Pass by the upper-level figures to participate in the saint-level battle!"

"Are you sick? Are you sick?!"

"Even if those two giants are ridiculously strong and have saint-level combat capabilities, we can't just let them fight on the saint's battlefield! They are still only at the princely level!"

"You know what the hell, that's how it is with upper-level employees. As long as you can do the work, you will have endless work to do! You don't care about our life and death at all!"

"So this is a fair? Brothers, I'll jump first!"

Chapter 322 The battlefield situation, Lin Xingyun is coming!

"Eh?! Fellow Taoists, aren't you descendants of the Changsheng Wang family? Where is the young emperor of your Wang family? Why don't you come to join the battle?!"

"Yes! Our entire Daozhou has heard that Wang Tengyou of the Wang family is like an emperor! If he can come to control the situation, why should we be afraid of these foreign thieves?!"

Suddenly, a group of monks noticed several Wang family disciples beside them and asked eagerly.

"Returning to the status of the Great Emperor! Young Master, his soul lamp was extinguished half a year ago!"

"If the reincarnation goes well, I'll probably be able to call you daddy by now!"

Everyone in the Wang family behaved like their parents had died, and they cursed and complained.

More than half a year ago, their young master went to the Void Immortal Palace to explore the secrets and experience. Who knew that he would never come back, and his soul was completely shattered, making the entire Wang family furious!

Several sleeping ancestors were awakened from the forbidden area, and they immediately used their heavenly methods to capture the real culprit to see who dared to touch the proud young emperor of their Wang family!

But when they learned that the Void Immortal Palace flew into the wilderness and was never heard from again.

Each of the ancestors was silent for a long time, and finally decided to return to the forbidden area and lie down. They even refused to participate in Wang Teng's funeral!

The Wang family's spiritual momentum from top to bottom also declined, and they did not dare to make any big moves for a while.

When the monks heard what the Wang family disciples said, they didn't want to expose others' scars anymore, so they turned to ask the Qin family, Ye family, and Jun family disciples who were resting on the battlefield.

"This brother! I heard that the divine son of the Qin family possesses the Supreme Bone and is extremely powerful. Why don't we see him coming to join the battle?!"

"Ye Que, the young master of the Ye family, was taken to the legendary Hegemon Ancestral Star a hundred years ago. He must be completely different now. Where is he? Can you come to help?!"

"This fellow Taoist from the Jun family, I have been cultivating alone, and the news is relatively limited. I heard that the person with double eyes in the Jun family was beheaded. I don't know if it is..."

"Fuck you————!"

The Jun family member who was questioned could not bear it anymore and punched the man in the face, breaking all his yellow teeth!

The Ye family members also looked very unhappy. Their young master went to the Void Immortal Palace half a year ago and was seriously injured when he returned home. He only had one arm left. It was extremely difficult to recover from the injury, so it was impossible for him to come to the battle again.

"These damn casual cultivators have a lot of information, but they are really ignorant!"

"Brother, the situation of the war is not optimistic! We agreed to come here just to hone our skills, why are we playing with our lives?!"

"As the saying goes, a man of insight is a hero, why don't we run away!"

"What a disgrace! Don't tell others that your surname is Qin, just say it's Liu!"

"What a shame! If Di Yao's sister is still here, it will greatly enhance the reputation of our Qin family!"

"After all, she is the direct descendant of our Qin family. Why don't we go to Zhenlong Pass and negotiate with her? If we can persuade her to return to the clan, our Qin family will be invincible in the fairyland in this life!"

The Qin family's children were also either indignant or sighing, talking a lot, but without exception, they all admired Qin Di Yao to the extreme!

After all, since she left the Yaochi Holy Land and began to travel the world, she began to sweep away all her opponents. Even those forbidden princes and princesses who made the immortal domain's pride tremble and avoid them were used as whetstones by her to cut them down one by one!

After arriving at the border, it was even more outrageous. She killed foreign monks like slaughtering pigs and dogs. She even killed several foreign saints. The monks stationed at the border admired her sincerely and respectfully called her "Emperor Yao Tiannu".

She was also compared with the goddess of the Chu family who came to the border to train, and she has become a leader among the younger generation of the border!

At this time, the two beauties were not present, and the immortal domain seemed to have lost its backbone, and it was inevitable that morale would be greatly reduced!

At this time, the battlefield situation was even more precarious. The three foreign imperial clan monsters, Yipan, Xueduoming, and Yuanrui, led the foreign monk army to launch a general attack!

The two white-haired swordsmen finally moved. They both had four pairs of strange demon eyes on their faces. Their postures and swordsmanship were exactly the same. The two fierce black swords were just slightly danced, and in an instant, dozens of immortal realm monks died under the sword!

"Danger! You retreat first! I'll stop these two!"

The seriously injured Lu Zhuangxiang roared, dragged his injured body forward again with a sword, and fought to the death with the two white-haired swordsmen! [Name has been changed]

But he was already injured. He saw that the opponent's total of sixteen demon eyes flashed together. When a pair of black swords danced at the same time, he was quickly injured and his body was about to collapse!

The battle situation also completely changed from being scorching and white-hot to the gradual defeat of the immortal realm!

"Mr. Lu! I'll help you!"

There were people in the crowd who were filled with righteous indignation and were about to step forward to help, but they were hurriedly stopped by their comrades.

"Don't send them off! Those two are the twin sons of the Sword Emperor Clan from a foreign land, and they are the true bloodline of the Great Emperor! You can't even take one of their swords!"

"So what? Are we going to watch Master Lu sacrifice for us?!"

"Eh? Didn't they say that the young master of the Lin family also came to the border? Where is he?!"

The crowd finally remembered the existence of Lin Xingyun, and they looked around, hoping that this innate Dao embryo could show his power

"Alas! Daoist friends, you don't know that when we rushed over from Liangzhou City today, Master Lin was still there to comprehend the Dao and practice!"

"Not to mention that we have all received the blessings of the Great Dao Tianyin, no matter what, we can't interrupt his enlightenment!"

"I just hope that Master Lin can comprehend the Dao faster! Otherwise, we will be completely defeated and suffer countless casualties!"

The people in the Immortal Realm were struggling to fight, while secretly praying, looking forward to the arrival of the savior!

At this time, two independent and well-matched figures floated down from the Zhenliang Pass, and began to look at the battlefield situation from a corner of the pass.

"It's still so cruel..."

"I don't know when the foreign land can be completely wiped out..."

Liu Xinyan was sighing, and suddenly her eyes changed, and she looked at the distant foreign sky. There were several pairs of sinister and deep eyes staring at her from thousands of miles away.

Obviously, they were also great saints from the foreign land, guarding against the strong from the fairyland to make trouble and bully the weak.

At the Zhenliang Pass, two old voices came from the air.

"Is it Fairy Liu? Nice to meet you."

"If you come to help, please go directly to Zhentian Pass, which is the main battlefield of the Great Saint Realm, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble."

Two brown-robed old men sat at the entrance of Zhenliang Pass, bowed and told Liu Xinyan, and then continued to look at the battle outside the pass with a serious expression.

"Alas! With the young generation like this, what is the future of the Immortal Realm?"

"It's all the fault of those old bastards. If those two little guys hadn't been transferred to Zhenlong Pass, it would be those bastards from the Foreign Realm who are now fleeing in defeat!"

"The deployment of combat power is tight, and everyone is having difficulties. They can't do anything about it..."

"Who told us that our overall strength is weaker than that of the Foreign Realm?"

Seeing the complete defeat of the Immortal Realm, the two old men also sighed with inexplicable emotion.

At this time, on the side of the pass, Lin Xingyun was holding Liu Xinyan's warm hand and kissed it carefully before letting go.

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