Long Jue and Shi Cong were both fierce and fierce. The next moment, two huge bodies suddenly shone brightly, and ancient and horrible auras burst out from their blood, as if they were going to cross time and space and appear beside them to help in the battle!

Two huge figures that spanned the sky and the earth also appeared from their bodies. They were a five-clawed golden dragon and a stone giant made of fairy gold!

The two figures blessed Long Jue and Shi Cong, making them more powerful. In an instant, they smashed the holy demon map!

"Could it be... their two great emperor fathers?!"

Chu Wujie, who was watching the battle from a distance, was shocked when he saw this. The opponent's vast and ethereal aura, like a god looking down at the clouds, shocked all living beings in the world, making him, who was already seriously injured, almost unable to move!

Xiao Qianluo and Zhao Binglan flew into the air eagerly, wanting to go to help, but were stopped by Lin Xingyun.

"Being able to mobilize the remaining imperial power in the bloodline and manifest it to enhance oneself is quite something."

"What a good skill, it's better to have a good father!"

He narrowed his eyes and couldn't help but admire and sigh.

Although the other party did not seem to be the eldest son of the two emperors, the emperor's bloodline still left them an extremely rich legacy. At least among his peers, a genius of Chu Wujie's level could not match him at all!

But then, the newly fused supreme bone in his heart was stimulating divine power, surging with circles of gray halos, as if an extremely terrifying power was brewing in it!

The original piece of Feixian Supreme Bone had already made his combat power leap forward. Now the two bones are combined into one, and they are actually from the same original body, and the power is even greater than before!

And the red dragon and the stone spirit below have already roared up, each using their ultimate moves to kill Lin Xingyun!

"True Dragon Sky-Splitting Technique!"

"Sacred Sacrifice of the Wheel of Life and Death!"

Countless true dragons were transformed into dancing celestial beings, and a wheel of life and death was rising in the wind, flashing with the power of sacrifice and destruction. The two awakened the supreme divine power left in their blood, and their fighting power was unprecedentedly strong, and they were determined to defeat Lin Xingyun with one blow!

However, the newly born supreme bone in Lin Xingyun's chest seemed to have accumulated strength. With a thought, an unprecedented gray fairy light with the power of heaven instantly bloomed like a divine punishment!

"Flying fairy calamity light!"

The two sides' extreme moves suddenly collided, and the vast calamity light was like boiling oil pouring on snow, quickly wiping out all the magical attacks in front of them, and then blasting towards Long Jue and Shi Cong himself!

The two tried their best to resist, but were still blasted backwards by the robbery light. Their bodies were quickly melted, and their flesh and bones turned into ashes and dissipated. It seemed that they were about to die.

"Not good!"

"Tian Canzi! Why don't you take action?!"

The two felt the power of the robbery light, and they were so frightened that their souls were about to die. They no longer dared to care about their face and shouted loudly.


"Lin Xingyun... you will definitely die today!"

Tian Canzi sighed and cursed angrily, with a cold murderous intent in his eyes.

He was even more arrogant than Long Jue and Shi Cong. He didn't want to rely on the influence of his father, the emperor, unless he had no other choice.

But at this time, the opponent's robbery light was so powerful that he couldn't hesitate!

The divine ring around him flashed, and the same majestic and vast imperial power suddenly surged in his precious blood. A white-haired man who was no weaker than the golden dragon and the immortal golden stone spirit appeared from behind him, causing his aura to surge by several times!

The next moment, he flew up, and danced thousands of silk threads with his hands, and together with Long Jue and Shi Cong, he resisted and wiped out the flying immortal robbery light!

After a few breaths, the robbery light was finally dissipated by the three people's combined efforts, and Long Jue and Shi Cong were seriously injured, with their arms and torsos broken everywhere, and their faces were full of shock. It was obvious that they were still frightened by the power of the robbery light just now!

The three of them did not dare to hold back any more, and the power of their blood was completely stimulated. The phantoms of the three emperors became clearer and clearer, waiting in a serious battle, and confronting Lin Xingyun!

Chapter 277 Killing the Heavenly Silkworm

"So strong! Even if I go all out, I'm afraid I can only end up with regret!"

Han Feiyu, who was watching from a distance, was shocked by Lin Xingyun's amazing fighting power when he saw him fighting against three people alone, and overpowering three ancient royal descendants in full blood!

However, until this moment, Lin Xingyun had no intention of attacking him, which made him relax his guard a little.

However, for the sake of caution, he still scattered 100 to 180 formation flags around himself and set up more than ten defensive formations to prepare for any eventuality!

The silver-white fairy light manifested by the "Rescue Sutra" under his feet never dissipated for a moment, and he was ready to escape at any time!

"Such a person...wouldn't he have the means to restrict my escape... ..."

He looked at Lin Xingyun anxiously, and had already made a judgment in his heart.

With his keen perception, although the three Tiancanzi had noble blood and extraordinary background, they could never defeat each other. It would not take long for the battlefield to come to an end!

But after a few breaths, Tiancanzi took the lead in attacking. The tall and majestic man in white robes behind him seemed to merge with him, causing his blood to surge again, and the eight halos on his body burst out with divine power!

"Tiancan Bailian!"

The eight halos turned into countless inscriptions, and enveloped Lin Xingyun with a powerful refining force!

Long Jue and Shi Cong also burst out with extreme moves again, directly using their own blood to drive the real dragon and stone spirit visions, and cooperated with Tian Canzi to attack Lin Xingyun together!

But Lin Xingyun closed his eyes when he saw this, raised his right palm, and a large amount of gray halo surged again from the Supreme Bone in his heart, and gradually formed miniature visions in his palm, and the gloomy punishment aura quickly dissipated from it, as if brewing a new move he realized from the new Supreme Bone!

When the magical powers of Tian Canzi and the other two were about to attack him, he opened his double pupils, and the visions in his palms instantly spread out, turning into a scene of Senluo Hell, and everything in front of him was absorbed into hell!

"Flying Immortal Tribulation·Heavenly Punishment Prison!"

Seeing the purgatory scenes of knife mountains, fire seas, blood pools, stone mills, iron trees, evil mirrors, etc., as if they had become real, completely blocking and annihilating all the other party's magical powers, and even completely including the three people and this world!

"Quick! Break through this realm!"

"How can this kid have so many methods?! Even the ancient freaks are far inferior to him!"

Long Jue and Shi Cong were in a hurry, and they felt like they were in the real purgatory. All the punishment methods were constantly attacking, making their wounded bodies even more unbearable!

"This realm of magical power is definitely not simple. I'm afraid that only by attacking him directly and defeating him can there be a possibility of breaking through!"

Tian Canzi was also solemn. The opponent's methods were too weird and terrifying, which made him lose some confidence.

But at this time, he would not be afraid to give in, but took the lead again. The huge body of the divine silkworm spanned the sky, and forcibly broke through all the torture methods in the purgatory, and directly attacked Lin Xingyun.


However, before he got close to the opponent, his body could not help but stagnate.

I saw a petite cat-eared girl, wearing a gray long skirt, holding a broken white jade sword, waiting for him at the end of the purgatory vision.

The other party only took a glance, and he felt an unprecedented terrifying death crisis!

"The God Silkworm Shines in the Nine Heavens!"

In the critical situation, he suddenly activated his strongest magical power, and the eight halos around him collapsed, allowing his combat power to rise again, just to meet the extremely terrifying girl in the gray skirt!

However, the Feixian Divine Fetus, which had been strengthened several times, floated out like a fairy in Lingbo. Just like in the past, he just swung his sword and passed by, and the sword energy was surging for thousands of miles!


A clear and extremely crisp sound of tearing silk sounded, and Tiancanzi's mountain-like body of the God Silkworm was cut from head to tail with a gray thin line...

But Tiancanzi's offensive and figure suddenly stopped in place.

His face was full of fear and disbelief, and he began to mutter to himself.

"No... this is impossible..."

"I was born not long ago... I haven't fought on the road to becoming an emperor yet... How could I die in... a place like this..."

"Am I destined to... not be able to defeat that Yuan Canzi?!"

There was endless despair and sadness in his eyes, and his vitality quickly dissipated and dimmed.

The Feixian Divine Embryo had no intention of showing mercy, and swung out another sword. The sword energy seemed to be able to divide yin and yang, and went straight into the head and soul of Tian Canzi, completely destroying him who was already unable to fight again!

On the other hand, Lin Xingyun pressed his right palm in the air, and the Heavenly Punishment Prison fully erupted with power. Countless means of punishment suddenly concentrated, and a piece of knife mountain, sea of ​​fire, iron tree and blood pool crushed towards Long Jue and Shi Cong fiercely, making them, who were already seriously injured, unable to resist in an instant!

Chapter 278 Just like this moment

The shadows of their fathers behind Long Jue and Shi Cong continued to burst out with traces of imperial power, and their vast figures seemed to create the world, stretching out the eighteen layers of purgatory one by one, still trying to resist!

However, the brand-new Supreme Bone God Embryo, holding the Daluo Dao Sword, floated in front of the two like a fairy from the sky.

A few more swords passed, and Shi Cong's huge holy body, like a majestic peak, was immediately covered with mysterious sword marks and quickly began to collapse!

"Lin Xingyun! My Holy Spirit Palace will never reconcile with you!"


He was the first to scream miserably, and the sword marks on his body emitted a dazzling gray light. In a blink of an eye, his body completely collapsed, and even his soul was crushed and wiped out by the sword energy!

Without the support of Shi Cong, the eighteen layers of purgatory were like a millstone, crushing Long Jue to the point where he could no longer hold on. Countless blood pools, magma and other purgatory punishments quickly destroyed his body!

"Lin Xingyun! My elder brother will be born soon, and he will avenge me———!"

Before his death, Long Jue let out a desperate and resentful howl, but after a moment, he finally couldn't hold on at all, and was ground into blood, flesh and bones by the eighteen layers of purgatory!

Seeing this, Lin Xingyun raised his hand and put all the remains of the three people into the Qiankun Ring. Although these three ancient royal families did not inherit the purest blood of their fathers, they were already extremely powerful and were the most excellent blood and flesh treasures!

However, there were outsiders present at this time, so he wanted to keep them for later swallowing and refining.

After completing all the collection work, he restrained the Supreme Bone Divine Power and breathed a sigh of relief. The Eighteen Layers of Purgatory that had just been filled with evil spirits gradually disappeared.

Lin Xingyun then looked at Han Feiyu with a smile, and walked slowly towards him.

Han Feiyu saw that he had really killed all three princes of the ancient royal family as he expected. Even though he knew that the other party had no intention of killing him, a trace of cold sweat broke out on his forehead!

However, he knew that this was not the time to hide, so he had to bow and say respectfully.

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