"If you hold this immortal token, you will be protected by the immortal power."

"Go, lead these people, and defeat the Gao family!"

"Yes! Follow the Immortal Master's orders!"

Those who carried the tokens agreed in unison, their confidence doubled, and as if with divine help, they immediately headed towards the Gao family in the north of the city.

It's like a stone stirs up a thousand waves. Someone takes the lead. The tens of millions of people gathered here immediately follow like a tide. Along the way, people continue to join the team and rush to kill the Gao family!

Seeing the vast crowd rushing away, Chu Wujie couldn't help laughing proudly, and casually patted Han Feiyu beside him.

"Li...ah, no, Brother Han, you did a great job!"

"By the way...what's your name? Why is your surname now Li and then Han?"

"Han Feiyu."

Han Feiyu looked too lazy to pay attention to him, moved a few steps to the side, and stared at the long dragon-like crowd in trance.

"Hehe, then let's just call you Brother Han. It's more cordial!"

Chu Wujie was very familiar with him, so he took a few steps closer and flattered him with a smile.

"Brother Han is still so powerful. If I had known, I would have asked your faithful followers to use your tokens to attack the Gao family! There is no need to consume so much of your merit..."

Han Feiyu interrupted coldly.

"Those tokens don't have any spiritual power. They can't even kill Kun. They have no effect at all."

"Besides, with how powerful the red-haired monster is, it uses magic weapons to harm mortals. Do you think it won't pursue it?"

"Ah?! Then you let them take the lead?!"

"They also said that they are protected by immortal power. Doesn't this mean they are going to die?!"

Chu Wujie was shocked. He didn't expect that Han Feiyu was just cheating!

"I also felt it was inappropriate when Lin Xingyun arranged it like this yesterday."

"But just now, I figured it out."

Han Feiyu pointed at the dark crowd, with a helpless smile on his lips.

"There are tens of thousands of people here, like a prairie fire. When they really kill the Gao family, the Gao family will just flee."

"If there is no resistance, there will be no casualties."

"I see!"

"I only saw the first floor, but Brother Lin is actually on the fifth floor!"

Chu Wujie showed a look of sudden realization, and his admiration for Lin Xingyun in his heart suddenly increased!

"No, actually...he should be on the ninth floor!"

Han Feiyu thought to himself and glanced at Lin Xingyun's private room in the inn with complicated eyes.

Because he has noticed that since his followers took the lead, the crowds have been gathering and leaving.

Thousands of pale golden merits and wishes are gathering towards me from the vast crowd like hundreds of rivers flowing into the sea!

This is much faster than his usual accumulation of virtue and good deeds!

"Sure enough, he is my best friend in the previous life, although he is sometimes a bit deceptive..."

"But he does think about me at all times!"

Han Feiyu closed his eyes with a look of relief on his face.

Accustomed to the lonely life of cultivating immortals, he couldn't help but feel the value of friendship at this time.

Looking at Chu Wujie beside him who was chattering excitedly, his expression became a little gentler.

"Brother Han, Brother Lin is truly a god!"

"Not only is he strong, but he also cares about the world. He is truly a role model for our generation!"

"I just thought about it. Brother Lin has such a plan. Maybe he has a higher level of consideration!"

"This time these mortals have bulldozed the Gao family. From now on in the deserted city, there will never be another bully family like the Gao family! Brother Han, how do you think I understand this level?"

Just as Chu Wujie was talking proudly, he was in the inn.

It’s the same wing room and the same big bed.

Lin Xingyun was turning a deaf ear to what was going on outside the window, and was studying fancy gymnastics with Zhao Binglan!

Zhao Binglan is petite but weak and boneless, which is perfect for cooperating with him to unlock all kinds of knowledge!

Gymnastics routines are roughly as shown below.

Chapter 302: People are addicted to food, which is a blessing in disguise

Until seven days later, the sun rose three poles high.

In the wing room, after a set of synchronized gymnastics dances was completed, Lin Xingyun felt not only comfortable and comfortable all over his body, but also his cultivation and foundation had been greatly nourished!

After upgrading his physique, the effect of dual cultivation has become countless times stronger, and he has also mastered the "Yin Yang Acacia Method" to perfection!

He breathed a long sigh of relief, smiled and patted the cute little girl under him.

"Binglan, let's try another trick."

"Nebula... no... no more..."

Zhao Binglan was covered in sweat and murmured softly. The corners of her mouth were full of saliva dripping unconsciously. Her little pink legs were twitching non-stop, as if she really couldn't bear it anymore!

"Tsk, tsk, you're full after only seven days?"

"With the same virtue as your sister, people are addicted to food!"

Seeing this, Lin Xingyun stepped forward and bit the tip of her nose teasingly, then smiled and prepared to stop dressing.

"Hmph! Don't...don't mention my sister!"

Unexpectedly, when Zhao Binglan heard him mention Zhao Hanyi, she immediately became energetic again. She raised her two little arms and turned over to hold Lin Xingyun down.

"I heard from Sister Miaoyin that when my sister practices swordsmanship with you... she always likes this..."

"She can do it...of course I can too!"

Zhao Binglan's eyes sparkled, and her desire to compete with Zhao Hanyi suddenly reached its highest peak!

Lin Xingyun was also happy to cooperate and lay down directly.

However, six hours later, the moon was high in the sky.

After Lin Xingyun covered Zhao Binglan, who was already groggy, with the quilt, he was dressed in the blink of an eye.

"Xing... Xingyun..."

"Help me up... I'm still... OK..."

Seeing that she was still humming and talking in her sleep, Lin Xingyun pinched her little face with a smile.

The next moment, he walked out and came to a private seat on the upper floor of the inn.

Chu Wujie and Han Feiyu were sitting opposite each other drinking. Seeing that Lin Xingyun finally came out, Chu Wujie was surprised and stepped forward, inviting him with a smile.

"Brother Lin, you are finally done! Come on, come on, let's drink!"

Han Feiyu looked at him strangely, and was secretly suspicious in his heart.

Has this old friend of his from the previous life always been so fond of women?

But he didn't know what to say, so he just waved his hand to indicate that he should sit down.

"My two Taoist friends, I haven't seen you for a few days. The deserted city has become much more lively!"

"It seems that you two are doing very well and have brought great benefits!"

After Lin Xingyun sat down, he looked out the window and saw that the sky was full of fireworks, the streets were crowded with people, and the people were full of energy, making the deserted city countless times more active and peaceful than before.

"Hey! No way! This is all the credit of Brother Lin and Brother Han. I will toast you two on behalf of the people of the deserted city!"

Chu Wujie scratched his head and drank the glass in one gulp. It was completely difficult to hide the pride and joy on his face.

"A blessing in disguise."

"Brother Lin is righteous, so I toast you!"

Han Feiyu also raised his glass to Lin Xingyun, his tone was rarely sincere.

Although because of Lin Xingyun's series of actions, the merits and wishes he had accumulated before were consumed.

But in the past few days, as Gao's family was conquered by the people of the city, a huge amount of merit poured in. He finally realized that he had a more efficient way to accumulate merit!

In addition, seeing that the people of the city were really free from the clutches of the devil, he only had gratitude and admiration for Lin Xingyun at this time.

As for the fact that the other party was his old friend in the previous life, he no longer had any doubts!

"You two, drinking alcohol is harmful to your health, so drink some animal milk."

"Oh, by the way, Brother Han, I have a small matter here, and I would like to ask you for help."

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