There are thousands of layers of formation patterns connected to form a large sealing formation. Each layer reveals the ancient imperial power, and all of them are emperor-level formation patterns!

But at this time, the formation was constantly trembling, and wisps of black energy came out from the core of the formation.

Seeing this situation, her expression turned cold for a moment, and she wiped her palm in the air. Immediately, endless fairy light turned into billions of divine symbols and fell down, suppressing all the strange black energy.

However, the sealed thing seemed to be rioting abnormally, and actually began to resist more fiercely, and the two sides fell into a stalemate for a while.

"Why is this happening? Why does it seem like suddenly... there are variables everywhere?!"

While the empress continued to strengthen the sealing formation, her thoughts were racing.

She relied on the power of the law of time to trace the past and deduce the future. She never failed to find a plan, but accidents happened frequently today!

While she was thinking in a daze, the figure of the handsome young man suddenly flashed in her mind.

"Could it be...that it's all because of that little guy?"

"He is indeed so unusual. Throughout the Immortal Realm, there has never been anything like this!"

"And it seems that he will come to Chan'er's rescue once in the future..."

Just as she was thinking secretly, a shrill and maddening roar suddenly came from below the abyss.

"I will have no regrets in this life, and I will fight all the immortals————!"

The next moment, the underlying black energy suddenly boiled and surged out. Except where the empress was, the entire abyss, the sky above, and the vast sea of ​​pure white flowers were completely tainted into a strange and decaying pitch black color.

The black energy was like a hurricane, quickly spreading to the entire wilderness!

At this time, Lin Xingyun and the others naturally heard the terrifying roar. Even though they were tens of thousands of miles apart, the three of them felt unsteady and almost fainted on the spot!

Especially Lin Xingyun, when he heard those familiar eight words, his heart was shocked, and he subconsciously wanted to take out the battle immortal Taoist robe in his body.

But before he could make a move, he looked ahead and saw the black air in the sky like thunderstorm clouds, sweeping towards them at a very fast speed!

"There are changes here, please leave."

The incarnation of the female emperor's spirit also had a solemn face. While exhorting the three of them, her figure gradually became illusory.

But just when she was about to disappear, she raised her bright wrist and made a move. Deep in the wilderness, a ray of divine light pierced the sky and landed steadily on her palm.

She slowly threw it out, and the thing floated in front of Lin Xingyun.

Lin Xingyun took a closer look and saw that it was the strange bronze mask he had seen in the hall before, but only a small half of the upper part was left, which could barely cover his eyes.

Looking at this weird bronze eyepatch, Lin Xingyun subconsciously thought of his previous life. He seemed to have worn a similar eyepatch to some inappropriate occasions.

I still remember the last words I heard when I wore a blindfold for the last time, which seemed to be "Stop it, Azu! It's all XX outside!"

Then he was reincarnated into the fairyland.

"Take it and go find someone."

The incarnation of the empress' soul became more and more illusory, and she finally gave instructions with some urgency.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Ye Chan."

Chapter 295 Return to Deserted City

"Who is she? Where to find her?"

Lin Xingyun took the bronze eye mask and asked subconsciously.

"You will know when the time comes."

"Remember, you must not hurt her in the slightest, otherwise——"

The incarnation had no time to warn more before it became more illusory and unreal again, and the monstrous black energy in the distance was like a disaster, rolling towards them at an extremely fast speed!

She also knew that there was not much time, so she immediately waved her sleeves towards Lin Xingyun and the others.

They felt that the space around them was distorting and changing instantly, as if they were thousands of miles away. When they looked carefully again, the surrounding world was empty and a wilderness. It had obviously been moved outside the wilderness.

In the distance in front of you, a layer of hazy mist shrouded a sea of ​​white flowers. It seemed like a peaceful and peaceful place, but there was no breath of life anymore.

Lin Xingyun's eyes flashed, and after looking carefully for a moment, he found that the black energy in the wilderness gradually stopped expanding and no longer spread too much. He knew that it must be the empress who took action to remove the source of the black energy. Pressed down.

"Looking at this situation, there shouldn't be any greater chaos for the time being."

"It's just that the black energy... although it is similar to that of people from other lands, it is thousands of times more intense and fierce!"

"And that roar, what is it..."

While he was thinking, he was interrupted by a surprise call.

"Master Lin!"

But Chu Wujie, who was in the air not far away, discovered their location and hurried over with Han Feiyu.

"Two Taoist friends, please leave here first. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time."

Lin Xingyun put away the bronze eye mask, and after signaling to them, he took the two beauties and took the lead in flying towards the deserted city.


That evening, in the deserted city.

It's still in the restaurant on the street in the south of the city, in a private room facing the street on the third floor.

The streets downstairs were still bustling with people and lively, as if they were celebrating some local festival, giving them a peaceful atmosphere.

It seems that no matter how turbulent the outside world is and how the killings are in the Void Immortal Palace, it has not affected the ordinary people in this deserted city at all.

Xiao Qianluo and Zhao Binglan had already gone back to the guest room to rest, while Lin Xingyun was having a banquet with Han Feiyu and Chu Wujie while chatting about their experiences.

"I try to keep it short, but it's also a long story."

"The mystery of becoming an immortal, as well as the various situations in the wilderness, how can I put it, I remember it, but I can't remember it well."

"As someone who has been into the wilderness, my advice is, don't go in."

As Lin Xingyun spoke, he raised his head and drank a full cup, with a tragic look that had gone through many vicissitudes of life, which left Han Feiyu and Chu Wujie speechless!

"Brother Lin, what you as if you just said something!"

The corners of Chu Wujie's mouth kept twitching, and he couldn't help but pick up the wine glass and complain.

"Brother Lin, listening to your words is really like listening to your words..."

Han Feiyu also had a dark look on his face, but he still raised a glass to accompany Lin Xingyun.

After just a few glasses of wine, under Chu Wujie's suggestion and Lin Xingyun's approval, the three of them began to call each other a little closer.

At this time, seeing that Lin Xingyun didn't seem to want to reveal the secrets of the Wild World and the Void Immortal Palace, they naturally couldn't say anything and just continued drinking.

"Brother Lin, it will take about seven days to complete the carving of my inheritance jade slip. Please excuse me, Brother Lin, to wait in the city for a while."

Han Feiyu toasted again, but he was still thinking about this matter.

"It doesn't matter, I just want to stay a few more days."

"But Han...Brother Li, I have to ask you for one more thing."

"Huh? What?"

Lin Xingyun readily agreed and was about to continue having sex with Han Feiyu for free.

But suddenly I heard a commotion coming from below the restaurant.

"Close the stall quickly! The second young master of the Gao family is here!"

I saw vendors one by one, as if they were seeing the King of Hell, quickly closing their stalls. Pedestrians on the street also fled home with their young and old in tow. The originally lively and bustling street suddenly became a lot messier and quieter.

Not long after, I saw a short-haired young man riding a tall black horse and dressed in Chinese clothes, riding unsteadily all the way to the street.

Chapter 296 The Evil Young Man


Gao Qishen picked up the wine bottle on his waist and took a sip. He looked at the people on the street who were running away like crazy and smiled proudly.

He took out a small pure gold crossbow from behind, squinted his eyes, and aimed it at the left leg of a young salesman who was about to run away, just like hunting in the countryside, preparing to find something at will as usual. Fun.

But he suddenly turned his eyes and saw a couple on the street corner on the right, who were hurriedly packing up their noodle stall and entering the house without having time to close the door.

Looking at the middle-aged woman in Jingchai's sarong, but with a strong and plump figure and a somewhat mature charm, his eyes suddenly shone!

He no longer nocked his crossbow and arrows, whipped up his horse and arrived at the stall.

"Hey, hey, why are you in such a hurry to close the door?"

He jumped off the horse and walked towards the couple with an evil smile on his face.

"Gao... Gao... Young Master Gao, it's getting late, we... are about to close..."

The man was so frightened that he couldn't speak clearly, but he didn't dare to move again, for fear that the evil young man in front of him would make an attack.

"Bullshit, what time are we going to close at this time? Order me a bowl of noodles first."

"You, come here and pour me a drink."

Gao Qishen picked up the riding crop, randomly drew a blood mark on his face, and then sneered at the woman and ordered.

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