It seemed that he was a little afraid of being targeted by Lin Xingyun, so he just gave her...

"Nebula! Then... let's... now..."

An Miaoyin couldn't wait any longer and asked with bright eyes.

"In my opinion, it's still..."

"She will come today, and you will come tomorrow."

“This way it’s neither too deserted nor too lively!”

Lin Xingyun smiled and printed her forehead, secretly transmitting the message.

"Be good, I'll go sightseeing with you tomorrow!"

"Hey! Draw me a cake again!"

An Miaoyin rolled her eyes at him charmingly.

But he also knew that he had nothing to eat today, so he hugged Lin Xingyun and got intimate with him. After temporarily alleviating the pain of lovesickness, he let him go.


Liu Meng'er glanced at her mouth and waved away.

"Then...then you can do whatever you want, I won't get involved for now..."

"I'll just stay with my mother for now. I hope she just... wasn't trying to force a smile."

"Ah? Sister Meng'er, you..."

Xiao Qianluo and others were extremely surprised. They didn't expect that the other party had such a ladylike demeanor, which made them feel ashamed.

However, Liu Meng'er was about to leave.

He also didn’t forget to communicate with Lin Xingyun’s soul.

"Hmph! Let me make you happy for a few days first!"

"Wait until I understand the "Hui Meng Emperor Sutra" and see how I can punish you in my dream!"

Lin Xingyun had already handed her the jade slip with the "Hui Meng Emperor Sutra" engraved on it before.

As long as she understands it and gets started, she can save a lot of time in understanding the physique and initially control her dreams independently.

"Bao! Don't be polite to me, I just like it when you tease me!"

"Bah! Shameless!"

Liu Meng'er blushed and cursed, then opened the palace door and left on her own.


A moment later, on the bed in the bedroom.

Lin Xingyun hugged Xiao Qianluo and sat beside the bed.

He looked at Xiao Qianluo, who was even more beautiful than before. She was as beautiful as the world, and he couldn't help but be stunned by it!

Perhaps it was because Xiao Qianluo had obtained his most precious [Female Difficulty Body] origin, and had cultivated it subtly over the years.

The other party's appearance, figure, and temperament are already more beautiful and attractive than they were a hundred years ago.

Now, in terms of beauty, no one can compare with her in this state, not even in the entire fairyland!

And the way she talks, smiles, and looks like Xiaojiabiyu, she is a real young woman.

It can be said that he has a firm grip on Lin Xingyun’s heart! .


Lin Xingyun was a little dazed and wanted to hug Xiao Qianluo.

Xiao Qianluo raised her pretty face and looked at Lin Xingyun earnestly.

"Xingyun, I will stay with you and make you forget those sorrows and sad things!"


Feeling the strong love from the other party, Lin Xingyun looked moved, caressed her face and murmured softly.

Then he explained with a smile.

"Luoluo, you don't have to worry too much, Lin Chen and I..."

" father and I actually don't have much affection."

He began to talk about his past.

How kind is the father, filial son, brother, friend and brother.

After listening to his story, Xiao Qianluo frowned.

"It turns out that the way you behaved during the day... was all just an act!"

"No wonder you and your mother were smiling happily at the banquet just now. It's completely different from the daytime. No wonder..."

"Really, I'm still worried about you!"

Xiao Qianluo pursed her lips in anger and slapped him twice in annoyance.

"Luoluo, don't mention those disappointing things."

Chapter 235 Immerse yourself in enlightenment and turn grief and anger into strength


Early next morning.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Xiao Qianluo reluctantly separated from Lin Xingyun.

But Lin Xingyun still opened his mouth slightly, his expression still a little dazed.

Obviously, the happiness last night still made him so intoxicated that he could never forget it!

But it's daytime now.

It's time for him to play the dutiful son again.

"Get up quickly, filial son."

"In a few days... I will accompany you again just..."

Seeing his intoxicated look, Xiao Qianluo teased and punched him twice.


Lin Xingyun then stood up with a smile.

She hugged Xiao Qianluo and was intimate for a while.

After they freshened up, they each put on their plain hats and mourning robes. They looked like human beings and went to the mourning hall to preside over the ceremony.

On the occasion of receiving all the branches and affiliated forces who came to express their condolences.

Lin Xingyun also learned that his younger brother Lin Chuan had gone to the outside world alone to practice since the restricted area was lifted ten years ago.

The opponent has also gained a huge reputation in recent years. It is said that he was once besieged by three emperors of the restricted area. Although he was seriously injured, he still managed to kill them all!

Lin Chuan's sister, Lin Qingzhu, originally stayed at the Lin family to practice.

With the powerful talent of the extremely yin body, she has already become one of the saints of the Lin family.

But seven years ago, a Tiandao envoy came to visit and said that she was destined to Tiandaoyuan!

After getting the approval of the Lin family elders and Lin Qingzhu herself, she was led to practice in Tiandao Temple.

"It seems that it's time to put the matter of going to Tiandao Temple on the agenda..."

Lin Xingyun worked conscientiously while playing the role of a sincere and filial son.

While secretly planning in his heart.

And with the end of the day's funeral ceremony.

At night, Lin Xingyun was in his bedroom.

As soon as he entered the room, he was hugged tightly by a delicate body.

An Miaoyin could no longer hold back and skillfully undressed the two of them.

Under her mourning clothes, she actually wore a pure white bellyband and a pair of long silk stockings made of snow silk.

Lin Xingyun couldn't help but sigh when he saw it, it was true that a woman should be pretty in mourning clothes!

"My poor young master, you have been sad all day."

"Let Miaoyin comfort you!"

An Miaoyin smiled charmingly and breathed in Lin Xingyun's ear, then pulled him to the bed.

"Tsk tsk, you are the most wild!"

"Let the young master comfort you!

Lin Xingyun was also a little excited, and began to show off his skills with An Miaoyin.

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