"Alas! Daoist friend, I only have such a small request, but you still don't believe in my sincerity. It's really disappointing!"

"Forget it, considering that we are old friends, I will make an exception and make another oath to the Heavenly Dao."

"If I don't return the Heavenly Pot to you when I am in the Great Saint Realm, you will be tortured by the Heavenly Dao forever in the future!"

Lin Xingyun shook his head and sighed, showing a look of regret and pain.

Then he pointed to the sky and swore an oath, and a series of mysterious Heavenly Dao auras suddenly fell on him, forming the Heavenly Dao oath constraint on him!

Han Feiyu was completely stunned when he saw this scene. He didn't expect Lin Xingyun to be so sincere that he directly swore an oath to show his sincerity!

In contrast, he had always been wary of Lin Xingyun and was extremely cautious. He hesitated even to return the Heavenly Pot later. This small request really hurt the heart of this "old friend"!

At this moment, he finally confirmed that the other party really had no ill will towards him, and immediately bowed and apologized.

"Mr. Lin is sincere, I am... so rude!"

"Then this Palm of Heaven Pot...will continue to be kept by Mr. Lin for the time being!"

"But Mr. Lin, the "Jiu Nan Jing" is different from others. It is only passed down in my heart. It may take a few days to engrave it into a jade slip and give it to you. Then I..."

"It doesn't matter. This place is also inconvenient. After I explore the secrets of the Immortal Palace, we will meet again in the deserted city. Then you can give me the jade slip."

Lin Xingyun agreed even more reasonably, and then sighed to Han Feiyu.

"But fellow Taoist, I already have two bronze keys of this Immortal Palace. This third one, you see..."

Han Feiyu was stunned again, and a little bit of something was wrong in his heart.

Why do I feel that this "old friend" of mine is a little greedy!

But he also knew that his strength was not as good as others, and he would definitely not be able to compete with Lin Xingyun for the opportunity of the Immortal Palace. He simply did a favor and took out his bronze key directly.

"This bronze key is just a token of my gratitude to Mr. Lin for his kindness."

"Hey, fellow Daoist, what are you doing? You're too polite!"

Lin Xingyun declined with his left hand, and skillfully put the bronze key into the Qiankun Ring with his right hand. He took advantage of the situation and didn't forget to act cute.

"Fellow Daoist, you don't have to mind it. I've long seen that you have great luck, and there will be many opportunities in the future!"

"And you can rest assured. I'm famous for my fast breakthrough in cultivation!"

"With the help of the Heavenly Pot, it won't take long for me to become a Great Sage!"

Hearing this, Han Feiyu couldn't help but nodded.

He could feel that Lin Xingyun's aura was extremely young. He was only more than a hundred years old, but he was already a perfect king and prince, and his foundation was so deep that he could almost pass the tribulation and become a saint right away!

He had no doubts about Lin Xingyun's talent.

He even dared to make a bold guess.

According to the other party's cultivation speed, it might not take two or three hundred years for him to reach the Great Sage realm!

In just two or three hundred years, they can fulfill their agreement and take back their natal treasures. He thinks it is completely acceptable!

"Mr. Lin, I have another question."

"Since you have a past with me in my previous life, then you are also a reincarnated person. What was our past like?"

Han Feiyu asked, his eyes full of confusion and fascination.

The legend of the nine great celestial masters has long been extinct in the fairyland, and only circulated among the emperors. Although he has awakened a small part of the soul inheritance, this is the first time he has heard of his bizarre roots!

Chapter 281 Harvest to your heart's content, add some points

"Daoyou, it's not that I don't want to go into details, but this matter involves too much. It's not good for you to know too much now."

"You only need to know that you and I had a deep friendship in the past, and the one who took away your Tianhu was also one of the celestial masters, and our common mortal enemy."

"His name is Changsheng Tianzun!"

Lin Xingyun changed his face and warned seriously.

"Eternal Heavenly Venerable...Eternal Heavenly Venerable?!"

Han Feiyu muttered to himself, his eyes unconsciously revealing anger and hatred!

Boundless anger suddenly rose from his heart, as if even if countless epochs had passed and he had forgotten everything in his previous life, just this name made him instantly remember the hatred in the past!

After a long while, he shook his head violently and woke up from the state of recollection.

He believed Lin Xingyun's words even more, and was sure that the Eternal Heavenly Venerable was his former great enemy!

"Alas! Look, look, what did I say? What did I say?"

"Daoyou, your soul is still fragile, don't think too much for now, there is a long way to go, in the future we will fight with that Jun..."

"Ahem... there will be a time to fight and settle accounts with the Eternal Heavenly Venerable!"

Lin Xingyun said with concern, which made Han Feiyu feel a little moved. After a little breath adjustment, he solemnly said goodbye to Lin Xingyun.

"The secret of the Immortal Palace is probably quite dangerous. Mr. Lin, please be careful."

"I will go explore somewhere else. We will meet in the deserted city. Goodbye!"

After the two exchanged greetings, Han Feiyu finally transformed into a silver-white fairy light and left first. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared completely.

A series of system prompts also sounded in Lin Xingyun's mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for plundering the opportunity of Han Feiyu, the son of destiny, and rewarding a destiny value of 8,000!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for plundering the opportunity of Han Feiyu, the son of destiny, and rewarding a destiny value of 40,000!"

"Ding! The host makes the Son of Destiny grateful, and rewards an extra 10,000 destiny value!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for plundering the Son of Destiny Ye Que's opportunity, and rewards a destiny value of 8,000!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for plundering the Son of Destiny Ye Que's opportunity, and rewards a destiny value of 80,000!"

"Ding! The host makes the Son of Destiny hate him to the bone, and rewards an extra 20,000 destiny value!"

He took away the bronze keys of Ye Que and Han Feiyu in succession, and with the treasure Qiankun Ding, Ye Que was seriously injured and fled far away, and there was no possibility of exploring the secrets of the Immortal Palace. In addition, with some operations, his destiny value, which had hit the bottom, suddenly increased by more than 160,000!

Moreover, the initial destiny values ​​of these two people started at 300,000, so he could do whatever he wanted!

At this time, he finally couldn't help but stroke the ends of his hair, exuding a refreshing smile!

"Tsk tsk, it's so satisfying to harvest these reincarnated Heavenly Lords!"

"Hey! Why is my conscience... starting to hurt again!"

Lin Xingyun quickly stroked the Supreme Bone on his chest.

After suppressing the little bit of conscience he had left, he returned and took Xiao Qianluo and Zhao Binglan by the hand.

Chu Wujie also came back to his senses in a trance. Seeing that Lin Xingyun not only killed all those ancient royal families, but also let Han Feiyu leave, he immediately bowed to Lin Xingyun with admiration and worship.

"Mr. Lin is really a man of thundering means and great demeanor!"

"My admiration for Mr. Lin is like a surging river, endless! It is also like the flooding of the Yellow River, which can't stop..."

"Okay, okay, Fellow Daoist Chu, you are still injured, take your two clansmen away from the Immortal Palace as soon as possible."

"See you later."

Lin Xingyun stopped the other party's flattery, pulled the two women and walked away directly.

"Take care, Mr. Lin, see you later!"

Chu Wujie also said goodbye solemnly, looking at the other party's figure going away, he couldn't help but sigh.

"I'm afraid it's really hard for me to catch up with such a genius in my life!"

"I just don't know who is stronger, Mr. Lin or my sister!"

Although Lin Xingyun's fighting power shocked him, if compared with his sister, he really couldn't say who was stronger.

Because since he could remember, his sister Chu Weiluo was the most supreme existence. No matter if they were in the same realm or across realms, no matter what kind of freak they were, they could not match her at all!

And what he could not figure out and was incredible was.

Every time his sister fought with the opponent, she would always blurt out and shout "Lulu, give me some more!"

Then her combat power would surge again, and no one could beat her!

Chapter 282 Be fully prepared

What surprised the elders of the Chu family even more was that Chu Weiluo obviously did not have any special physique, but her physical defense was extremely strong, comparable to fairy gold, and even the saint soldiers and great saint soldiers could hardly hurt her body!

With such an integrated offense and defense, and unparalleled combat power, even the great emperor ancestors of the Chu family were extremely satisfied with Chu Weiluo's talent and believed that she would become an empress in this life!

Therefore, after Chu Weiluo was released from the seal and was born, she was directly canonized as the goddess of the Chu family and became the absolute core of the younger generation of the Chu family!

At this time, Chu Wujie thought of his elder sister, and he couldn't help but feel proud of her. He smiled proudly with his mouth down.

"Since my sister was born, she has been invincible and has never shed a drop of blood!"

"Although Mr. Lin is heroic and extraordinary."

"But if he really fights with my sister, he should still be a little bit behind!"


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