"Old Fifteen, don't join in the fun because of your dignified appearance, but this guy does have a good look, and he has the same demeanor as I did back then!"

"Innate Dao embryo physique, supreme bones, emperor's double eyes?! And the foundation of this body's cultivation..."

"It's incredible! This boy...he is the son-in-law of my Liu family!"

"With these two little guys in charge, this generation has nothing to fear from the little Chaos Body of the Jun family!"

"Brothers, those old ladies are so generous, we can't be too embarrassed!"

The voices quickly reached a consensus, and soon several more Qiankun Rings flew out of the sky and fell directly into Lin Xingyun's hands!

Lin Xingyun took stock and found that he had harvested more than ten quasi-emperor weapons this time, and there were countless other training resources!

But although these ancestors were generous, they all knew that the spirit-sacrifice master in the valley valued Liu Menger and the two, so they had no intention of directly giving them guidance or accepting them as disciples.

"Thank you all seniors, and the juniors will definitely repay you in the future!"

He raised his hands and bowed around, then accepted all the Qiankun Rings, and continued to the depths of the Spirit Sacrifice Valley with Liu Meng'er.

However, before the two of them had gone far, the world around them was changing.

When he regained his composure, he was already brought to the nine-foot-high willow tree.

The branches of the willow tree swayed slightly, and thousands of mysterious and subtle green-gold runes escaped from the branches and leaves. The aura around the body was ancient and extraordinary, as if it had come from across the ages.

All the grass and trees in the valley seemed to be affected by the rune charm emitted by this willow tree, and grew extremely lush. Many of the grass and trees had already cultivated spiritual wisdom, and even reached the level of saints and great saints, but they still maintained their humility. In its true form, I continue to respect this willow tree and surround it in the valley with utmost respect.

Lin Xingyun just got close to the willow tree, and when he took a breath, he felt the infinite breath of life washing and nourishing his body and mind, making him extremely comfortable, and any fatigue accumulated in his body was instantly washed away!

"Greetings to the Lord Sacrifice Spirit."

Liu Meng'er didn't dare to neglect and pulled him to salute the willow tree.


A soft voice came from the willow tree, and then a delicate willow branch passed through the air and wrapped around Liu Meng'er's wrist, pulling her gently.

Liu Meng'er also understood what the other party meant from the wicker, so she nodded solemnly, turned back to look at Lin Xingyun, and pecked his face a few times. Her eyes were red and she was speechless for a while.

"Bao, practice obediently."

Lin Xingyun held her in his arms, comforted her softly, and declared his promise towards the willow tree.

"The younger generation will definitely make good use of the skills taught by the seniors."

"I also hope that you, senior, will take care of Meng'er. If this junior succeeds in his cultivation in the future, he will definitely come back to express his gratitude to senior!"

I saw the willow branches swaying slightly, and there was a pleasant teasing sound.

"Don't worry, she will be the strongest one in the history of Dream Returning Immortal Body."

"It's up to you, don't rely on your physical strength to cause chaos."

"You have been to the wilderness and have already gotten into trouble. If you don't restrain yourself, you will be dragged to death by a woman sooner or later."

Lin Xingyun's heart moved, and he thought of the white-clothed empress who controlled time and space, and the half of the bronze mask he got in the wilderness.

Because the mask gave him such an extraordinary feeling, and whether it was the empress or the voice deep in the wilderness, the cause and effect was too great, he did not dare to put the mask directly into his body, but kept it stored In the Zhangtian Pot.

He knew that the water inside was very deep, and he couldn't grasp it for a while!

"Thank you, senior, for reminding me. I know this junior well."

Lin Xingyun thought for a moment, responded, and said farewell to Liu Menger before letting her go gently.

Seeing Liu Meng'er being led by the branch and floating into the trunk of the willow tree without a trace, Lin Xingyun felt a sense of sadness in his heart, then stopped staying and turned around to walk outside the Spirit Sacrifice Valley.

When he returned to the Qingxi courtyard, Lin Mo and Liu Xinyan were already waiting.

The two girls were almost similar in figure and appearance, but Liu Xinyan's makeup was more gorgeous and delicate. Lin Mo only wore plain black and white, but also had some light makeup on her face. They were waiting there hand in hand, letting Lin Xingyun I couldn't help but my eyes lit up.

"Mom, take care of yourself. It's time for me to go out and practice."

"Sister, please take me to the border."

Lin Xingyun said goodbye to Lin Mo, then turned to Liu Xinyan and said.

"Well, Xingyun, the world outside is in chaos now, so you have to be more careful. I... Meng'er is still waiting for you to come back and consummate the marriage."

Lin Mo earnestly warned that although they only got along for a few days, the two seemed to be naturally friendly and fell in love with each other at first sight.

Lin Xingyun was about to leave at this time, but she still felt a lot of reluctance in her heart.

"Mom, let's go now, please take care of yourself!"

However, Liu Xinyan's eyes lit up unconsciously at the thought of being alone with her junior brother again. She couldn't wait to say goodbye to her mother quickly, and pulled Lin Xingyun straight up to Yunxia, ​​heading to Liangzhou, the farthest west of the Immortal Realm!

Chapter 318 Breaking the window paper

Clouds were flying high in the sky, and mountains, rivers, cities and sects were passing by at high speed below.

Lin Xingyun was not in the mood to appreciate the scenery at this time. Instead, as soon as he was pulled up to Yunxia by his senior sister, he began to move to her side inch by inch.

At this time, they were thousands of feet high in the sky, and they were the only two people alone in the world. All worldly creatures and disturbances were thrown away beneath them, as if they were the only two people left in the world.

After the two of them were in ambiguous silence for a while, Lin Xingyun had already moved closer to Liu Xinyan and breathed directly into her ear.

"Senior sister, do you know what my mother said to me alone before?"

"What did you say?"

Liu Xinyan felt an itch next to her ears and her delicate body was trembling. She asked guiltily, as if she had already made a guess.

"Mom said that since my eldest brother's whereabouts are unknown, he doesn't know when he will come back."

"I just hope that in addition to taking care of Meng'er, I can also take care of you."

"Sister, can I do it?"

Lin Xingyun leaned on Liu Xinyan's shoulder and asked softly.

Liu Xinyan bit her lower lip tightly, suppressing the shame in her heart and did not answer.

Secretly, I couldn't help but sigh, what a wise girl!

But after a while, she still pushed Lin Xingyun away gently and replied with an arrogant look.

"I...what do I need you to take care of?!"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm used to being alone and have never thought about men and women."

"To be honest, even if Lin Feng comes back, I will still terminate my engagement with him!"

"The elders in the clan always hope that Lin Feng and I will unite and give birth to an innate holy body and Tao embryo in the future..."

"But it's impossible for me... to commit myself to others for the sake of spiritual practice!"

"Even if I fail to prove the way and overcome tribulations in the future, and my body dies and my path disappears, I will never————!"

"Huh? What are you doing——?!"

Just as Liu Xinyan was telling her determination impassionedly, she saw Lin Xingyun had raised his head, his face was very close to hers, and he stared into her eyes and said solemnly.

"Sister, let me take care of you."

"You little bastard, you...uh————"

The next moment, before Liu Xinyan could continue to refute, Lin Xingyun was already close to her, sealing her words.

Liu Xinyan felt that her mind suddenly turned blank. All her cultivation, enlightenment, and family had turned into smoke. Only the person in front of her was left in her eyes and heart, and everything in the world had been forgotten!

Lin Xingyun was even more excited when he saw that his senior sister didn't resist at all!

Lin Xingyun smiled from ear to ear after having some fun with his senior sister.

"Don't! Don't be out there-!"

"What if there are other strong people...peeping at us in the dark or higher in the sky..."

Liu Xinyan stopped his mischievous hands and finally regained some consciousness.

"Sister, when we get to Liangzhou City, can we..."

Lin Xingyun's eyes were full of anticipation and he hugged Liu Xinyan tightly again.

Liu Xinyan did not refuse, but instead resigned herself to the other person's embrace.

But she was too shy to answer directly, and only hesitated and complained after a while.

"You...you did this to me..."

"Aren't you afraid that your Lin family will say that you were obsessed with lust and took away your brother's... fiancée?"

"Don't be afraid! So what if for Senior Sister, you will be criticized by thousands of people and will be infamy for eternity?"

"You are really... such a beast... hopeless!"

The two of them talked affectionately, and when Liu Xinyan saw Lin Xingyun's firm attitude, her whole body felt like the spring breeze and the rising sun, and waves of warmth welled up in her heart.

The more coquettish and abusive she became, the more she took the initiative to reach out and hug Lin Xingyun tightly to her body.

Little did they know that Lin Xingyun's reputation in the family had already collapsed many years ago. Aunts and sister-in-laws from all walks of life had fallen in his arms. The Lin family had become accustomed to him and would not find it strange at all!

The love between the two is like a fog, getting stronger and closer.

Just as the two of them were feeling warm there, there was a sound of horn blasting from far away in the sky that penetrated their souls!

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