
The horn sounded like a dragon’s roar or a tiger’s howl. It came from an unknown distance of thousands of miles away, but it was extremely ancient and melodious, resounding through every corner of this world.

"Hmm? Senior sister, what's that sound?"

"It's the rally call at the border. Whenever this call sounds, it means that there will be a big war at the border, and the major forces in the fairyland and various independent cultivators will be recruited to go to the border to help. ..."

"Xingyun, the border is so troubled, your realm is still insufficient, it's best not to go there and take risks."

"No, senior sister, I must go this time!"

"Then...then you have to follow me closely, don't run around."

"Senior sister...am I not following you closely enough?"

"Little beast! Don't talk!"

The two of them were flirting and chatting, and they were so affectionate all the way. With Liu Xinyan deliberately speeding up and driving the cloud with all his strength, only six hours later, the two of them arrived in Liangzhou City, the westernmost part of the fairyland!

Chapter 319 Liangzhou City, Challenge

The western border of the fairyland borders the foreign land, with the fairyland border stretching for hundreds of millions of miles as the boundary, and Liangzhou is a Daozhou at the forefront of the border.

This Liangzhou City is not only the core of Liangzhou, but also a supply and settlement fortress near the border. For countless years, with generations of guarding troops stationed here, Liangzhou City has long been managed into a contemporary city, prosperous and prosperous, and only the core cities of Daozhou where the holy land or the immortal family are located can compare with it.

Now the border has issued a rally horn, which is like a decree from the gods that can reach hundreds of millions of miles. In an instant, it has spread to the three thousand Daozhous in the fairyland. One after another, immortal boats, flying chariots, and ancient warships pass by in the sky, carrying countless aspiring monks to come to the border to help in the battle, like a torrent of carp crossing the river.

Some of them went directly to the border to join, while others chose to stay in Liangzhou City to rest. After all, the date of the battle between the two sides had not yet arrived, and they also needed to make more preparations before the war.

At this time, outside the gate of Liangzhou City, a man and a woman were seen hurriedly riding the clouds and landing.

The two men were handsome and pretty, and their temperaments were even more extraordinary. The innate Tao rhyme from the same source resonated from their bodies, as if they were a pair made in heaven. People could only envy and be amazed when they saw them, and they could not have any jealousy at all!

Especially the woman, who hurriedly pulled the man into the city gate as soon as she landed!

"Hehe! Senior sister, I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry!"

Lin Xingyun joked with a playful smile, letting Liu Xinyan pull him into the city.

"You...you shut up!"

"Wait for me to find an inn...see how I'll deal with you later!"

Liu Xinyan was embarrassed, angry, and anxious. She pulled Lin Xingyun's arm hard, and her figure was like light and shadow, and she rushed into the city.

She was surprisingly confident now, and was ready to use the method she had just learned from the book "Yin Yang He Huan Fa" to deal with Lin Xingyun, the little beast, with all her strength!

But when the two entered the city and entered an inn called Tongfulou.

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"Two distinguished guests, are you going to stay overnight or stay in the hotel?"

The innkeeper asked with a smile, but Liu Xinyan suddenly sobered up and came to her senses.

Now...it seems that I am going to take my junior brother to get a room and do some unspeakable things!

When she thought about how impatient she was just now, she was immediately embarrassed to the extreme! She quickly lowered her red face and retreated behind Lin Xingyun.

She kicked him lightly and signaled him to negotiate with the shopkeeper.

Lin Xingyun was not vague either, he went forward and threw a bag of spirit stones and ordered directly.

"Shopkeeper, a room upstairs."

"It must be equipped with the highest-level soundproof formation!"

"Okay! Arrange it immediately!"

The shopkeeper immediately arranged the room, and Lin Xingyun smiled evilly and took Liu Xinyan's hand and kissed it.

"Soundproof formation? I can arrange it myself, why do I need to--"

Liu Xinyan still had some doubts, looking at Lin Xingyun's expression of eating people without spitting bones, she suddenly understood the truth!

"Beast! You...you are a beast---!"

"Sister, you can scold me now. The more you scold me, the more excited I am. Hehehehehehe~~~~"

"Let's go upstairs!"

Liu Xinyan's face was red as blood, and he kept scolding Lin Xingyun in his voice.

Lin Xingyun was even more excited, and pulled the reluctant sister to the guest room upstairs.

But before they went upstairs, they heard a lot of noisy discussions in the lobby on the first floor of the inn.

"Old Tong, the border has issued a call to assemble now."

"Although our cultivation is not high and we can't kill a few foreigners in battle, shouldn't we go over to help?"

"If you want to go, go. When my grandfather came here to garrison and fight foreigners, he did all the work in my life! Why should I go and risk my life?"

"Then we can't just wait. If the border is breached, we have to escape in advance, right?"

"Hey! Look at your useless look. The border has not been breached for hundreds of millions of years, but it will be breached this time?"

"If the sky falls, there are tall people to hold it up. We should eat and drink as we should. This Liangzhou will not be destroyed!"

"That's right! Uncle Tong is a Liangzhou native of the older generation, and he lives a very ordinary life!"

"The master of our old Liangzhou City is the master. We have nothing but food and drink!"

"Everyone, when I woke up this morning and opened my eyes, guess what?"

"Hey! Wake up!"


Lin Xingyun listened to the chatter and discussion of everyone in the lobby, couldn't help but nodded with emotion, and continued to pull his senior sister upstairs.

Well, people in Liangzhou City are acting like this. I just accompany my senior sister before going to the border. Isn't this too much?

But the next moment, he heard a discussion among the crowd.

"Hey, hey, it is said that the reason why the border gate issued a rally call this time is not that the foreigners want to completely break the border, but that the other side has issued a battle invitation and wants to have a battle in thirty-three days!"

"At that time, all the monks below the quasi-emperor level on both sides will join the battlefield and fight outside the three border passes!"

"Next to our Liangzhou City is Zhenliang Pass, which is the main battlefield for monks below the saint level!"

"I heard that the number and combat power of the monks on our side are far inferior to those in foreign lands! I don't know how many people will be killed or injured by then!"

"Practice is only for immortality, but the road to immortality is so difficult and dangerous!"

"But if you don't fight with heaven or people, how can you succeed in this way?"

"Hey, you can't say that. If we eat well, drink well, and have fun like us, we will be able to cultivate to the Yuan Mansion and Cave Heaven. If we live for hundreds of years and then die, this life will be considered worthwhile!"

"Uncle Tong, Gao! You have completed your cultivation!"

Lin Xingyun pulled his senior sister up the stairs, and the sound of discussion behind him had been cut off.

"The war will start in thirty-three days? The time is quite tight."

"Zhenliang Pass? Since it is the main battlefield below the saint realm, Yaoyao and the others must gather there."

Lin Xingyun led Liu Xinyan all the way to the room and opened the door while talking.

"Actually, for so many years, this kind of war has been happening from time to time. It was the foreign countries who took the initiative to invite the war in order to sharpen the fighting power of their descendants."

"After all, if the foreign land really wants to attack with all its strength and break through the border in one fell swoop, then it will definitely be the top emperor-level figures who start an imperial war."

"Then the two sides will truly have a war that will destroy the world and wipe out all sentient beings. At that level of confrontation, no one below the Imperial level is qualified to participate. They can only wait for the result!"

"In comparison, the current war is nothing more than military training, all paving the way for the real life-and-death battle in the future..."

After entering the room, Liu Xinyan explained, with a blushing face, and began to lay out barrier formations in the room to isolate all audio and visual.

After seeing that she had arranged dozens of layers of barrier formations, she still refused to give up and kept drawing the formation diagrams there!

Lin Xingyun couldn't wait any longer, and immediately hugged Liu Xinyan's slender waist from behind, biting her earlobe and breathed softly.

"Sister, it's almost done."

"Everything is going on outside, and it has nothing to do with us at this moment."

"Ask me again, can you let me take care of you?"

Chapter 320: Immortal Bell Vision, One Hundred and Eight Rings

Liu Xinyan did not answer directly, but her skin, as white and tender as snow, moon and wind flowers, was flushed, her body was trembling slightly, and her fingers were tightly clenching her dress, as if she had anticipated what would happen later, so Extremely nervous!

Lin Xingyun kept rubbing her ears and temples, pecking her neck step by step.

After a while, Liu Xinyan seemed to be unable to bear the stimulation. She turned her neck to one side and began to breathe quickly and change the topic in a panic, hoping to delay it for a while longer.

"You...didn't you say you were going to...see that Miss Qin?"

"Although there are still more than thirty days of war... you can also... go see her first..."

"Senior sister, you have deployed so many layers of formations..."

"Even if I want to go now, I can't get out!"

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