"It turns out that the immortal master is here, and the villain is rude."

"Please forgive me, Master Immortal. I will leave now, I will leave now!"

Seeing how quickly Chu Wujie changed his face and looked like he was groveling, Chu Wujie became even more contemptuous and contemptuous.

"Hmph! If my two eldest brothers hadn't come to a conclusion in their argument, I would have at least nine ways to kill you, you beast! Nine ways!"

"If you dare to bully a man and dominate a woman in the future, I will definitely kill you——"




[Cough...cough...Family members, due to work reasons, I will probably update next month_(:3」∠)_】

【It’s really helpless, so let’s wish my family a good year_(:3」∠)_】

Chapter 298 Merit and Willing Power

[Cough...cough...Family members, we are still studying and haven’t returned home, so I’ll give you a quick update_(:3」∠)_】




Gao Qishen raised his hands and begged respectfully.

"Master Immortal, this golden arrow is precious. Please return it to me. I will definitely repent and change my past mistakes!"

"Hate! How can a person like you repent? It would be better to die early and be born early!"

Chu Wujie became more and more disgusted and scolded him, but he still threw the golden arrow back to him.

But after Gao Qishen took the golden arrow, he sneered and made a bloody gash on his right hand with a single stroke of his palm.

Then he rolled to the ground with great skill and began to cry to the sky.

"Ah——! It's too late! The monk hurt someone!"

"What?! You beast!"

Only then did Chu Wujie realize the other party's sinister intentions, a fearful omen suddenly arose in his heart, and he looked up randomly.

I saw that in the originally calm sky, as if being called for help by Gao Qishen, a bunch of strange red hair appeared out of thin air at an extremely fast speed, turning into a huge shadow of a giant, glaring at a pair of colorless eyes, staring at the direction. It’s Chu Wujie.

Just one glance made Chu Wujie sweat all over his body, as if he would be killed by the red-haired giant in the next moment!

"Is he the incarnation of the commandments of Huangcheng?!"

"Brother, wait a minute! He's a cheater! I didn't hurt him!"

Chu Wujie hurriedly explained, but the giant shadow seemed to have no intelligence and could not understand any words.

It just mechanically checked Chu Wujie's cultivation, Gao Qishen's injuries, and the golden arrow in Gao Qishen's hand. It was indeed contaminated with Chu Wujie's aura.

The next moment, it seemed to have made a verdict, but with a flash of its eyes, thousands of tiny red hairs surged toward Chu Wujie like a violent storm!

"I you!"

Chu Wujie was so frightened and angry that his tongue sparkled, and he quickly got up and was about to escape.

But those tiny red hairs were extremely weird. They arrived instantly and surrounded him heavily. They easily broke through his protective magic and invaded his body, causing him to start growing clumps of red hairs from head to toe!


Chu Wujie let out a shrill scream and seemed to be suffering from great pain.

Gao Qishen, who was lying on the ground, changed his position to lie on his side, licked the blood on his palms, and looked at Chu Wujie who was being punished by the commandments with relish.

"Hey, hey, hey, you are not the first monk to be killed by me like this, and you will not be the last!"

"Do you have the strength to fight with me, Gao Qishen, in Huangcheng? Hahaha——"


Just as he was laughing heartily, he suddenly saw two more figures suddenly appearing in front of him.

Lin Xingyun frowned and looked at Chu Wujie who was deeply immersed in discipline. He felt that those strange red hairs were extremely extraordinary and made him feel extremely familiar!

"Tsk! It's very similar to the unknown power of the Holy Body of the Beginning."


He thought for a moment and planned to rescue him.

Han Feiyu sighed softly, raised his hand and shot out a stream of light golden merit and wish power, which merged into Chu Wujie's body.

As those merits and wishes poured in, Chu Wujie's red hair that was about to grow began to quickly dissipate, as if it had been canceled out. Chu Wujie also quickly calmed down, and regained his consciousness with a cold sweat on his head!

Above the sky, when the red-haired giant saw this situation, he did not have any emotional fluctuations. It seemed that because he had completed the punishment of Chu Wujie and did not continue to investigate, he began to quickly dissipate and retreat.


"He...who is he? He can actually break the rules and punishments of Huangcheng?!"

When Gao Qishen saw that Chu Wujie did not turn into ashes and die like the usual monks, but instead returned to his original state, he was so frightened that he immediately got up from the ground and ran away with all his strength!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! Brother Li, you are still so secretive."

"So you can break the rules of this deserted city without being punished!"

Lin Xingyun looked at Han Feiyu and smiled playfully.

"Yes...yes! Brother Li! If you have this ability...you should have told me earlier!"

Chu Wujie looked exhausted and complained in shock, but he was obviously out of danger.

"Alas! Things turned out to be urgent. When I first came to Huangcheng, I accidentally discovered that the merits and vows I had cultivated could offset the precepts and punishments of Huangcheng."

"But don't think that I am very capable. These merits and willpower will be lost every time I use them!"

"Now just saving him has already consumed a lot of money. If we really kill a mortal, it will definitely consume even more money. What's more, I don't want to kill people at will..."

Han Feiyu sighed helplessly and began to explain to them.

But Lin Xingyun let out a long "oh".

Then he turned around and exhaled a breath, blowing towards Gao Qishen who had just hurriedly mounted his horse and was about to escape.

With just one breath, Gao Qishen didn't even have time to scream, and his limbs were blown apart, like a puppet that had fallen apart, with his bones, flesh and blood scattered in the air!

Under Lin Xingyun's precise control, the black horse was actually intact, and after being frightened, it ran away.

"Huh?! Brother Lin! You——?!"

Han Feiyu looked at the scattered flesh and blood, and before he could be surprised, Lin Xingyun looked at him as a matter of course.

"Brother Li, this kind of bully can be killed by everyone, and I have long wanted to kill him!"

"But next, I have to trouble you, Brother Li!"

Lin Xingyun pointed to the sky, and the phantom of the red-haired giant who had returned had a relaxed expression on his face, watching the fun without minding the trouble!

The red-haired giant obviously felt Lin Xingyun's killing of mortals, and his two eyes immediately burst into fierce light several times stronger than before, and countless red hairs burst out again, turning into a rainstorm and attacking Lin Xingyun!

"Alas! Brother Lin, you are really————!"

Han Feiyu's face was full of speechlessness, and he felt that these two Taoist friends were really more reckless than each other!

Especially Lin Xingyun, who was worthy of being an old friend of his previous life, and he really didn't treat himself as an outsider!

But seeing that the red hairs were coming in an instant, he couldn't sit idly by, so he had to raise his hand again to offer the spell, and the boundless merit and will power turned into a layer of light golden barrier to resist all of Lin Xingyun!

This time, the red hair's punishment was much stronger than before. Han Feiyu felt that his accumulated merit and will power was rapidly consumed, and his face couldn't help showing a look of pain.

Lin Xingyun looked at the other party's performance, and his conscience was not condemned at all. Instead, he smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

"That's how you make friends."

"The more money you spend on your friends, the more stable this friendship will be!"

He was watching from behind the merit shield. After a while, he saw that the red hair in the sky was finally dissolved and destroyed by the merit power. The red-haired giant also seemed to have completed the task and dissipated on its own.

Han Feiyu breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly checked. He found that his accumulated merit power had been consumed by nearly half at once!

He secretly said that he was unlucky. Just as he was about to complain to Lin Xingyun and Chu Wujie, he heard two thumps. It was the noodle stall owner and his wife who knelt down to them and kowtowed to thank them.

"Thank... Thank you, Master! Thank you for your kindness!"

"Alas, there is no need to do this. Go home quickly."

Seeing this, Han Feiyu couldn't get angry for no reason. He could only sigh and tell the couple.

The two kowtowed several more times and thanked them and left.

But before the woman left, she mustered up her courage and turned back to kneel down to Han Feiyu again.

"Master! Excuse me, the man who just died was Gao Qishen, the second son of the Gao family. The Gao family has been causing trouble in the deserted city for many years, and there are so many people and power that no one can stop them from bullying men and women!"

"Master, since you can dissolve the rules in the city, can you... can you send the Buddha to the west and save us, the common people? Punish the Gao family!"

The woman cried and kowtowed deeply to Han Feiyu again, and fell to the ground.

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