"Call me mother now, or I won't ride you anymore."


Bai Ze was shocked and embarrassed when he said that.

She blushed and looked at Lin Xingyun.

But he looked serious, without any falsehood.

She finally understood that her little master was not even pretending now!

It seemed that he really wanted to ride her!

When the others heard what Lin Xingyun said, they understood it immediately.

They couldn't help laughing.

The hall was instantly filled with a happy atmosphere!

"You dead child! How can you embarrass a girl like this?"

"Miss Bai, don't pay attention to him. You can change your words after you marry in."

Although Liu Fengyi was also laughing, she came over and pushed Lin Xingyun away.

Then she comforted Bai Ze softly.

"But I... I'm not..."

Bai Ze was getting more and more embarrassed and wanted to continue to explain.

But An Miaoyin cleverly came to her side, smiled and hugged her to persuade her.

"Sister Bai, look at how kind and amiable my mother is. Why are you still hesitating?"

"You don't think you can escape Xingyun's clutches, do you?"

An Miaoyin said, and threw a coquettish eye at Lin Xingyun.

Lin Xingyun also pouted at her, and the two of them had a tacit understanding.

And Bai Ze saw this situation and knew that he couldn't escape.

He had to blush and whispered to Liu Fengyi.


"Hey! Not bad!"

Liu Fengyi replied with a smile, and couldn't help hugging Bai Ze to feel the broad mind.

At the same time, she secretly praised with satisfaction, thinking that such a wonderful woman would definitely not have a problem giving Xingyun ten or eight children in the future!

Everyone laughed and talked, and then continued to sit down and drink.

"Children, to be honest..."

"I haven't been as happy as today for many years!"

"For so many happy events today, come on, have another drink!"

Liu Fengyi was already crying with joy, and raised her glass again to invite him.

Lin Xingyun stood up with the glass in his hand and promised Liu Fengyi sincerely.

"Mom, there will be many more days of such reunion in the future!"

"We, the children, will be filial to you in the future!"

Liu Meng'er and Xiao Qianluo seemed to have done the same thing.

They were all moved, and each of them took Liu Fengyi's arm and raised their glasses to toast.

"Mom, you have been in charge of the Lin family's affairs for these years, and it's really hard. We toast you a glass!"

"Mom, we toast you too!"

"Okay, another drink!"

An Miaoyin and others also came forward to toast, making Liu Fengyi cry with joy, and drank one by one.

No one used spiritual power to suppress the alcohol.

They drank until late at night.

"Children, mother won't keep you any longer!

"Xingyun, you should...go and accompany them!"

Liu Fengyi was already drunk, with a playful smile on her face, and ordered everyone to leave.

Lin Xingyun had no choice but to take the seven women back to her bedroom.

As soon as she entered the bedroom, she closed the door.

Xiao Qianluo seemed to have been waiting for this moment.

She hugged Lin Xingyun first and started to pester him again.

"Ahem... ahem..."

"Sister Qianluo, actually...it's still the funeral of Xingyun's father, and it's only the first day..."

"I think we should try to be more restrained during this period..."

"In case outsiders know and gossip..."

Seeing this, Liu Meng'er couldn't help but remind him.

"Hmm? This......"

After hearing this, Xiao Qianluo also reacted and separated quickly.

After all, she was also a princess of the dynasty, according to her usual cognition and rules.

During this period of mourning.

Lin Xingyun and them should indeed observe mourning and refrain from having sex.

Although she didn't care about gossip, she didn't want to affect Lin Xingyun's reputation.

But if she gave up, how could she bear it............

Yingqing and others also looked tangled and hesitated.

Only An Miaoyin was the most thoughtful and delicate.

After a banquet, she had already seen that her husband was not really sad!

She smiled slightly, hugged Lin Xingyun from behind, and said with a sigh.

"Alas! Sister Meng'er, let me say something that shouldn't be said!"

"Everyone saw how sad Xingyun was today."

"All we can do for him is to accompany him and let him forget those sorrows. "

"Isn't this more important than any red tape?" She said confidently.

A pair of slender hands quietly groped Lin Xingyun's body.

Lin Xingyun smiled, and it was obvious.

After a hundred years, she must have been full of bad intentions!



[My family sent two chapters for review, so I can only delete more. See you tomorrow, good night QAQ~~~]

Chapter 234 Traveling

Lin Xingyun took her slender hands, looked back and looked at everyone.

"Miaoyin said... it's true..."

"Although I should abide by filial piety and restrain myself..."

"But you have waited for me for a hundred years, it's not easy!"

"Now that we are reunited, I should naturally accompany you well!"

"Alas! Believe me, my father, if he is still alive, he doesn't want to see me sad..."

"He will definitely understand our pain of missing each other!"

After sighing, he turned his head and kissed An Miaoyin on the forehead.

The two of them were like an adulterous couple, blinking at each other in an ambiguous way, and they had a tacit understanding.

When Xiao Qianluo and others heard what Lin Xingyun said, they felt like they had been pardoned, and they could no longer hold back their feelings. Ying Qing and Zhao Hanyi even swallowed hard!

Bai Ze huddled in the corner with an embarrassed look on his face.

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