"Domination has no limits!"

This time he grasped it out of thin air, and the Martial God Vision pulled out the huge sword at least a thousand feet long from his waist, and slashed it down at Lin Xingyun!

Before the blade fell, the clouds in the sky split apart, a deep ravine was cut into the earth by the unrivaled sword energy, and everything below was annihilated into nothingness!

Lin Xingyun, on the other hand, showed a playful smile and took out the Great Luo Dao Sword unhurriedly.

But he couldn't help but think that this seemed to be the first time in his life that he had fought with an opponent of the same level!

"Ye Que, you are so lucky!"

Chapter 274 The man in gray, the second pair of pupils

He communicated with the system panel, looked at Ye Que's recent opportunities, and found that the third bronze key was indeed in his hand!

This Immortal Palace is like his home court, giving him a natural advantage. If he had not appeared, the other party would have been able to successfully collect the three bronze keys, go to the deepest part of this Immortal Palace, and open the legendary Opportunity to become an immortal.

"It's a pity that you don't have that chance!"

Lin Xingyun thought with a smile, holding the sword in his hand, his eyes already full of confidence.

In the past, he always crossed one or two major realms, fought against all kinds of opponents, and was invincible.

Now the three flowers of the avenue floated out from his head, and he was already in the perfect princely state. However, he was limited by the magic of the Void Immortal Palace, which completely cut off all the principles of the Immortal Realm, making it impossible for him to go any further for the time being.

After polishing each realm to the extreme, and adding the treasure boost, now in the same realm, no matter how evil Ye Que is, no matter how blessed he is with destiny, it is impossible to compete with him!

At this time, facing the sword of the warrior god, Lin Xingyun's whole body was already glowing with green gold sword light. With the blessing of his body transformed into a sword, his swordsmanship and sword intention were suddenly improved by many levels for him. Use the sixth level of the Nine-leaf Sword Technique at will!

"Nine leaves divide the universe!"

He held the Daluo Dao Sword in his hand, made a mysterious sword mark, and actually manifested out of thin air the true form of a sword grass that reached heaven and earth, as if it could kill thousands of gods and demons!

That sword grass looked fluttering and weak, but it contained endless killing sword intent. It soared into the sky and struck head-on with the tyrannical blade of the Martial God!


The sound of gold and iron clashing shattered countless mountains and rivers below. Even the sword energy and light emanating from the two had already killed a large number of corpses and puppets!

However, the huge broadsword of the God of War could only hold on for two breaths before it was chopped open by the blade. Together with its abnormal body, a terrifying crack was quickly opened by the true form of the sword grass!

The true form of the sword grass was like the sharpest blade in the world. It seemed to be able to divide the world. It broke through all the Martial God's visions in an instant and attacked Ye Que directly!

Ye Que instinctively sensed the approaching crisis and knew that he couldn't deal with it forcefully. He was so frightened that he had to immediately dodge.

However, the true form of the sword grass was full of spirituality and was as fast as phantom lightning. In just a moment, it passed through his right arm!


He let out a shrill scream, and blood splashed out from his majestic body like a fountain. His arm, including all the muscles and bones, had been completely chopped off!

But the true form of the sword grass had no intention of letting him go. It still cut through the air like a scythe of death, and was about to cut him in two from the head down and kill him completely!

However, just as the sword grass was about to fall, two space vortexes suddenly emerged from behind Ye Que. A gray-white palm stretched out from one of the vortexes, dragging him directly into it!

The other vortex suddenly expanded several times, and after a moment of stalemate with the incoming Jiancao's true form, it actually merged into it and disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if it had completely disappeared from this world and been transformed into another world. space!

"Huh? This is..."

Lin Xingyun frowned, and strange feelings suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He turned his eyes and suddenly stared into the northwest corner of the sky. Thousands of miles away in the sky, a man in gray robe emerged from the vortex of space. It was the man who had escaped from the distance before Wang Teng and others were unprepared. The man in gray left to avoid trouble.

Ye Que, who had already lost an arm, was also pulled out of the whirlpool by him.

"Who are you? Why did you save me?!"

Ye Que was hit hard again, his face was as white as gold paper, and he immediately asked on guard.

"You just need to know that I am Lin Xingyun's enemy."

The man in gray robe explained with the same ugly expression, two lines of blood dripping from his eyes.

It seems that the continuous use of such strange magical powers puts a heavy burden on him!

"But now his fighting power is too terrifying. Even if you and I join forces, we can't defeat him!"

"It's not a good place to stay for a long time. Let's leave first."

As he said that, he immediately grabbed Ye Que, his eyes once again bloomed with divine light, and formed a space vortex, dragging Ye Que into it.

The aura of the two people suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if they were completely far away from this world!

"Is that... the magical power of double pupil? Another double pupil?"

Lin Xingyun sensed a familiar aura from the abnormality in his own eyes, and knew that the other party must also have double pupils, and his double pupils' magical power was different from his own double pupils. The effect in battle was strange and unpredictable!

After sensing that Ye Que had completely disappeared without a trace, Lin Xingyun waved his sleeves and grabbed his severed arm.

Chapter 275 The Great Emperor’s Magical Power

After taking off the Qiankun Ring on his finger, Lin Xingyun raised his hand and put the arm into his own Qiankun Ring.

He doesn't like to waste things the most. After all, it is the arm of Cang Ming Hegemony. Its flesh and blood energy is extremely rich, so he plans to keep it and devour it later.

Then he checked Ye Que's Qiankun Ring and found that the bronze key was indeed lying in it. He smiled with satisfaction and looked at Han Feiyu, Tian Canzi and others.

At this time, Ye Que had completely fled to an unknown place, and the forbidden magical powers he left behind were naturally quickly destroyed. Without the control of their masters, the zombie creatures were massacred by Han Feiyu and others, and quickly began to flee in all directions.

When the four of them were completely out of trouble, the atmosphere at the scene became subtle again.

"You are... Lin Xingyun from the Lin family?!"

Tian Canzi asked hesitantly, his breath was hidden and he looked at Lin Xingyun who was only a hundred feet away, his expression was extremely serious!

The opponent had clearly defeated Ye Que easily just now, but he seemed to have just done something normal, with a relaxed and comfortable look on his face, and he was holding the broken sword and slowly walking towards them in the air!

"Lin Xingyun? Is he the one who killed Long Ao from Panlong Terrace? It's really not bad!"

"Also Shi Huang from my Holy Spirit Palace was killed by him!"

Long Jue and Shi Cong showed hatred on their faces. Although they were also wary of Lin Xingyun's shocking combat power just now, they were not too afraid. Instead, their spiritual power surged, and they actually planned to join forces to fight Lin Xingyun. Get into a fight!

Tian Canzi also quickly recovered his temper, and a fierce aura appeared in his eyes. He knew that the other party was cruel, and he was already in a fight to the death with the ancient royal family.

There is no room for turning at this time. No matter how tyrannical the opponent is, they can only fight to the end!

"Lin Xingyun...the immortal Lin family?"

Seeing that the ban was lifted, the two parties began to be at war with each other again, and Han Feiyu quietly stepped aside.

But he didn't leave, but looked at Lin Xingyun carefully.

He could still clearly sense that the other person had a treasure that had a deep connection with him!

Even though Lin Xingyun's combat power made him aware of the extreme terror, he still did not flee hastily, but planned to observe first to see if he could have some discussions or even a deal with the other party...

Lin Xingyun also glanced at him, showed a playful smile, and paid no more attention to him, but looked at Tian Canzi.

"Oh? Three ancient royal families, and their blood aura is so strong?"

"Not bad, not bad. It's just right for nourishment!"


"We were just temporarily trapped by those corpse puppets before. Do you really think you can defeat the three of us?!"

Both Long Jue and Shi Cong felt anger burning in their brows, but they did not underestimate the enemy. They immediately struck preemptively, and their bodies changed in a trance, manifesting into a five-clawed red dragon and a blue stone spirit giant respectively. They immediately sacrificed He has reached his strongest form!

"Eight Transformations of the Divine Silkworm!"

Tian Canzi also grew in stature, transforming into a pale divine silkworm that reached the sky and the earth. Eight golden divine rings appeared around him. His aura was almost as powerful as Ye Que's just now!

The combined power of the three was almost enough to wipe out everything here. A torrent of spiritual power suddenly burst out, and they all attacked Lin Xingyun.

Lin Xingyun raised his hand to make a magic spell, and a map of mountains and rivers that could cover the world appeared from the sky.

"Chaotic Holy Demon Picture!"

With a wave of his hand, the huge tulle rushed towards Tian Canzi and the others, like a sacred mountain. In an instant, it suppressed all three giant monsters and ferocious beasts that moved the heavens, and could no longer move upward. Kill every cent!

Countless turbulent streams of spiritual power emerged from the diagram, suppressing the three of them, killing them all the time!

"Wang Teng's tricks are pretty easy to use."

Lin Xingyun looked at the three people struggling to resist under the Holy Demon Picture, and couldn't help but nod in approval.

After swallowing Wang Teng, the other party's fate above blue will naturally belong to him. Among them, the most important [Double Emperors Heritage] gold has been absorbed by him in the Palm Heaven Pot for more than a month. Now Wang Teng has fully understood it. Teng's magical powers and moves were as good as his hands!

Of course, the [Great Emperor Experience] obtained when he killed Tang Yu also naturally contained a large number of the other party's magical powers, and Lin Xingyun had already been able to use them.

However, he really didn't like those magical powers such as the Immortal Golden Net, the Zhaogu Divine Eyes, and the Tianluo Golden Body, so he never used them...

Chapter 276 Flying Immortal Tribulation Light

At this time, Tian Canzi and the three of them were suppressed and strangled by the huge Tulu. Although they were not dead for a while, they all looked embarrassed and extremely humiliated!

As the noblest bloodline of ancient emperors among their kind, they were naturally extremely arrogant. Now, with three enemies against one, they were all defeated by the opponent. They felt that they had lost all face!

"This guy is really hateful! He must be killed today!"

"Not enough! We must break his limbs and bring him back to the clan, where he will be tortured for eternity!"

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