Zhao Binglan called out indistinctly, and two lines of hot tears slid down from the corners of her eyes.

Although she didn't understand what the so-called "wings" meant, she still felt the other party's sincere love.

Not long after, a few drops of blood dripped on the bed and turned into plum blossoms.

Two hours later.

Above the inn outside, the boundless familiar pink clouds also covered the sky and the moon, almost covering half of the deserted city!

But this time it was no longer hundreds of celestial maidens scattering flowers, but a pink figure vaguely emerged from the vast clouds.

The phantom was dressed in solemn and noble clothes, but his appearance was exactly the same as Zhao Binglan, with seven-color divine clouds all over his body, holding a seven-color treasure tree, like a god descending from the sky, and could not be desecrated.

After a while, the phantom waved the treasure tree, and pieces of seven-color light rain fell, as if the grace of heaven was mercy, allowing all the creatures below to bathe in grace, either prolonging their life or eliminating all diseases.

The core of the light rain was inside the inn room.

Although Lin Xingyun was still immersed in the great harmony of life, he also realized that with the influx of the infinite seven-color light rain, his physique, cultivation, and soul were once again greatly nourished!

"Since the physique was upgraded to red, the effect of this vision has become countless times stronger!"

"It is just around the corner to become an emperor!"



The next morning, the sun was shining.

The pink clouds in the sky still shrouded it.

Countless people in the deserted city gathered here, bathed in the light rain, and watched the inn.

A large number of people even gathered there spontaneously to worship, treating the light rain as the blessing of the immortal master's appearance!

At this time, Han Feiyu and Chu Wujie had returned. According to Lin Xingyun's instructions, they set up a high platform on the street in front of the inn, ready to act according to the plan.

Chapter 301 The first floor, the fifth floor, and the ninth floor!

Lin Xingyun's physical abnormality has turned this block into a check-in destination!

The people of the deserted city were attracted to come here one after another, wanting to bathe in the grace of the immortal master!

The shadow on the horizon was still shedding light rain, but it did not alarm the guards of the deserted city and provoke the red-haired monster.

【Weary of the world 尒詤φ CHE Zhuan詀丿㈨ ㈣ ⑧ Э 二 四 ○ ㈨②】

Han Feiyu and Chu Wujie looked at each other, and took advantage of this momentum to start performing on stage.

The two of them stepped onto the high platform, and there was a middle-aged man with a cloth bag covering his head on the stage, who was tied up and twisted and struggling there.

It was the two of them who went to capture him last night.

In order to catch him, Han Feiyu bled heavily again, consuming a lot of merit and willpower.

At this time, looking at the twisted and struggling man, he flashed a trace of hesitation in his eyes. After all, the other party was just a weak mortal.

But he thought that if he didn't deal with this person, the people of Huangcheng would never have peace.

His mood quickly hardened.

Then Chu Wujie cleared his throat and began to speak loudly to the people below the stage.

"Brothers and sisters of Huangcheng, I have something to say, please listen carefully!"

His voice was like a bell, instantly spreading in all directions, making everyone below the stage look up, and the noise was gone.

Seeing this, Chu Wujie spoke more impassionedly.

"Everyone, the Gao family has suffered in the deserted city for a long time!"

"The whole family, from top to bottom, are all bastards, beasts, animals, and parasites!"

"Imagine that you are leading a happy life with your wife, running a small business!"

"Suddenly, you are targeted by the evil young man of the Gao family!"

"The family is broken up and the people are dead. It's horrible to watch!"

Chu Wujie gave a speech with great emotion, which made many civilians in the audience shed bitter tears, as if they recalled the ravages and bullying they had suffered from the Gao family.

There were also many eyes bursting with anger, but everyone was silent, still daring to be angry but not to speak.

Because they could see that the two young men in front of them were immortal masters with cultivation, but unfortunately, this was a deserted city, and no cultivator could do anything rash.

The two immortal masters might be filled with righteous indignation, but in their opinion, they could not help them.

However, the next moment, Chu Wujie directly grabbed the man with a cloth bag on his head, still passionate.

"To sum up, the days without the Gao family are good days!"

"The overthrow of the Gao family starts from now!"

As he said this, he tore off the cloth bag on the man's head, revealing his true face, which immediately caused an uproar in the audience!

"That is... Is it Master Gao??? Really Master Gao?!"

"Master Gao was arrested?!"

Countless people rubbed their eyes and looked around desperately, because the one who was captured on the stage like a little chicken was the biggest overlord of their deserted city, the eldest master of the Gao family, Gao Qiqiang!

Chu Wujie didn't hesitate. After taking a look at Han Feiyu, he immediately raised his hand and shot out a spiritual power, cutting off Gao Qiqiang's head!


Gulping blood gushed out like a spring, and the head flew directly into the air and fell into the crowd, causing large screams!

"Gao... Master Gao... is dead——?!"

"Still calling him Master Gao? Now he can be called a fishmonger!"

"He was just a fishmonger at first, but once he got rich, he started to bully people and rip them off!"

"He's dead! Open the champagne!"

Everyone gradually realized what was happening and started to laugh happily.

But before they could be surprised, the sky felt that there were immortal cultivators killing mortals, and groups of strange and ferocious red hairs were floating and gathering at a high speed!

"Not good! The two immortal masters, run away!"

The elderly in the crowd saw this and were immediately frightened, and hurriedly reminded Chu Wujie and Han Feiyu.

But Han Feiyu raised his hand with a painful look on his face, and the golden light of merit surged out of his body, like paying the silver for the crime, and continued to sprinkle on the red-haired monster that took shape at a very fast speed!

After a while, the red hairs all over the sky finally dissipated, and Han Feiyu also sighed and couldn't help but glared at Chu Wujie fiercely.

By the way, he turned back and glared at the position of Lin Xingyun's room.

After all, this whole plan was a bad idea from Lin Xingyun!

As a result, the merits and wishes he had accumulated for many years were directly emptied out by his just move!

It can be said to be a blood loss!

Chu Wujie, however, seemed not to notice his resentment, and gave him a thumbs up with admiration!

Then he continued to look at the people, and waved his hand generously to convey the message.

"Everyone, the main culprit has been killed by me!"

"Go to the Gao family and take back what belongs to you!"


"Thank you, Master---!"

Thousands of people in the audience saw that the two masters were not harmed, but encouraged them to fight the Gao family, and suddenly burst into cheers that shook the heavens and the earth!

However, although the cheers were thunderous, no one really dared to lead the team and take the first step towards the Gao family.

After all, the centipede is dead but not stiff. The Gao family still has a large number of guards and clansmen, and the fierce power seems to be still pressing on their heads. No one dares to be the first bird.

Everyone was watching, and even began to look at Chu Wujie and Han Feiyu, as if expecting them to take the lead.

However, only Han Feiyu himself knew that his merits and wishes had been exhausted.

If he dared to attack a mortal again, he would definitely be wiped out by the red-haired monster!

But he had already told Lin Xingyun about this, and the other party had also given him a way to deal with it.

Now seeing this situation, he could only shake his head and sigh.

Then he waved his robe sleeves, and with a thought, dozens or hundreds of golden lights flashed in the crowd and rushed straight to the sky.

"Hmm? Is it the token of Master Han?!"

"The token is emitting golden light, could it be... could it be that the person on the stage is Master Han?!"

"Master Han, is that you?!"

Those men and women who had received Han Feiyu's favor and carried the token rushed forward and kowtowed to Han Feiyu!

Han Feiyu also restrained his expression, put on a solemn look, and declared loudly.

"Yes, it is this immortal."

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