Accompanying her day and night, experiencing dreams.

Plus eating three meals a day with her hundreds of thousands of times!

My own hard work.

She didn't say a word!

But Lin Xingyun quickly understood the other party's intention.

So he didn't point it out to Liu Meng'er.

Just continued to drink silently, drunk alone.

"After ten lifetimes of dreams, I finally saw Xingyun..."

Liu Meng'er said aggrievedly.

"Child, you've suffered!"

Liu Fengyi's eyes were already full of tears.

He hugged her tightly in his arms again.

The other women also felt pity and sympathy.

After hearing this, Xiao Qianluo was also stunned for a while.

Then he held a jade cup and took the initiative to walk in front of her.

He bowed and toasted with a guilty face.

"Sister, for Xingyun, you have endured a thousand years of hardship in the dream. It is not easy."

"I was too rude before. Please don't blame me!"

"Sister Qianluo, you are too kind. How can I blame you?"

Liu Meng'er reached out and helped her up, comforting her softly.

A sly smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She glanced at Lin Xingyun.

Lin Xingyun also secretly winked at her at the right time.

This made her even more proud and happy.

Enjoying in the dream will be a secret between the two of them.

I think there should be no fourth person in the world who knows it!

"Okay, okay, we are all family. It's too polite to say these things!"

Seeing this, Liu Fengyi smiled and pulled the two daughters-in-law to make peace, letting them sit on both sides of her.

Then she raised her glass again and invited them to drink with laughter.

"Come on, children, another drink!"


After everyone drank,

Lin Xingyun stood up, walked behind Yingqing, leaned on her shoulder, and said to Liu Fengyi with a smile.

"Mother, you still call her a child, but Auntie Ying is not your child!"

"Unless... let Auntie Ying call you mother too!"

"Yes! I almost forgot about this!"

Liu Fengyi's eyes lit up, and she immediately walked behind Yingqing.

She first laughed and scolded Lin Xingyun happily.

"You stinky boy, you even didn't let your Auntie Ying go, I really admire you!"

"But Xiaoqing, since things have come to this."

"I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you not to call me mother?"

Liu Fengyi said, and looked at Yingqing with great expectation.

The smile on the corner of her mouth could not be restrained at all!

"Madam! I--"

Yingqing was so embarrassed that she didn't dare to say a word with a red face.

After all, she had followed Liu Fengyi for many years and was deeply trusted by her.

She was sent to protect Lin Xingyun.

But in the end, she was the one who stole the money!

She raised her young master to be her husband!

However, looking at Liu Fengyi and Lin Xingyun, they were equally expectant.

Yingqing was shy for a while, but she still called out softly.



"Xiaoqing, you will be my good daughter-in-law in the future!"

"Great! This is really great!"

Liu Fengyi was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth. She touched Yingqing's head and teased her, making her even more embarrassed.

Chapter 233: A happy gathering and a feast, the happiest day!

"Come on, come on, you should call me mother too!"

Lin Xingyun also got interested, and smiled and patted An Miaoyin and others on the shoulders one by one.


An Miaoyin was the first to come forward and called out obediently.

"Ah! Miss An, this is really... It's like a lifetime ago!"

Liu Fengyi couldn't help but sigh when she saw this.

After all, she still remembers the scene when An Miaoyin came to the Lin family and said she wanted to find Lin Xingyun to condense the fruit of the Red Dust.

And An Miaoyin's reputation was spread far and wide, so she naturally heard about it.

What maid, broken engagement, adulterous couple, it was indeed a bit outrageous...

And An Miaoyin was extremely thoughtful.

Seeing this, she bowed to Liu Fengyi and revealed her true feelings.

"Mother, Miaoyin was indeed notorious at the beginning, but Miaoyin was absolutely sincere to Xingyun, we... ..."

"Silly child, how could mother doubt this?"

"What kind of character is my son, don't I know?"

"As long as you and Xingyun live well, don't care about those rumors?"

Liu Fengyi smiled and helped her up, hugged her in her arms and comforted her.

"Thank you, mother!"

An Miaoyin was completely relieved and leaned on Liu Fengyi's arms gratefully.


Su Qingwu and Zhao Hanyi also stepped forward and called out with blushing faces.

"Hey! Good boy, good boy!"

Liu Fengyi looked at the two beauties, one big and one small, and nodded with satisfaction.

Finally, she couldn't help but look at Bai Ze who was sitting in the corner.

"Hiss! This girl is really..."

She looked at Bai Ze, and although she was amazed, she didn't say it clearly.

But the other party's unusually tall and full figure, like the undulating mountains, was extremely suitable for childbirth.

Still made her very satisfied!

She was sure that this was her daughter-in-law!

"Madam, you misunderstood! I...I'm not..."

Bai Ze's face flushed, and she waved her hands to explain.

However, Lin Xingyun had already come behind her, put his arm around her shoulder and laughed.

"Call me sooner or later, I'll call you sooner or later."

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