"Holy Son, don't keep your hand for a while! Let that wild boy of the branch know how powerful

it is!" "What is that Lin Chuan, and he is worthy of shouting with the Holy Son?"

"The strength of the Holy Son is invincible in the same realm!"

Look at me!" "

Wow, the Holy Son is looking at me!" "You're thinking about Peaches, the Holy Son is obviously looking at me!" The corners

of Lin Ce's mouth rose fiercely.

In the cheers and hugs of everyone, he walked towards the martial arts stage without hurrying.

If he can become a holy son, he naturally has experienced hundreds of battles.

The challenge of a small character like Lin Chuan, he didn't take it seriously at all.

At this time, he just enjoyed it to the fullest, and the young people and girls in the clan cheered and worshiped him.

I didn't look at Lin Chuan at all.

However, just as he was about to step on the stage, he suddenly heard it.

"The Son is so handsome, he loves and loves!"

It's just average, just like that

..." "Jimei, have you never seen our second young lord?" "If you want to say handsome, you are still the second young lord the most handsome!" "Yes, yes, yes, the face of the second young lord, just thinking about it I have to..."

I can't help it again...

""These holy sons are also strong, in terms of appearance, they are still too far behind

the second young master!" "Jimei, have you forgotten that the second young master has transformed into the [Innate Dao Embryo], and now the cultivation speed is fast

!" "In the future, these holy sons will definitely not even be as strong as the second young master!"

When Lin Ce heard these discussions, the corners of his mouth began to twitch with jealousy

! "Stepping on the horse, Lin Xingyun, this beast! He looks handsome

!" "What about transforming into [Innate Dao Embryo]? A gentleman who can only provoke women all day, with a good physique, what is the use?"

"Even in my Lin family, strength is respected!" The

more Lin Ce thought about it, the more he was not angry.


he snorted coldly, the brilliance under his feet jumped, and he flashed onto the martial arts stage in one step.

He glanced at Lin Chuan, his eyes full of disdain.

"Lin Chuan, since you are in such a hurry to bring shame on yourself.

"This Holy Son has no choice but to fulfill you!" the

two fought each other.

The big war is on the verge.

At this time, Lin Qian and several subordinates also rushed to the martial arts stage.

"Today, it is Lin Chuan, a disciple of the Lin family, who is challenging the tenth holy son Lin Ce.

"Today is only a division of superiority, not life and death!"

"Whoever wins will receive the position of the tenth holy son."

As Lin Qian announced in a loud voice, the atmosphere of the martial arts arena also quickly boiled!

Almost everyone was supporting Lin Ce to win.

Only a few clansmen who were also branches did not make a sound, but they did not dare to openly support Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan looked at this isolated scene, and his heart was inevitably a little desolate.

But he was tough at heart and quickly adjusted.

Immediately, the halberd pointed horizontally and rebuked Lin Ce angrily.

"Lin Ce, you crippled my father all his life

!" "Deep hatred, do not share the sky!" "

Today, I will let you fall into the holy ————"

However, he did not wait for him to finish issuing the declaration of challenge.

Lin Qian on the side suddenly interrupted.


The position of the Son is at stake.

"In order to prevent someone from using external forces to cheat, before the competition begins, we must take away the Qiankun Rings and all suspicious items on the two of you."

After Lin Qian finished speaking, several subordinates stepped forward in unison to check the two of them.

"Ridious, this Holy Son cleaned up and used him to cheat?" Lin

Ce's face was full of disdain, and he handed out his Qiankun Ring in cooperation.

And Lin Chuan's heart was tight, and a trace of cold sweat could not help but break out on his forehead!

The person in charge of examining him seemed to have planned it earlier.

After taking away his Qiankun ring, after a little inspection, he found the jade talisman on his body.

"Senior, this jade talisman is just..." "

Whatever it is, don't wear it!"


man showed no mercy and took the jade talisman away.

Although that jade talisman was already connected to Lin Chuan's bloodline, no one except Lin Chuan could discover the mystery.

But at this moment, he couldn't get the help of the ancient golden-winged eagle there!

Although he was not afraid of a battle, he suddenly had no means of winning.

There will inevitably be some unease!"

"Next, I announce that the competition begins!"

Lin Qian announced, leading his subordinates to exit the scene instantly.

The cheers of the audience also reached the highest peak

! And Lin Chuan had already preemptively attacked, dancing the halberd towards Lin Ce!

"Hmph, the light of fire, also dare to compete with the sun and the moon?"

Lin Ce unsheathed the sword on his waist.

One blow swung Lin Chuan's halberd away.

"Eight Desolate Halberds!" However

, Lin Chuan unloaded his strength slightly and continued to dance with the halberd.

Swing out dozens of spiritual power halberd shadows and kill the other party.

"Phoenix Heaven One Sword!" Lin

Ce looked relaxed and slashed out his sword.

A ten-zhang-long sword light surged up.


next moment, Lin Ce unleashed his body and instantly approached Lin Chuan's eyes.


Lin Chuan did not dodge or dodge, and used his halberd to hard catch a sword.

The two sides fought hand-to-hand, and under dozens of moves against each other, it was difficult to distinguish Bo Zhong for a while!

"I didn't expect ah, you are only in the late stage of the Yuan Mansion Realm, you can actually fight hard with me!"

Lin Ce slashed down with a sword, and was completely resisted by Lin Chuan with a halberd blade, setting off a heavy wave of qi, and couldn't help but be surprised.

"People like you, whose eyes are above the top, how can you know that penance is not easy!" Lin

Chuan's face was cold, and he continued to dance the halberd and attack.

The two sides are deadlocked.

Everyone in the audience was already amazed.

No one expected that Lin Chuan had such a deep foundation.

Lin Ce, the Holy Son who was able to defeat the Yuan Mansion with the late cultivation of the Yuan Mansion!

"Huh, you really think you can beat well?"

"You can have a fart use!" "

Just let you see the gap between you and me!" He

smiled contemptuously, and then danced a sword light, forcing Lin Chuan back dozens of zhang.

"Sage Law, Ascension Secret Code!" I

saw that the spiritual power around him was surging, and one after another divine light bloomed from his limbs.

In a few breaths, he broke through the bottleneck of the Yuanfu Realm and reached the early stage of the Cave Heaven Realm!

Although it was only a temporary surge in cultivation, it was already much stronger than before.

"Qingxiao Ascension Dragon Method!" Lin

Chuan also ran his own amplification secret method, and a green dragon phantom shadow turned behind him and merged into his body.

However, the grade of his secret method was only the level of a prince.

In the end, only his cultivation aura was elevated to the perfection of the Yuanfu realm.

There is no way to go any further.

"Huh, is this the secret method of increasing the amplitude of your cultivation?" "

The disciples of the branch veins just can't get on the table, Lin Chuan, you accept your fate!"

Seeing this, Lin Ce laughed loudly.

"Lin Ce, even if your family heritage is strong, I will make you pay!" Lin Chuan

finished his cultivation and scolded in a cold voice.

Tilting the halberd in front of him, he began to condense his momentum.

"I practiced halberds when I was three years old, and as soon as I started using the halberd, the halberd became one.

"At the age of nine, I realized the thirteenth halberd!" "Today, I finally realized the fourteenth

halberd method!" "Just use my fourteenth halberd, one move to determine the victory!"

Lin Ce was confused by his words, and his brows furrowed tightly.

The heart said that this kid's strength is okay.

It's that the brain seems to be a little sick!

"Whatever you want, I will break it with a sword!"

(This book cultivates the realm: Qi and Blood Realm, Wheel Sea Realm, Yuanfu Realm, Dongtian Realm, Divine Fire Realm, Wang Hou Realm, Sage Realm, Great Sage Realm, Quasi-Emperor Realm, Great Emperor Realm, each realm is divided into the early stage, late stage, and perfection, and the Immortal Realm is counted separately).

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