"Thirteenth Ancestor, my little achievements are really not worth mentioning!"

"I am unfilial because I failed to save my father!"

Lin Xingyun said with a sad face.

He went to Lin Chen's portrait, twisted the incense and paid homage, feeling even more inexplicably sad.

"Father! The baby is late!"

"When you were alive... you always hoped that your child would become a useful person!"

"Now, my child has become the master of the Jun family and is able to defeat the young master of the Jun family!"

"With the help of the Fourteenth Ancestor, I severely damaged that king forever!"

"Everything the child does is to live up to his father's expectations!"

"But now...now you..."


Lin Xingyun talked.

The tears that had been brewing for a long time finally burst out of my eyes!

That look of sincerity and filial piety, if there is a man named Guo, record it here.

He will definitely be selected into the Twenty-Four Filial Piety!

All the Lin family members present were also moved and saddened.

Some of the older clan members even began to sigh and discuss.

"I heard that in the past, the head of the family was very harsh on the second young master."

"There are even rumors that the relationship between the two father and son is not harmonious."

"But now that the Second Young Master is so filial, it seems that those are all rumors!"

"It's not necessarily a rumor, maybe it's another possibility!"

"As the saying goes, if you love me, why is it so difficult to be filial?"

"Hate me dearly, be filial and virtuous!"

"Even if the head of the family really criticizes the second young master a lot, the second young master still maintains a filial piety towards the head of the house!"

"This is true virtue, true sincerity and filial piety!"

"It makes sense!"

"It seems that the Second Young Master is not only extremely talented, but his character is also impeccable!"

"My Lin family has a bright future, a bright future!"

While the elders were discussing.

Lin Yin also stroked his beard and nodded with admiration in his eyes.

I hate you



[I’m busy reading Xia Jue today, so I’ll just give you one chapter. Good night, family? I’d like to ask for some gifts by the way~]

Chapter 232 You are indeed my wife, have another drink!

After all, Lin Xingyun is now impeccable in terms of status, ability, and reputation.

Even his character is so good now.

If something unexpected happens to Lin Feng, he must be the best candidate to become the future head of the Lin family!

"Child, you don't need to be too sad and blame yourself. You are still young and this is not your fault."

"Now that the clues have been found, your brother is still trapped in a foreign land."

"What a shame, the border war is fierce right now, and the two sides have agreed that the powerful Emperor Realm will not appear in this world. We can only wait until later, and then wait for an opportunity to go to a foreign land for rescue."

Lin Yin was slightly relieved, and then sighed helplessly.

Although the war at the border is fierce now, both the fairyland and the foreign land are still wary.

Both sides know that now is not the time for a true all-out decisive battle.

Therefore, an iron rule was established that no powerful person in the imperial realm could take action in order to avoid a sudden real imperial war.

"Thirteenth Patriarch, don't worry, I understand everything!"

Lin Xingyun wiped away his tears and responded.

He turned back to Lin Chen's portrait and said solemnly.

"Father, if the child succeeds in cultivation in the future, he will definitely save his brother!"

"You have a spirit under the spring. I hope you can protect your brother and keep him safe!"

When Lin Xingyun made a sad promise.

The Lin family members in the mourning hall all lamented when they saw this.

Praising his young master's filial piety.

Even many female members of the Lin family saw this situation.

They were all moved by the father-son and brotherly love of their young master, and they all covered their faces and wiped away tears!

After Lin Xingyun finished paying his respects, he went to the back hall to change into mourning clothes and plain crown.

Together with Liu Fengyi, he began to formally preside over Lin Chen's funeral ceremony.



At night, in Liu Fengyi's bedroom.

A luxurious banquet has been set, and present are Liu Fengyi, Lin Xingyun, and his group of confidante.

"Come on! Children, have another drink!"


After three drinks, Liu Fengyi once again raised her glass with laughter and invited her to drink.

Everyone immediately raised their glasses and drank happily!

Although it is still the period of mourning, we are having fun and feasting in private...

An Miaoyin and others felt that something was not quite right...

But joy is better than misery, so naturally they won't ask any more questions.

And after drinking a glass of fine wine.

Liu Fengyi obviously still had unfinished thoughts.

He filled another cup, put it in front of Liu Meng'er beside him, and suggested enthusiastically.

"Come! Children, in order to celebrate Meng'er's saving the day, let's all toast her together!"

"Thank you, mother!"

Liu Meng'er snuggled into her arms and raised her glass to her with joy.

The others also raised their glasses to celebrate, and Liu Menger responded with a smile one by one.

However, after the toast, Liu Meng'er suddenly put down the jade cup in her hand.

He looked around at the sisters present.

"Sisters, you may have some doubts."

"There are even some sisters..."

"Maybe I feel that I have monopolized Nebula for a hundred years..."

"But in fact, during this period, after Nebula helped me fall into a dream, I have been practicing alone in the dream for thousands of years..."

Liu Meng'er's face showed a bit of bitterness, and her eyes were filled with vicissitudes of life.

She began to tell how she had lived in the city, robbed tombs in Beidou, and fought against the Soul Sect in the Burning Flame Realm for the past thousand years...

Lin Xingyun listened to her.

His brows furrowed tighter and tighter, and the corners of his mouth began to twitch!

He couldn't help but secretly complain.

He thought, good girl, she is worthy of being my wife!

She doesn't even blink when she makes up lies!

For more than a thousand years, I have been with her.

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