Lin Xingyun also let go of Zhao Binglan at the right time and stepped forward to joke with him.

Chapter 272 It won’t be Ye Lu anyway

"What a fate! What the hell happened to me? I bumped into you again!"

Chu Wujie gritted his teeth and was secretly angry.

But when he saw the other person walking towards him, and his energy was even more unfathomable than before entering the Immortal Palace, it seemed that he could be killed easily!

His heart felt tense, and he didn't dare to say anything disrespectful, so he quickly squeezed out a smile from the bottom of his heart.

"Lin... Mr. Lin... I am... really destined!"

"Eh? Fellow Taoist, why are you injured? Who did it?"

"Don't worry, I still feel very guilty about the ancient monument test before!

No matter who hurts you today, I will solve it for you! "

Lin Xingyun put on a righteous look and made a generous promise to Chu Wujie.

After all, the other party is the younger brother of the Destiny Daughter, and he has also formed a friendship with Han Feiyu. His destiny is also excellent [the Emperor of Brothers]. Of course, a kind person like me will be happy to help him!

"Ah?! Mr.——!"

Chu Wujie was so shocked again that he almost blurted out "big brother"!

In this dangerous situation, the other party is actually so upright and willing to stand up for himself, a stranger!

Moreover, the other party actually felt guilty about the ancient monument, but he was still thinking about how to get those treasures back...

With this structure and his ambition, in comparison, he is simply a greedy and sinister villain!

"Young Master Lin is a righteous man! I would like to thank you in advance, Chu Wujie!"

Chu Wujie suddenly looked guilty and thanked Lin Xingyun.

"You are Welcome."

Lin Xingyun responded casually, his eyes completely fixed on the battle in the sky.

I saw Ye Que coming to the world like a god of war. While controlling the siege of the army of corpse puppets, he controlled the skeleton vision and punched out like rain, beating the opponents back steadily!

This Immortal Palace is like his home ground. Everything is at his will. Hundreds of prince-level corpse puppets are not afraid of death and completely obey his orders. They have already killed several ancient royal family members, leaving only Han Feiyu, Tian Canzi, and Long Jue. He Shi Cong is still struggling to hold on!

When Chu Wujie saw this, he began to hesitate even more.

I don’t know if I should let Lin Xingyun get involved in the war, or persuade him to leave quickly...

"Mr. Lin, actually you don't have to...Eh?!"

However, before he could speak, he saw Lin Xingyun leaving in the air and running directly towards Ye Que!

Ye Que, who was originally fighting in full swing, suddenly looked back.

He saw the figure in white that he had hated for hundreds of years, walking towards him with a smile as if nothing had happened!

"Lin Xingyun——?!"

"Okay, okay! God helps me, today is the day you die!"

Ye Que's eyes filled with rage and ecstasy. He immediately abandoned Han Feiyu and others and headed straight for Lin Xingyun!

"Wait a minute, Ye Que, don't rush to fight yet."

"Do you know who the person you are attacking is?"

Lin Xingyun made a mysterious look, waved his hand to stop him, and then pointed at Han Feiyu and said.

"Huh? Who is he? Do you know his origins?"

Ye Que couldn't help but froze when he heard this, and asked subconsciously.

After all, Han Feiyu was indeed too special, making him feel inexplicably and extremely familiar. He was by no means as simple as a disciple of a small sect!

Han Feiyu also looked stunned when he saw him mentioning her. He looked at Lin Xingyun with a strange expression, not sure whether he was a friend or an enemy.

However, the next moment, Lin Xingyun looked relaxed and happy, and revealed the secret with a smile.

"It won't be Ye Lu anyway!"

After hearing this, Ye Que couldn't help but be stunned for a moment before he understood what the other party meant...

His face suddenly turned as dark as black coal, and his hands were trembling with extreme anger!

"Lin Xingyun————!"

"Death! Die————!"

The next moment, his eyes were completely dyed red with anger, and the hegemonic phenomenon behind him suddenly glowed with purple light. From the incomplete skeleton form, it quickly evolved into flesh, armor, and blades, becoming the phantom of an armored warrior god!




[Cough...cough...Family members, the author has been sent to the provincial capital for further study_(:3」∠)_The update conditions are really worrying】

[During this period, the author can only shorten and shorten, and nine inches has become two inches_(:3″∠)_My family should be more considerate_(:3″∠)_]

Chapter 273 Collision, crushing

The phantom of the Martial God was more than ten thousand feet high, lingering around Ye Que's majestic dark purple energy and blood. His aura was unrivaled in the world!

"Cang Ming Fist!"

Ye Que had been teased by Lin Xingyun and was so angry that his eyes were completely blood red!

At this time, he shouted violently and punched out, causing the Martial God's shadow to also punch out. The power was so shocking that Han Feiyu and others couldn't help but feel horrified and fearful in their hearts!

"Congratulations to the host for making the Son of Destiny furious. An additional reward of 10,000 Destiny Points."

After getting the expected effect, Lin Xingyun smiled with satisfaction, and then punched flatly. A misty gray light rippled from his heart, all lingering on his palm.

These days, he has been frantically devouring the nutrients of Wang Teng, Qin Yiren and others with the Immortal Devouring Magic Skill. In addition to the various natural treasures in his Qiankun Ring, he has already condensed more than 30,000 dragon elephant particles, which are now all added to his right hand. The howling elephant appears in his hand, helping him to deliver this shocking punch!

Compared with the fierce and powerful Tyrant Body Martial God, who is like a world-destroying god, Lin Xingyun seems as small as dust.

But the next moment, the huge fist shadow hits him head-on!


After a shocking explosion, one of the Tyrant Body Martial God's giant arms was shattered, and Ye Que and Lin Xingyun directly punched each other!

I saw two fist lights, one gray and one purple, shining in the world. If an ordinary king and prince realm perfect cultivator were in it, he would be turned into dust in an instant!


The two of them fought hard and punched each other. For the first time, Ye Que showed a look of horror and was beaten back thousands of feet!

He was like a meteorite from outer space. Relying on his unparalleled physical body, he smashed a large number of corpses and puppets, and finally stopped with difficulty!

"This... This is impossible!"

"I am the Cangming Tyrant Body! How could I lose in a physical competition of the same realm?!"

Ye Que looked at the bloody flesh on his right fist that was shattered, and felt the shock brought by the opponent's terrifying force. He was extremely angry!

He looked at Lin Xingyun again. The opponent was still leisurely and unrestrained. His right fist was not injured at all, and even his clothes were not damaged at all, which made Ye Que even more shocked and amazed!

Lin Xingyun looked at his shocked look, with a bit of playfulness on his face, and then waved his sleeves and counterattacked Ye Que with an extreme move!

"The Prison-Suppressing Divine Spear."

He shouted calmly, and all the dragon-elephant particles on his body glowed with divine light. A pitch-black spear that seemed to come from the netherworld appeared out of thin air in front of him. It was naturally the magical power he had learned from the "Divine Elephant Prison-Suppressing Art"!

The next moment, the spear seemed to cut through space and attacked Ye Que with an unstoppable force!

"The Yuanshi Forbidden Sky Art!"

"The Yuanshi Sealing God Art!"

Ye Que's heart tensed up instantly, sensing the coming of a life-and-death crisis. He immediately pinched out the magic formulas and transformed hundreds of forbidden barriers in front of him to resist!

The Martial God Vision even turned into a defensive posture, wearing armor and crossing his arms, trying to do his best to block the attack of the divine spear!


However, when the two sides officially collided, the Prison-Suppressing Divine Spear was like boiling oil pouring on snow, piercing through Lu silk, and tore through all of Ye Que's barrier defenses, including the Martial God Vision!


When Ye Que flew backwards again and hit the edge of the barrier he had set up before, he was already vomiting blood, and both arms of the Martial God Vision were broken, and a huge crack appeared in his heart!

"Lin Xingyun!"

"Today, either you die or I die!"

However, Ye Que did not retreat at all, but became more and more eager to fight.

He immediately burst out with blood and spiritual power, and the incomplete body of the Tyrant Martial God quickly transformed and restored to its perfect form!

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