But seeing that the four zombie creatures did not show any sign of decline, but instead fully recovered from their injuries, he had a look of thought in his eyes.

Usually, the strength gap between the Saint Realm and the Prince Realm is huge, like a natural chasm.

Although the opponents are only four zombie creatures at this time, their saint realm is genuine. If it were another prince realm here, I am afraid they would be beaten to ashes in one round!

Although his current combat power has not yet reached the ultimate level of the prince realm, it is no longer difficult to take a step forward and defeat the saint realm!

However, after becoming a saint, the body of a saint has a very strong recovery ability. If you want to completely kill a saint, you can only use Tao to completely destroy it, or directly kill the opponent's soul!

He had just achieved the princely realm, and the Void Immortal Palace was a realm of its own, which was isolated from all the laws of heaven and earth in the Immortal Realm, making it impossible for him to understand, so there was still some deficiencies in the Tao and Principles.

The four zombie creatures kept attacking. With just a few gestures, the power of heaven and earth transformed into thousands of weapons and blasted towards Lin Xingyun alone. They seemed to have completely felt the threat from the opponent and wanted to work together to kill him. Erase it first!

Chapter 287 Confronting the Enemy Together

That endless offensive was more powerful than the punishment of heaven. The spiritual energy hurricane in this world was so powerful that the space was almost shattered inch by inch, shaking the whole world!

When Lin Xingyun saw this, he waved his sleeves and fluttered his clothes. Puffs of black and yellow mother energy came out of his body, and in an instant, he transformed into a brand new black and yellow exquisite armor!

During the month in the Zhangtian Pot, he had successfully refined the Qiankun Cauldron with the help of the "Lingbao Sutra", and also absorbed a large amount of Xuanhuang Mother Qi from it, allowing his "Xuanhuang Exquisite Armor" magical power to reach a higher level. .

The black-yellow armor that has been transformed now is much more solid and thick than before, and its defensive ability is countless times better than before. It covers his whole body, protecting him airtight, and at the same time, it also protects Xiao Xiao behind him. Qian Luo and Zhao Binglan protected him.

The next moment, the four saints' corpse puppets launched a massive attack, and the strong power of time soared into the sky!

However, those magical powers and Tao bombarded the black and yellow exquisite armor, like earthworms shaking a tree. They were all blocked and unable to break through the armor's defense!

Even though part of the armor was slightly obliterated by the combined efforts of the four saint corpse puppets, Lin Xingyun turned his hand and the Qiankun Cauldron emerged from his body. Immediately, a large amount of black and yellow mother energy surged out, filling the armor until it was still impregnable!

Now that the four saint corpse puppets saw that the offensive failed, they had no intention of retreating. They once again showed off their skills and exerted their countless magical powers. The color of the world changed with every move, and the countless paths turned into a dense network of prisons, constantly Xiang Lin Xingyun, vowing to kill the intruder on the spot!

"In the absence of Tao principles, I am afraid that the only way to achieve success is to use the Immortal-Devouring Demon Technique to completely devour them!"

"But if I just devour it directly, it would be too wasteful..."

Lin Xingyun was thinking secretly while activating the black and yellow exquisite armor to resist the opponent's attack.

He has not realized the Tao Principle yet, so it is difficult for him to completely kill these saint corpses. It is estimated that the only way left is to suck them into the immortal-swallowing magic jar and slowly devour them.

However, he seemed to have been prepared for this, and his eyes were still calm and calm. After blocking all the opponent's attacks, he turned back and looked at Xiao Qianluo with a smile.

"Luoluo, come here."


Xiao Qianluo was originally taking action against the Taoist supernatural powers of those corpse puppets. When Lin Xingyun called him, he subconsciously moved closer to him.

"Let's fight against the enemy together, okay?"

Lin Xingyun stroked her face, his expression gentle and relaxed.

It seemed that at this time, he was not fighting against four powerful saint-level enemies, but just going out for an outing with Xiao Qianluo to relax.

Xiao Qianluo was also stunned, but he had a clear understanding and quickly understood what the other party meant.


She nodded, curved her mouth, and smiled brightly and brightly. She did not have the slightest doubt about Lin Xingyun, but planned to cooperate fully.

At this moment, she felt that the previous feeling of connection with Lin Xingyun had become stronger!

The next moment, the two of them came closer again in unison, closed their eyes, and gently leaned their foreheads against each other.

I saw a misty pink halo blooming from Lin Xingyun's body, completely covering him and Xiao Qianluo. Their Qi also flowed and harmonized, and gradually became one, and Xiao Qianluo's figure Become illusive and hazy.

Not long after, when the pink halo dissipated, Lin Xingyun was the only one left.

His appearance has not changed at all.

But the cultivation aura has already surpassed the previous one!

Even as he moved his hands and feet, wisps of Xiao Qianluo's killing methods were rippling out!



【Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, my family_(:з」∠)_~~~】

Chapter 288 Killing the Corpse Puppet

"Ah? Sister Luoluo?!"

Not far behind, Zhao Binglan saw Xiao Qianluo disappearing, but Lin Xingyun himself burst out with the method of killing, which made her scream in surprise, and she couldn't understand the situation at this time!

It was also because she hadn't had time to have an in-depth communication with Lin Xingyun. At this time, she didn't have the same magical sense as Xiao Qianluo. Naturally, she was extremely surprised when she saw the unreasonable situation in front of her!

Lin Xingyun also slowly opened his eyes, with enlightenment in his eyes, but a more moving smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

But after he realized it for a moment, he comforted Zhao Binglan behind him.

"It's okay Binglan, you'll be fine in a moment."

Lin Xingyun said, turned around and went straight to the four saint corpse puppets to counterattack!

He urged the Supreme Bone in his heart to shine brightly again, and the Flying Immortal Tribulation Light swept out, immediately forcibly destroying all the principles and magical powers in front of him into nothingness!

Then he bullied the four corpse puppets alone, and with just a wave of his sleeves, the jagged divine chain condensed with thousands of ways to kill flashed out, like a man-eating python, killing the four saint corpse puppets. All were trapped and locked in it, and they were besieged and strangled without stopping.

The Daluo Dao Sword in his hand slashed continuously, but the sword energy drawn out was no longer green-gold sword grass, but countless scarlet blood thorns, falling like a violent storm.

However, his power of Taoism has just been learned and practiced for the first time, and it has not yet reached perfection. It is still not as powerful as the opponent's complete power of Taoism.

He can only rely on his own powerful spiritual power to resist the four saint corpse puppets!

Although Lin Xingyun's offensive continued, his eyes were clear, and the fairy bell on the top of his head continued to emit the heavenly sound of the great road, helping him further stimulate the enlightenment characteristics of the innate Dao embryo, and help him begin to understand the principles of killing in detail.

As his understanding of the Tao gradually deepened, coupled with his own superior combat power.

The four saint corpse puppets, who could barely compete with the power of Taoism at first, became increasingly unable to withstand it and began to become covered in bruises!

I saw that one of the saint's corpses had been penetrated by three divine chains, and a large hole was opened in his abdomen. The broken internal organs and bones flew to the ground, creating large deep pits.

The power of a saint surged through him, wanting to restore his injured body again.

However, in the wound on his abdomen, the divine chain formed by the way of killing was like a strong poison, which continued to destroy his body, making it impossible for him to recover as quickly as before!

A strong fear finally appeared on his decayed and old face, and the fire of the soul in his eyes wavered and wavered because of it!

"Flying Immortal uses heavenly magic!"

When Lin Xingyun saw this, he didn't hesitate at all. He directly called out the Feixian Divine Fetus again. A pair of huge vertical pupils appeared out of thin air behind him, and the eyes of the Feixian Divine Fetus quickly turned into double pupils!

At the same time, he used all his strength to surge the Tao Principle of his own killing, filling his eyes with the power of the Tao Principle. He must kill these four saint corpse puppets with one blow!

The next moment, two scarlet beams of light suddenly bloomed, with endless killing power, covering all the four zombie creatures in front of them!


An earth-shaking explosion spread throughout this small space, and the clouds and smoke turned into a hurricane and swept in all directions.

I saw the corpses of the four saints, just like ice melting away and snow melting, the indelible saints' bodies completely burst and dissipated, and even the fire of the soul quickly dimmed!

When everything disappears and the dust settles.

The corpses of the four saints have been completely turned into powder, and the last breath has completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

Only the pale palace remained, still standing there intact.

After Lin Xingyun restrained himself from the Fei Xian Shen Fei, he suddenly felt a higher level of Taoism enlightenment in his heart.

Although these four zombie creatures have special forms and weak spiritual intelligence, they are saint-level existences after all. Their Tao, saint's power, and saint body are all the same as those of ordinary saint-level experts.

At this time, after he killed four saint corpse puppets in a row, there was only a hint of perfection in the way of killing, but it was finally completed and he reached the level of perfection that can lead to sainthood!

Chapter 289 You will be the first again

After Lin Xingyun realized something, he closed his eyes and concentrated. The pink glow bloomed all over his body again, and an illusory and misty figure in black emerged from his body.

Xiao Qianluo's body shape and clothes were the same as before, with almost no change. However, she had just killed four saint corpse puppets with Lin Xingyun, and her own way of killing had also transformed accordingly, and she had successfully reached the level of perfection sufficient to become a saint. .

The two didn't say much, they just looked at each other and smiled, then sat down next to each other and began to understand the power of this principle.

A few hours later, the whole body of the two people shone with the divine light condensed by the way to kill, and the three flowers on the top also bloomed perfectly like a resonance.

"Xingyun, you actually...have such ability?"

Xiao Qianluo leaned forward and snuggled into Lin Xingyun's arms, rubbing his heart gently in surprise and shyness.

Now that she has perfected her Taoism, she only has to survive the tribulation of a saint, and she will be able to achieve the state of a saint immediately, which certainly makes her very happy.

But the feeling of becoming one with Lin Xingyun just now made her feel extremely wonderful!

It was as if she had given everything she had to her lover, which made her feel amazing and couldn't help but think about it all the time!

"Luoluo, I have even more powerful abilities. I'll let you see them after I leave here."

"It seems that this time, you will be the first again!"

Lin Xingyun smiled mysteriously, and couldn't help but kiss Xiao Qianluo's eyebrows with joy.

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