After all, this was his first time to test the divine power of his new female body, and the feeling was naturally novel and long-lasting!

Since he had just upgraded his physique, he naturally realized this magical ability.

From now on, as long as the woman who had practiced sword and climbed mountains with him, she could merge with him in a short period of time under completely voluntary conditions, and merge all her cultivation, Dao principles, and even special physique into his body, amplifying everything he had!

However, it was just a coincidence now. Xiao Qianluo merged into his body alone, and he had extraordinary comprehension, so he could directly comprehend the Dao principle of killing at a very fast speed.

If Liu Meng'er merged into his body, although he could temporarily mobilize and use the power of [Returning to Dream Immortal Body], if the two were separated, the power of [Returning to Dream Immortal Body] would inevitably be lost, but the Dao principle of Dream might still be preserved through comprehension.

But even so, the effect of this divine power has already made him extremely satisfied!

Moreover, after the female body was upgraded to red, there was more than just this one divine power.

It can be said that the fate upgrade card directly sublimated his physique to the extreme, and even if he was a gigolo in the future, he would be able to enjoy it more!

When he thought of this, he looked at Xiao Qianluo in his arms, and he couldn't hold back the joy and emotion in his heart, and kissed Xiao Qianluo's pair of plump red lips.

When the two began to be affectionate again, the ashes of the remains of the four saints' corpses drifted farther!

Zhao Binglan bit her lower lip sullenly, looking at their faces full of envy and loss, and even felt a little inferior.

Seeing the two of them being so intimate there that she couldn't stop, she suddenly felt that there was something missing between her and Lin Xingyun, or something was between them.

After the two of them finally calmed down their passion, Lin Xingyun pulled Xiao Qianluo up, still leading the way, and went straight to the pale palace that was still standing intact.

Chapter 290: Illusion of Time


The door of the palace was heavy and ancient. After it was pushed open, there were waves of dazzling light.

When Lin Xingyun and the other two looked closely, they saw that the world around them had changed and turned into a scene of an ordinary town, and it seemed to be in a deserted city!

Men, women, old and young in the city were going about their daily lives, walking past them, but completely ignoring them, and no one even looked at them.

"Illusion? Huh?"

Lin Xingyun's pupils flickered, and he saw that all this was just a false illusion.

But in this illusion, a little girl who looked only four or five years old, like a star in the dark night sky, directly attracted his attention.

The little girl wore a white skirt and held a strange mask in her hand. She swayed on the street and walked aimlessly.

"Brother... Brother..."

The little girl looked around and called out in a baby voice.

But the pedestrians around her didn't even look at her, as if she didn't exist in this world.

Soon, Xiao Qianluo and Zhao Binglan also noticed this special little girl. The three of them stepped forward alertly, wanting to take a closer look.

But at this moment, the surrounding world changed again, and the town scene and the little girl disappeared at a high speed!

In the blink of an eye, they appeared on the top of a cliff that was as high as the clouds.

I saw that there were thousands of strong men gathered in the air from all directions of the mountain top. They were of different races and cultivations, but the lowest was no less than the saint realm, and each of them was fierce and fierce, staring at a woman in white on the top of the mountain!

The sky above was also covered with dark clouds, and thunder kept exploding, and there was a fierce murderous intent between heaven and earth!

"Female devil! You have committed countless sins, today is your death day!"

"Hmph! Bitch, this time there are three quasi-emperor ancestors sitting in charge, and there are thousands of great saints and saints who are besieging you!"

"You have relied on your space-time divine body to run rampant in the fairyland, but unfortunately your cultivation is too low. Let's see how you can escape today!"

"What are you talking about! Hurry up and cut her into pieces!"

"Hey! Everyone, please give my Corpse Refining Sect a face and leave her a whole body. My sect can study the secrets of the space-time divine body at that time!"

"Bullshit! What the hell do you want to study? I am embarrassed to point it out to you!"

A group of strong men were angry, arrogant, or sneered at the woman on the top of the mountain, and they were determined to win.

The woman looked at the powerful enemies surrounding her with a normal expression. Her face was like a jade sculpture, with delicate eyebrows and clear contours. The girl's figure was exquisite and protruding. Her waist-length black hair fluttered in the wind. She held a long sword as black as ink, which seemed to contain the starry sky and universe. She was looking down on all directions, extremely beautiful but majestic.

Even in the face of such a desperate situation, she was not panicked at all, and remained as cold as ice.

"Little girl, he who knows the times is a hero."

"The divine body of time and space is hard to find in the fairyland. It's not too late for you to surrender now and become my disciple."

After a while, the three old quasi-emperors at the top of the camp spoke, and their powerful voices shocked the whole audience. It seemed that they had the idea of ​​surrendering the woman.

But in response to them, there was only a shocking sword light. It was the woman who took the lead and wanted to fight directly with these thousands of powerful enemies!

Lin Xingyun looked at the heroic figure of the woman in the fierce battle and felt that she was beautiful, but it seemed to be missing something.

He also realized that everything in front of him should be just images left in this palace.

It was like a fleeting glimpse, but it was preserved by someone's incredible magical power.

After a moment, the illusion in front of them dissipated again. Lin Xingyun and the other two looked intently, and saw that there was an open palace scene around them, as if the illusion had ended.

And hundreds of feet in front of them, a tall woman in white was facing away from them.

Chapter 291 Rebirth of the Remaining Body

She seemed to have entered her twilight years. Although her face was not old, her black hair had turned snow-white, and her Danfeng eyes were full of vicissitudes. She still held the strange mask, and the black magic knife lay quietly beside her.

Even though she must have cultivated to a towering level at this time, she had experienced too much, and the erosion of the years counted in epochs still made her look old.

"Brother... where did you reincarnate..."

She called softly with the mask in her hand, her expression revealing a bit of fatigue.

But then, she was seen emitting boundless divine light, and gradually a mature and beautiful woman with black hair like a waterfall and in her prime emerged from it.

She took a step forward and completely separated from her white-haired original body. She actually shed her aging body and lived a new life!

"Live another life..."

The woman murmured to herself, looked back at her empty flesh body, shook her head, and was about to leave.

But the next moment, her steps paused, and she saw that the flesh body gradually turned into a ball of white light, with the extremely complex time and space laws blending into it, and waves of new life breath were being born from it!

The woman looked at the ball of light, and her face, as cold and calm as ice and snow, could not help but show some emotion.

"I was born to die, and I shed my body, but the divine body of time and space began to evolve and regenerate on its own?"

She showed some curiosity, and stopped to observe the extremely wonderful changes in her body.

After an unknown amount of time, the light ball finally completely disappeared as the vicissitudes of life around him were flowing.

Only a pink and innocent little girl was left, sitting there crying pitifully.


The woman was completely stunned when she saw this.

Even though she was used to the vicissitudes of life and the various forms of the world, and had even committed countless murders with her own hands.

But when she saw this little girl who looked exactly like her when she was a child, she couldn't help but look dazed, and didn't know what to do for a while!

But in the end, she still raised a helpless smile at the corner of her mouth, carefully picked up the girl in her arms, gently stroked her delicate little face and sighed.

"Forget it, it's also a fate."

"Since you are transformed from my body, from now on, you are my daughter."

"What name should I give you..."

The little girl also grabbed her snow-white neck stupidly after hearing this.

As if he had found the most familiar and closest person, he immediately felt at ease and stopped crying. He just rubbed against her full chest.

Lin Xingyun looked at the situation in front of him and still didn't feel any breath.

Obviously, all this was still the illusion of time left by the woman in front of him with immeasurable strength.

But looking at this scene of a loving mother and a filial daughter, he still admired it.

"Time and space divine body? Is it the fourth-ranked top physique in the fairyland?"

"It is said that this physique is born with the two supreme principles of time and space, and its means are unpredictable. Ordinary people are simply invincible. After successful cultivation, it can travel freely in the world and is extremely difficult to be imprisoned."

"When it grows to the extreme, it can even cross the long river of time and go to all the forbidden areas in the fairyland!"

"It's just that I didn't expect that this physique can actually evolve a new life with the remains of the corpse!"

Lin Xingyun was sighing and amazed.


A series of rumbling noises came suddenly, and then the illusion in front of him suddenly disappeared!

Then the world turned upside down, and the space around them changed rapidly. Lin Xingyun and the other two also felt nervous at the same time, as if someone was using some incredible and terrifying power to move them all out of here!

Chapter 292 Wilderness

Lin Xingyun held the two women tightly behind him, ready to respond at any time.

But the three of them only felt that the space was reversed and changed, and they had no control over it. When they came to their senses again, they had been moved to a completely unfamiliar land!

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