They were surrounded by a sea of ​​flowers. Every flower on the ground was pure white and swaying without wind. They stretched for thousands of miles. Countless petals dyed the world white.

The three looked up and saw that the Void Fairy Palace was like a dark cloud covering the sun, stretching across the sky, flying towards the deeper part of the front!

"We are... moved out of the Void Fairy Palace?!"

"This, this, this... this sea of ​​flowers, could it be... in the wilderness?!"

Zhao Binglan looked at the surrounding situation and remembered that she had heard about the description of the wilderness. She was so scared that her face turned pale. She hugged Lin Xingyun's arm tightly, not knowing what to do.

"Wild world? We were taken into the wilderness by the fairy palace?"

Lin Xingyun frowned, and his heart was alert. He immediately looked at the red jade bracelet on his wrist.

However, after a little thought, he gave up the idea of ​​using the emperor's token to escape immediately.

After all, with the previous experience of Qin Yiren, the Void Immortal Palace alone is enough to suppress the general Great Emperor's token.

Now that he has been brought into this wilderness, he may not be able to use it casually. After all, his master and the fourteenth ancestor are very secretive about the wilderness.

If there is really a life-and-death crisis, I am afraid that only one or two Great Emperor's tokens will not be able to save his life.

"But it is rumored that there are no other creatures in the wilderness, only a female emperor sitting in charge, and the restricted area is formed by one person!"

When Lin Xingyun thought of this, he felt much more at ease.

After all, with his current physical characteristics, even the female emperor should not be able to do anything to him!


Just as he was thinking secretly, he saw the sea of ​​flowers swaying in front of him, and a white-clothed figure approached from afar, walking towards them slowly.

The man was surrounded by a mysterious fairy light, which seemed a little ethereal, but his aura was as deep as the vast ocean. Although he did not release any pressure from his cultivation, he still made Lin Xingyun and the other two feel great pressure!

"It was the woman who lived a new life in the time image in the hall just now!"

"Sure enough, she is the Queen of the Wilderness!"

Lin Xingyun looked at her face that was still as cold and beautiful as the thousand-year-old black ice. Even though he was quite confident in his physique, he couldn't help but show a bit of solemnity.

After all, judging from the images in the hall before, the other party obviously had some kind of blood relationship with Ye Que's predecessor, and he had done so many good things for Ye Que along the way.

If the other party managed to find out clearly, I'm afraid it would be difficult for him to have a good end today, let alone a good end!

He took a closer look and wanted to mobilize the system panel to take a look at the attributes of this Queen first.

"Ding! The other party is only an incarnation of the soul, not the real body, and the detailed attributes cannot be checked!"

"Huh? Just sent an incarnation?"

Lin Xingyun became more and more alert. After all, he could feel that even if it was just this incarnation of the soul, it would probably be enough to easily kill him thousands of times!

Not long after, the incarnation had walked in front of the three of them, looked at Lin Xingyun, frowned slightly, and showed some doubts in his eyes.

But he still spoke calmly.

"You are not him, why are you here?"

"The world has changed so much, and I have reincarnated too many times. How do you know that I am not him?"

Lin Xingyun still answered calmly, but his mind began to race, thinking about how to break the situation.

The empress incarnation was stunned when she heard it, but she did not hesitate. She immediately waved her white hand, and the layers of time laws that were pure to the extreme turned into thousands of runes, gathering in her phoenix eyes.

The next moment, she stared at the back of Lin Xingyun, and a long river of time that seemed to span the ages began to emerge!

But she was about to trace back the long river of time and carefully check all of Lin Xingyun's past to see what kind of person he was.

I saw that the long river of time seemed to be covered by some inexplicable force, and even any of the other party's past deeds could not be seen clearly!

After a few breaths, even the long river of time was completely covered up and disappeared!

"Huh? How could it be..."

Her cold face also showed doubts, and when she looked at Lin Xingyun, there was a little more strangeness in her eyes.

Chapter 293 Future Scene

She was confident that with her cultivation and her unparalleled attainments in the way of time, as long as she manifested the long river of time, anyone in the world, even the past and future of the great emperor, could not escape her eyes!

But at this time, even such a little guy in the king realm, she could not see through his past at all, let alone his future!

It was as if this person's fate had surpassed the ancient and modern fairyland, and no one was qualified to peek at it!

She was in doubt and calm for a while, then turned to look at Xiao Qianluo beside her.


After a moment, she was surprised again.

Because even Xiao Qianluo's long river of time was obscured by the incredible power similar to Lin Xingyun, and she couldn't see a single bit!

Her eyes became more and more solemn, and she looked at Zhao Binglan again without giving up.

What made her breathe a sigh of relief was that Zhao Binglan's long river of time was not obscured by that power, and she could see it clearly.

Including Zhao Binglan's birth and growth trajectory, everything was reflected in her eyes.

But she quickly observed for a while, and her eyes were immediately attracted by a scene downstream of the long river of time, and her elegant and cold face finally showed urgency and concern.

It was in the deep and vast starry sky of the universe. A woman in white wearing half a bronze mask was holding a pitch-black long sword and fighting against enemies from all directions. She seemed to be surrounded!

At that time, Zhao Binglan was hiding behind the woman in white, holding the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, constantly emitting seven-color divine light to assist her in fighting the enemy.

"Die, or surrender."

A young man in a gray robe stood at the top of the battlefield and spoke indifferently to the woman in white.

He was surrounded by a chaotic aura that covered his face and figure, but his aura shocked the whole audience, as if he regarded everyone present as ants and grass!

The masked woman did not answer. She had some injuries on her body, and her three thousand black hair was scattered in the wind, but she was still as elegant as ever. She was not afraid of the opponent's threat and continued to fight with everyone.


"That person's physique... is a chaotic body?"

"How could this be? I have already deduced a lifetime for Chan'er, and there is no such danger at all!"

The empress frowned, and her doubts grew more and more.

The time path surged towards her eyes, trying to see the scene more clearly.

Looking back, I saw that the Chaos Body attacked forcefully. The woman in white and Zhao Binglan resisted with difficulty. Soon, they were all knocked down on a big star. It was obvious that they could no longer resist!

But just when the Chaos Body manifested the God and Demon Vision, and was about to capture the two people.

Three hazy and invisible figures came across the starry sky. One of them suddenly attacked and smashed the monstrous palm of the Chaos God and Demon Vision!

"Lin Xingyun! You really dare to come and die!"

The Chaos Body snorted coldly, and the murderous intent spread throughout the starry sky.

"A defeated general is worthy of speaking harshly?"

The person who came laughed lightly, as if he didn't take the Chaos Body seriously.

The two sides were on the verge of a fight and quickly began.

After that, the long river of time seemed to be covered by some unknown force again, and it was difficult to see anything clearly in the future!

"It's him... He fought with the Chaos Body, and Chan'er..."

The empress retracted her gaze. When she heard the familiar voice and saw the hazy figure, she knew that the person who came to save the situation was the handsome young man in front of her.

She looked at Lin Xingyun with a complicated expression, and seemed to be extremely confused.

"I have already deduced Chan'er's life countless times."

"Originally, she should not have fought with the Chaos Body, nor would she have met this person..."

"How could it become like this now..."

Just as she was thinking, she was in the deepest part of the wilderness.

The Void Fairy Palace was like a town in the sky. It was led here by someone all the way. After descending into an abyss that seemed to connect the Nine Netherworlds, it finally stopped in the air, gradually shrank in size, and slowly fell to the bottom of the abyss.

And the Fairy Palace continued to fall slowly until it turned into a palm-sized palace-like magic weapon, and finally fell into a slender and white palm.

Chapter 294: Changes

She was still dressed in white, with a cold and elegant demeanor. Her plump and seductive body exuded a faint fairy light, as if she had transcended this world. However, the concern and doubt between her eyebrows made her no longer stay away from the mundane world, and she had a bit more loving motherhood.

She waved her hand and was about to bring Lin Xingyun and the other two to her, and carefully traced the source.


But before she could make a move, she suddenly had an idea in her heart, and then looked at the bottom of the abyss.

I saw wisps of black gas slowly floating out of the dark abyss.

The black gas was only a few feet in range, but it seemed to be the most extremely dense filthy and evil thing in the world. As soon as it floated out, it immediately stained the area within a radius of thousands of miles, and even the sky above was instantly darkened!

"According to the calculation, he can still be sealed for 30,000 years. How could the seal be loosened at this time?"

The empress's eyes flashed with divine light, and she saw through to the bottom of the abyss at a glance.

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