"Yes...Yes...Young Master Gao, please wait a moment!"

The man staggered after being beaten, but he didn't dare to refuse. He quickly covered his bleeding cheek and returned to the stall, and started to cook noodles in a hurry.

The woman was also trembling with fear. She quickly lowered her face, wiped the table and chairs behind her, and took a wine glass for Gao Qishen to pour wine.

Gao Qishen sat down with a swagger. Before he drank two sips, he couldn't hold back when he saw the woman's hips that were wider than her shoulders and her cautious behavior.

Then he leaned close to her ear and whispered with a smile.

"Madam, you do business on this street. Have you paid enough security fees this year?"

"Enough...enough! Absolutely enough! Don't worry, Young Master Gao, our family has never missed security fees every year!"

The woman quickly answered.

"Oh, you have not missed out every year, so your business is quite profitable."

"Then triple your security fee in the future."


Gao Qishen still said with a wicked smile, and frightened the woman so much that her legs trembled and she almost collapsed on the spot.

"Master Gao...Master Gao! We are also a small business, and we live a tight life. Please show mercy!"

The woman was also shocked and knelt down to beg for mercy with a sad face.

"Look at what you said, I will definitely lift it."

"When you come home with me later, you lift your legs, and my hand will be lifted, right?"

Gao Qishen twisted her chin and whispered wickedly in her ear.

"Ah?! This... this——"

"Master Gao, there are so many girls in the city... I... I'm already over 30, and I'm the mother of two kids, please... please let me go! I really... really can't do it!"

The woman was so scared that her face turned pale, tears welled up in her eyes, and she began to kowtow and beg for mercy.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a coincidence, I just like your type!"

"And this lady, you don't want your family to be kicked out of the deserted city because you can't pay the security fee, do you?"

Gao Qishen became more and more sexually excited, smelling her mature woman's fragrance, and declared with a slow smile like a devil.

"You'd better be obedient, haven't you heard?"

"In the deserted city, anything that our Gao family likes."

"Sooner or later, it will belong to the Gao family!"

Just as Gao Qishen was flirting with the woman recklessly.

In the private room of the restaurant, Lin Xingyun and the other two had a full view of the situation, and they naturally heard Gao Qishen's words clearly.

"How unreasonable! I'm going to kill that beast right now!"

Chu Wujie immediately slammed the table and stood up, his hair standing on end, and was about to set off to kill Gao Qishen.

"Don't be impulsive, he is just a mortal. If you attack a mortal in this deserted city, the discipline and punishment are no joke!"

Although Han Feiyu also had a cold look and a look of disgust on his face, he still stopped Chu Wujie.

"Well, the figure is indeed barely acceptable, but the skin is a little worse..."

Lin Xingyun began to appreciate it, and drank another glass calmly.

"Huh?! Brother Lin, what did you say? What skin?!"

Chu Wujie and Han Feiyu were immediately confused, and they turned back to look at Lin Xingyun.

"Ahem... ahem, nothing."

"I'm talking about the rules of this deserted city. Although it is forbidden for cultivators to cause chaos or attack mortals."

"But if you want to punish evil, you don't necessarily have to trigger the rules of the city, right?"

Lin Xingyun said casually, but he also remembered that in this deserted city, no cultivator can act arbitrarily and bully mortals.

Otherwise, once you trigger the rules, you will grow red hair on the spot and die madly!

Chapter 297 Wujie, what do you think

"For example, you can pretend to be an immortal master who has come down to earth to save all living beings."

"Then just give him a pill that can improve his cultivation, and say it is a great tonic for immortality, and then turn around and leave."

"When he eats the pill himself, won't he explode and die on the spot? This can't implicate you, right?"

"Or just set up a maze formation, don't hurt him, just lead him out of the deserted city, and out of the deserted city, won't he be beaten and killed?"

Lin Xingyun curled his lips and drank two more cups nonchalantly.

"Great! Great! Brother Lin, just do as you say!"

Chu Wujie's eyes lit up, and he immediately began to search for pills in his Qiankun Ring.

Han Feiyu, however, was very upset when he heard this, waved his hand to stop Chu Wujie, and looked at Lin Xingyun with a frown.

"Brother Lin, even if you use tricks, you can really hide the power of the rules of the deserted city."

"But he is just a mortal after all, so it is better not to force him to harm."

His eyes were calm, and he seemed very serious.

"Brother Li, you have been practicing all the way until now, and you have committed many sins. Are you still not open-minded about these things?"

"Now that you want to save people, why are you so pedantic?"

Lin Xingyun teased with a playful look.

"There is a difference between immortals and mortals. I also started from the mortal world. I just don't want to harm mortals now that my cultivation is high."

"I am afraid that the powerful man who built the deserted city had the same idea when he established the rules."

Han Feiyu shook his head and sighed helplessly.

Lin Xingyun couldn't help but put down his glass after hearing this, and was surprised and shocked.

He thought that this kind of son of destiny was somewhat great and glorious. In contrast, it seemed that a great philanthropist like himself was a little shameless and vulgar!

"Tsk tsk tsk, Brother Li, your vision is unmatched!"

"Wu Jie, what do you think?"

"Hmm? Wu Jie?"

Lin Xingyun glanced sideways and saw that Chu Wujie had disappeared.

On the street not far below, Gao Qishen saw that the woman was crying and refusing to give in. He had lost his patience and his face became much gloomier.

At this time, the man in front of the noodle stall finally cooked a bowl of noodles and tremblingly brought it to Gao Qishen.

"Master Gao... Master Gao, please... please enjoy!"

"I am willing to pay more for the security fee! Please... please let my wife go!"

Then he knelt down with a plop, and begged Gao Qishen for mercy with his wife.

Gao Qishen's face became colder and colder, and he glanced at the noodles on the table.

Looking at the bowl of beef slices filled with noodles, he showed a creepy evil smile, picked up the bowl and handed it to the man, saying sinisterly.

"Heh! I don't eat beef."

"How about this, you finish this bowl of noodles, and I'll leave right away."


"Yes! Yes! I'll eat it right away!"

The man was stunned at first, and then he hurriedly picked up the bowl of noodles and ate it in big mouthfuls as if he had been pardoned.

"Ah? Are you really going to eat it?"

Gao Qishen pretended to be surprised, then took out the pure gold crossbow from his waist, grinned and aimed at the man's calf and shot an arrow, trying to intimidate the woman into submission!


But when the pure gold crossbow was about to pierce the man's flesh, a pair of fingers clamped it firmly between their fingers.

"Get out--!"

Chu Wujie picked up the golden arrow, squinted at Gao Qishen, and roared at him viciously, but he was not too impulsive and killed him directly.

"Hmm? A cultivator?"

"Huh, so what if he's a cultivator?"

"In a deserted city, if you're a dragon you have to coil up, if you're a tiger you have to lie down!"

Gao Qishen was stunned at first, seeing that the other party could appear and take the arrow in the blink of an eye, it was obvious that he was not a mortal, and he had already judged the other party's identity.

But he didn't panic, instead he thought secretly and viciously, with a smile in his eyes.

He immediately stood up and walked forward, bowed deeply to Chu Wujie, and said respectfully on the surface.

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