
One day later.

On the vast wasteland 100,000 miles away in the north, a ten-thousand-foot-high bronze gate that reaches into the sky still stands quietly here. On both sides of the giant gate is the boundless starry sky world, and there is nothingness as far as the eye can see.

But a moment later, Lin Xingyun and the other two stepped into this place, looking at the giant gate and the time laws flowing out of the gate.

"Is this the deepest part of the Immortal Palace? Is the secret of becoming an immortal hidden in the gate?"

"Xingyun, the gate faintly reveals the breath of the saint realm, and these time laws are very strange. I'm afraid there is a great danger inside!"

"Brother-in-law, I have the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree to protect my body. Why don't you let me help you explore it after opening this bronze door?"

Although Xiao Qianluo and Zhao Binglan looked solemn, they did not mean to retreat. Instead, they both wanted to resist some risks for Lin Xingyun first.

"No hurry, this fairy palace should take another seven days to completely close and disappear into the void again."

"But behind this bronze door, it may be extremely dangerous and difficult to deal with..."

"I also need to make some more preparations before I can go in and explore."

Lin Xingyun still smiled calmly, then waved his hand to take out the Tianji Demon Suppression Tower, let it rise in the wind, and turned into a hundred-foot-high tower, covering and protecting the three people in it.

Then he took the Qiankun Ding from Zhao Binglan's hand, and took out the Zhantian Pot, and then instructed the two women.

"Luoluo, Binglan, you two will guard outside for a while, the Demon Suppression Tower will protect you, and call me in time if there is any accident."

Seeing the two women nod in agreement, he opened the lid of the Zhantian Pot, and his figure flashed, flying into the world in the pot.

As soon as he set foot on the mountains and rivers in the pot, he immediately threw out a large amount of materials and activated the power of the Zhantian Pot to flow ten times faster.

Then he landed on the top of a cliff, found a phoenix tree and sat cross-legged, and took out a [Destiny Upgrade Card] from the system space!

He had a hunch that the thing behind the bronze door should have been a great opportunity for Ye Que, and even Han Feiyu, who originally held a bronze key, should have a chance to share some of it.

The opportunity of the two great celestial masters, but now he has crippled Ye Que, fooled Han Feiyu, and forcibly collected all three bronze keys, and then he will force his way in.

If nothing unexpected happens, there will definitely be an accident!

He must be fully prepared, otherwise if there is any accident like the previous time when he went to the Burning Flame Realm, there will be no activated War Immortal Daoyi for him to use this time!

For this reason, he even needs to use a destiny upgrade card now to see if he can have more means to respond.

"The first upgrade card should be used as planned..."

"Female Difficult Body!"

He twisted the card with his hand, his face full of the generous and resolute look of "If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell"!

Then he swept it over himself, and a system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Ding! Host, do you want to upgrade [Female Difficulty Body] Gold to [Female Difficulty Body] Red?"


Chapter 283 Five Phantoms, Officially Transformed

He confirmed, and the card in his hand immediately burst into light, illuminating him completely.

A moment later, a dazzling red light burst out from him, like a pillar supporting the sky, and instantly rushed straight into the sky!

"Ding! The host successfully upgraded his destiny, [Female Difficulty Body] Gold has been upgraded to [Female Difficulty Body] Red!"

As the system prompt sounded, pink smoke suddenly floated out of thin air around Lin Xingyun, and in the blink of an eye it dissipated into a huge cloud, and began to wash his whole body!

Just like when he first drew the lottery and obtained the innate Dao embryo, the transformation of his physique was extraordinary from the inside out, and in this world of the Palm of Heaven Pot, the goddess of heaven and the rain of flowers appeared.

Moreover, this time, the vision covered a vast area. In the blink of an eye, it covered the mountains and rivers of the world in the pot. There were also a large number of dancing goddesses falling down, each of them was a charming and charming beauty, which was simply dazzling!

However, the vision of the goddess and the rain of flowers did not linger for a long time like in the past. Instead, it fell quickly and merged into the pink cloud.

Inside the cloud, Lin Xingyun was feeling the huge changes from the inside to the outside. Although it was not a sudden surge in his cultivation strength, it still made him feel wonderful.

He was even a little shocked to feel that even his little white dragon seemed to be beginning to transform continuously...

Soon, all the visions in the sky merged into the pink cloud.


Lin Xingyun's eyes condensed, because in front of him, Xiao Qianluo's figure slowly emerged.

But he was naked. Even though Lin Xingyun knew that this was not real, the flawless snow-capped mountains and peaks were exactly the same as the real Xiao Qianluo, and it was completely visible, which still made Lin Xingyun stare and admire!

Before he could be surprised, he saw "Xiao Qianluo" walking towards him step by step, and gently fell into his arms, and her fragrant and greasy body seemed real.

But before the two of them started the next step, Lin Xingyun felt that his palms were also held by a pair of familiar soft hands.

"Auntie Ying has also appeared?"

Lin Xingyun looked up and saw that it was Ying Qing who was behind Xiao Qianluo. She was also dressed in a clean outfit and was holding his hands affectionately, pecking his fingers lovingly from time to time.

Seeing this, he had already guessed in his heart that this seemed to be an illusion caused by his physical transformation.

The next moment, as if to confirm his thoughts, a pair of long legs wrapped around his waist.

He looked back and saw Su Qingwu hugging him from behind, her face leaning on his shoulder, her expression of attachment, as if she were a real person.

Not long after, the phantoms of Zhao Hanyi and An Miaoyin also appeared one after another.

It seemed that because Lin Xingyun and Liu Meng'er had not really eaten three meals a day in the real world, their bodies had not really communicated.

During this physical transformation process, there was no phantom of Liu Meng'er.

However, five charming phantoms had entangled Lin Xingyun tightly, and the pink clouds around him gradually condensed into a cocoon.

He looked at the phantoms of the five beauties, still calm and fearless, with a heroic look on his face, and officially began to transform his physical body!

He even took the opportunity to place the Qiankun Ding in front of him, and cast a series of spiritual treasure sutras and spells with his hands, intending to transform his physical body while refining this treasure during this period.


One month later

When the pink cloud dissipated, only Lin Xingyun was left sitting cross-legged, closing his eyes and concentrating, his breath completely restrained.

Chapter 284 Open the door, move

A bunch of mysterious pink halos shone from his body, and then gradually disappeared into his body. When everything was done, he finally opened his eyes and took a long breath.

He lowered his head slightly and looked at his body, and couldn't help but smile and sigh.

"Red-level physique... it's really useful!"

This is his first physique destiny to reach the red level. After completing the transformation, the mystery of the new [Female Difficulty Body] has naturally been completely understood by him. Now all he needs to do is use it in actual combat!

With a thought, he condensed his physical characteristics. At this point in his cultivation, he can completely control them.

Now that his physique has broken through to the red level, he only knows that the original "Female Difficulty" characteristics have been strengthened countless times, but he is not sure how exaggerated it is!

If he went out of the Heavenly Pot like this, he could not guarantee that Xiao Qianluo and Zhao Binglan would not lose control and pull him to see the little white dragon regardless of the occasion...


Outside the Heavenly Pot, the two women were sitting together chatting.

Zhao Binglan leaned intimately in Xiao Qianluo's arms, and seemed to have become familiar with her. She was asking something with excitement and joy, and seemed to be in the mood for chatting.

Xiao Qianluo's face was flushed, and he touched Zhao Binglan's belly, gestured for a while, and hesitated a little shyly.

"Probably... this position..."

[倅迣/亅哾狆 Zhuan耀一九 ㈣ 8 Э ② ч 0 九二]

"Ah?! Who can stand it?!"

Zhao Binglan covered her mouth with a surprised cry, and there was a bit of fear in her eyes.

"At first... it was a bit uncomfortable, but..."

"Oh! You will understand it when the time comes!"

Xiao Qianluo blushed and rubbed Zhao Binglan's head, as if she was embarrassed to continue the topic.

Zhao Binglan swallowed her throat, clenched her fists, and pouted her lips with ambition.

"If they can bear it... I will definitely be fine!"

"Even if I become my brother-in-law... I don't mind!"

The two girls played for a while, and the Palm of Heaven Pot shook slightly, the lid of the pot opened, and a figure floated out.


Xiao Qianluo rushed to meet him at the first time, but stopped in front of Lin Xingyun.

She felt that the other party did not seem to have changed at all, but it seemed that there was suddenly some kind of extremely magical connection between her and herself...

She subconsciously took Lin Xingyun's hand, and felt that the feeling of being connected to each other became stronger!

"Xingyun, what's going on? You and I seem to..."

"You'll know in a moment."

Lin Xingyun smiled and kissed her face, while raising his sleeves and taking the Demon Suppression Tower and the Heavenly Pot back into his body.

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