Zhao Binglan also hurriedly came forward, and took Lin Xingyun's arm with a smile, and her beautiful eyes could not help but glance at his waist curiously.

But she did not notice the changes in Lin Xingyun, nor did she feel the connection.

After the three talked for a while, they went to the huge bronze door together.

The bronze door still stood as if it had stood for eternity, and a wisp of the breath of the time law escaped from the door.

Lin Xingyun flipped his hand, and three bronze keys emerged and flew into the three lock holes on the giant door one by one.


Waves of light surged and flashed, and waves of heavy and rough sounds almost spread throughout the fairy palace. All the corpse puppets seemed to have sensed it, and they all began to bow and salute in this direction!

After the giant door slowly opened, a dazzling white empty world was revealed behind it.

The three of them did not hesitate and immediately stepped in together to find out what was going on!


At this time, outside the Void Immortal Palace.

A silver-white light flashed from the palace, but stopped in mid-air.

Han Feiyu looked back at the vast palace, which was like a city, and stopped for a while. Seeing that no other cultivators came out except himself, he couldn't help but sigh.

"I didn't expect to meet a person like Mr. Lin on this trip to the Immortal Palace..."

"The Rescue Heavenly Venerable... It's fate!"


Just as he was sighing, he suddenly noticed that three figures had just flown out of the palace. It was Chu Wujie who brought the two brothers Chu Jian and Chu Xin who had recovered a little.

But the other party seemed to have a feeling, and he happened to meet his gaze when he raised his eyes.

"Huh? Fellow Daoist Li?"

Chu Wujie's eyes lit up, and he immediately stepped forward and bowed and smiled.

"I am Chu Wujie. I am grateful to Daoist Li for saving me!"

"It was just a coincidence. Mr. Chu, don't worry about it."

Han Feiyu said calmly, but he began to look at the young man in red unconsciously. He felt that he was vaguely familiar with him, as if he had some similar characteristics to himself...

"Boom boom boom!"

When Chu Wujie was talking to Han Feiyu, they suddenly felt alarmed and looked towards the Void Immortal Palace at the same time.

The vast Immortal Palace, which was like a city, began to move slowly in the air.

And the direction of movement seemed to be the wilderness in the east!

Chapter 285 Palace, Guardian

The huge building seemed to be attracted by some kind of energy, and it emitted an ancient and vicissitudes of life from the palace.

"What's going on? Why did this fairy palace start to move?!"

"It should take three or four days for the fairy palace to disappear into the void!"

"That's... the direction of the wilderness!"

Chu Wujie exclaimed as he watched the vast palace gradually move away.

Han Feiyu was also surprised, and he remembered that Lin Xingyun and his party seemed to have not come out of the palace yet!

"What if Master Lin and his party were taken into the wilderness by the fairy palace?!"

After the two of them discussed it for a while, Chu Wujie looked at Han Feiyu silently.

Han Feiyu also understood, and his figure flashed and turned into silver light, and he was about to return to the fairy palace to inform Lin Xingyun and let him escape immediately.

However, as soon as he started forward, before he entered the palace, he was blocked by an invisible repulsive force, and it was obvious that he could never step into the fairy palace again!

"Huh? What's going on?"

Chu Wujie also rushed to the front of the palace, looking at the invisible and intangible repulsive barrier that could not be broken through, and asked in surprise.

"It seems that Mr. Lin has touched the deepest secret. Now this fairy palace has stimulated its own divine power and has been completely sealed!"

Han Feiyu's face was solemn, and he was at a loss for a while.

Faced with such a situation that was far beyond common sense, both of them fell silent.

After a long time, Chu Wujie said with fear.

"It is rumored that the wilderness is the first forbidden area in the fairyland. The danger there is so dangerous that no one dares to go in and find out..."

"Now we can only hope that Mr. Lin... is blessed by heaven!"



At this time, everything in the fairy palace was as usual, as if it had not been affected by the outside world.

After Lin Xingyun and the other two stepped into the giant gate and passed through a vast white passage, they came to another small world.

The spiritual energy here is thousands of times richer than outside the gate. The ground is already condensed with spiritual liquid flowing. Not far in front of them is a pure white towering palace, and the rich breath of the time law is escaping from the palace.

Outside the palace, four white-robed old men are sitting in four directions, as if they are the guardians of this palace.

Each of them looks like a dead wood, withered and dead air, but a wisp of saintly aura is constantly emanating, and the vast pressure is like the abyss and the sea. They are actually four saintly corpse puppet creatures, and they are not restricted by the rules of the fairy palace realm!

When Lin Xingyun and the other two stepped into this place, the four saintly corpse puppet creatures opened their old and withered eyelids, revealing four pairs of eyes that only flashed with dark blue soul fire.

But when they looked at Lin Xingyun and the other two, they all looked surprised and confused after taking a closer look.

"It's not... the master..."

"Kill the invaders!"

After going through so many years, the four saintly corpse puppets actually retained a trace of intelligence, and at the same time, they made a vicissitudes of old voice from their throats.

Then they all released their auras, and the majestic pressure was like a torrent, annihilating everything in front of them, and then rolling towards Lin Xingyun and the other two!

"It's outrageous, these corpse puppets guarding the gate can also recognize faces?"

"It seems that the opportunity here is really exclusive to Ye Que, and it's really difficult for others to take it away!"

Lin Xingyun sneered, waved his sleeves, and protected the two women behind him.

Three flowers of the avenue appeared on his head, and the supreme bone in his heart burst into precious light. The same aura burst out in full force, and he fought against the four corpse puppet creatures in the saint realm!

Chapter 286 One against four, the body of a saint

The four corpse puppet creatures must have entered the saint realm before they died. Although they had long been refined into corpse puppets to guard here, the residual power of the saints was still there. At this time, the release of the aura of pressure alone was enough to crush ordinary king-level perfect cultivators into powder!

If ordinary princes come here, even if they come in groups, they will definitely die!

"The bell rings in all the worlds."

The vision of the immortal bell on his head appeared, and the melodious bell sounded like thunder. With his powerful spiritual power, the pressure of the four saints' auras was completely wiped out.

But the four saints had completely turned into killing puppets. The four figures were so fast that it was difficult to catch them. In an instant, they rushed in front of Lin Xingyun and attacked together.

Seeing this, Lin Xingyun immediately went up to fight back. His right arm condensed all the divine elephant particles. A divine elephant phantom appeared on his fist, and he punched one of the four corpse puppets!


After a loud noise, the ground under both sides was broken and trembling, as if an earthquake had occurred!

The corpse puppet creature was beaten back and flew backwards, with most of its arms broken. The uneven broken bones were shocking, and the pieces of saintly flesh and blood fell down, creating a large deep pit on the ground!

But not long after, the mysterious saintly power flashed around the corpse puppet creature, and the broken right arm began to repair rapidly and grow again!

"It is indeed the body of a saint. It is easy to regenerate a broken limb, and even regeneration by dripping blood is not difficult!"

Lin Xingyun raised his eyebrows when he saw this, as if he had expected this situation.

However, although the opponent is a saint's body, with his current combat power, it is not difficult to defeat the opponent by taking a step forward!

However, the next moment, another corpse puppet creature held a withered staff and waved it at him out of thin air. Thousands of golden lights turned into spells and blasted at him together. Only three or five of them were enough to kill Chu Wujie on the spot!

"Destruction Divine Light!"

Lin Xingyun's double pupils shone brightly, and two beams of destruction suddenly blasted out, annihilating all the golden spells in front of them, and shattered the body of the corpse puppet creature, almost breaking it in two!

He did not stop for a moment, took out the Daluo Dao Sword, turned his body into a sword and used it in full force, raising his hand to cut out two faint sword grasses.

"Nine leaves divide the universe!"

The two sword grasses attacked the other two corpse puppet creatures respectively, and in an instant they cut open the saintly bodies of the other party, cutting off all their limbs!

But in a moment, the saintly light surged from the bodies of the four corpse puppet creatures, and the broken bodies immediately grew completely again!

They all showed a bit of solemnity on their withered faces, and then they formed a formation together and besieged Lin Xingyun again.

These four corpse puppets have guarded this place for who knows how many years, and they seem to have been infected with the time law from the hall. At this time, they all attacked, sending out layers of time law power to force Lin Xingyun down, wanting to turn him into dry bones and dust!

"Heavenly Punishment Divine Prison!"

Lin Xingyun once again activated the Supreme Bone, and the gray light at his heart shone brightly. The eighteen layers of purgatory turned into a domain to support the world, temporarily resisting the opponent's law power offensive.

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