Lin Xingyun took out a pot of animal milk from the Qiankun Ring, gurgling for a while while continuing to explore.

Chapter 303 Tiangang and Disha Sword Box


Accompanied by two deep sword sounds, two sword boxes with similar appearance and flowing sword rhythms floated in front of Han Feiyu.

One of them was silver-white and full of brilliance, like a work of art carved by a skilled craftsman, delicate and powerful, it was the magic weapon Tiangang Sword Box that accompanied Lin Xingyun for a long time.

The other one was pitch black, dim, but it was like the natural creation of heaven and earth, simple and heavy to the extreme.

It was the first treasure that the Divine Fire Realm Extreme Ancient Heavenly Monument exploded before entering the Void Immortal Palace, the Disha Sword Box!

Lin Xingyun turned his wrist, stroked the two sword boxes, and showed a look of interest on his face.

After obtaining the Tiangang Sword Box, Lin Xingyun was very good at using it to fight the enemy, especially to nourish the sword energy and sword grass, and it was even more effective when attacking the enemy.

Unfortunately, the grade of this magic weapon was not too high, and it was not enough to deal with the king-level cultivators.

After he recognized the newly acquired Disha Sword Box as his master, although he felt that it was more powerful, it was still not enough to satisfy him now.

And most importantly, he felt that the two sword boxes complemented each other, as if they were originally refined as one!

"Brother Han, you are proficient in the way of refining weapons. Can you help me refine these two sword boxes again? It would be best if they can be combined into a brand new sword box magic weapon!"

After Lin Xingyun made his request, Han Feiyu was surprised and asked with a frown.

"Brother Lin, how do you know that I'm good at refining weapons?!"

"I don't think I've ever shown you that I can refine weapons..."

"Hey, I told you that I was your best friend in your previous life. You were a great refiner in your previous life. I know how capable you are!"

Lin Xingyun explained very naturally, but his eyes glanced at Han Feiyu's forehead and confirmed it again.

The system panel prompts, [Refining Genius] Orange: Very high talent for refining weapons, proficient in all kinds of refining methods.

Then he took out a destiny copy card and scanned the [Refining Genius] Orange on Han Feiyu, and successfully copied it in the blink of an eye.

"Huh? Brother Lin, what are you doing?"

Han Feiyu was confused by Lin Xingyun's operation. Although he felt that there was no damage, he felt that he was being taken advantage of!

"Nothing, Brother Han, I'll give you this sword box."

"I still have something important to do. Just let me know when you've recast the sword box."

Lin Xingyun didn't give him a chance to ask more questions, and directly pushed the two swords to him.

Then he flashed and disappeared again.

After a while.

Above the sky, the pink clouds that had just dispersed not long ago suddenly gathered again, and they were more turbulent and intense than before!

"Good guy! I'm calling it good guy!"

"Sure enough, this is Brother Lin's important matter!"

Chu Wujie and Han Feiyu looked at the scarlet light rain falling from the outside world, and their mouths twitched constantly.

It was just less than a quarter of an hour after the whole thing was done, and it continued again. Is it going to end?

At this time, in the room on the top floor of the inn.

Lin Xingyun was pressing Xiao Qianluo on the head of the bed, while immersing herself in the great harmony of life with her, and couldn't help laughing and biting her earlobe.

"Godmother, I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting for so long!"

"I'm such an unfilial child!"

" still have the nerve to say..."

"Then why don't you...hurry up...hurry up and show your filial Godmother!"

Xiao Qianluo's face was as red as blood, and her plump soft flesh was flushed red, every part of it was beautiful, and she cooperated with Lin Xingyun excitedly, holding him tightly with her pink arms.

Lin Xingyun's eyes were also shining, and he seemed to be equally excited. He immediately bit her neck hard, leaving a red mark.

"Then let Xingyun do his filial duty!"

As he said that, he fell on Xiao Qianluo again, their lips stuck together, and continued to travel around!

Chapter 304: Doing good deeds throughout life, recasting the sword box

In the blink of an eye, three months passed.

The city of Huangcheng got rid of the tyrant Gao family, and with the help of Master Lin, who worked day and night to spread the grace of rain and dew, the entire city of Huangcheng has changed its appearance and is much more prosperous than before.

Early in the morning of this day, Lin Xingyun was lying on Xiao Qianluo, gently pecking every inch of her back and wiping her sweat.

The two had just finished their morning exercise, and Xiao Qianluo was still panting.

But soon, Lin Xingyun just patted her plump parts, and she was like a married young woman.

She stood up skillfully, kissed Lin Xingyun, and then suppressed him with her backhand.

The two were about to change to another gymnastics trick, but suddenly Lin Xingyun's communication talisman made a sound.

"Ding! Ding!"

Lin Xingyun consciously cooperated with Xiao Qianluo while taking out the communication talisman to check.

It was Han Feiyu who finally succeeded and completely recast the two sword boxes into one!

"Well, everything is ready."

"Luoluo, we should go back."

Lin Xingyun stood up and sniffed Xiao Qianluo's hair and said softly.

Xiao Qianluo paused, without turning back, and said in a low and resentful tone.

"We are going back..."

"You will not belong to me again..."

She turned around and hugged Lin Xingyun tightly again, reluctant to part with this time alone.

"Luoluo, there is a long way to go."

"We still have thousands of years to go!"

Lin Xingyun gently stroked Xiao Qianluo's back to comfort him, but Xiao Qianluo sealed his lips.

The pink clouds in the outside world surged again, still without stopping for a moment...

Until the late night of seven days later.

Lin Xingyun led the two women who were dressed neatly and radiantly to meet Han Feiyu and Chu Wujie.

"Oh, brother Han, you have been waiting for a long time. Look at my memory. I forget the time when I get busy!"

Lin Xingyun smiled and bowed to the two of them. Chu Wujie called him a role model of our generation, and Han Feiyu's mouth twitched constantly.

"I, Han, have been doing good deeds all my life and have never been close to women!"

"Why did I become a close friend of such a person in my previous life?!"

Lin Xingyun had already been completely determined in his heart at this time.

Just a pure animal!

Others are color is emptiness and emptiness is color.

He is empty and color!

But now he has already boarded the pirate ship, and it is too late for him to regret.

He could only raise his hand speechlessly, take out a seven-foot-long black and white sword case with a sword rhythm all over it, and hand it to Lin Xingyun.

"Brother Lin, I have fulfilled my mission. The two sword cases have been successfully fused into one."

"Now this sword case can contain 1,080 sword qi or flying swords, and you can also use a sword soldier as the core of the sword case. When facing the enemy, it can be combined with your sword formation magic to increase its power several times!"

Han Feiyu then showed a bit of complacency, obviously very satisfied with this sword case that he recast himself.

It can be said that according to his personality, if the opponent was not Lin Xingyun, he might have run away with the sword case!

"Well, not bad, thank you Brother Han!"

Lin Xingyun stroked the brand new sword case, and his eyes were full of love.

But just as he was about to put away the sword case, Chu Wujie interrupted with excitement.

"Hey! Brother Lin, wait a minute!"

"This sword box is newly made, and it hasn't been named yet!"

"To be honest, I watched this treasure being made. If Brother Lin doesn't mind, how about letting me name it?"

Chu Wujie said proudly, as if he had been preparing for a long time, just waiting to name this magic weapon.

"Well, you can say it."

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