And this little cabbage.

I look very happy to see it!

Even more outrageous.

After the two opened the ban and went upstairs, they didn't go far.

Lin Chuan could still hear the conversation between the two.

"Qingtan, your physique is very special, I'm afraid you have to find the Emperor Jing-level exercises to match."

"But when the Quasi-Emperor Sutra is cultivated, it is very difficult to get started."

"If you want to cultivate the Emperor Sutra, I'm afraid you have to unblock the meridians around you first."

"Huh? Unblock meridians? Young Lord, that... So what to do?

"You see how coincidental it is, I used to help women unblock their meridians."

"Now there is no one else upstairs, in a moment, I can help you unblock and condition first."

"But you have to be obedient and obediently cooperate with me."

"Uh-huh! Good!

"I will... Will be obedient! Thank you, Young Lord! Then

the two drifted away.

Can't hear what is being said....

And Lin Chuan's eyes were wide at this time.

"Unblock the meridians? Obediently cooperate?!

"This... This?!

"This matches... Is it serious?! A

few drops of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

A sense of foreboding surged in my heart............

However, the prohibition on the forty-first floor has been closed.

He wanted to ask the truth, but there was no way to go upstairs

, so he had to wait uneasily.

At this moment, time passes very slowly.

It's about an hour.

The two came down from upstairs.

I saw Lin Xingyun looking as usual, still holding Lin Qingtan's little hand.

But Lin Qingtan's little face was red.

As I walked, I shivered from time to time.

The dress is also a little messy....

Lin Chuan was suddenly shocked.

No matter what the humility was, he eagerly stepped forward and asked.


"Young Lord! You...... You guys just... Just now..." His

eyes flashed with anger.

But looking at his sister's coquettish look, he couldn't have a direct seizure.

"Young Lord! Are you frivolous..."

he didn't hold back after all, and asked angrily.

However, he didn't wait for him to finish asking.

Lin Xingyun laughed first.

"Brother Lin Chuan, Qingtan's good luck is good."

"We successfully found a quasi-emperor sutra called 'Extreme Yin Heart Lotus Method', which is very suitable for her physique."

"As long as she keeps practicing, she can control her physique and avoid the risk of being frozen."

"What? True...... Are you sure?!

Lin Chuan was pleasantly surprised again, and quickly looked at Qingtan.

"Brother, it's true!"

"This is a quasi-emperor scripture, and it was also created by a senior with an extremely yin body, which is very suitable for me!"

"In the future, if I have this exercise, not only will I no longer be frozen in ice, but my cultivation speed will also be much faster!"

Lin Qingtan almost cried with joy and nodded with tears in her eyes.

For many years, she has been troubled by her physique.

There are even life-threatening risks.

Now, you finally don't have to worry anymore!

"Thanks to the Young Lord... Help me... Help me... Unblock the meridians............"

"I can try smoothly and practice this exercise..." "

Young Lord He... It's really good..."

Saying that, she blushed again and looked at Lin Xingyun.

The eyes are full of intoxicated affection.

At this time, her favorability towards Lin Xingyun.

It has skyrocketed to 91 points [to death]!

"This... Qingtan, you..."


When Lin Chuan saw his sister's virtue, he could only sigh.

Immediately bowed to Lin Xingyun and bowed down on one knee to thank him.

"Young Lord Great Grace! Lin Chuan... Never forget! "

His heart at this time.

Very, very tangled.

Lin Xingyun took his sister and found the quasi-emperor scripture.

It is equivalent to saving her sister's life and having the grace of reconstruction.

But what unclogs the meridians....

Why does it sound so much like pretending to be a ghost?

Make it clear that you want to thin his sister!

And that's exactly what happened.

This is just Lin Xingyun, a trick used to engage Lin Chuan's mentality.

He knew that Lin Qingtan was the most important relative in Lin Chuan's heart.

His move unclogged the meridians and directly caused Lin Chuan's mentality to explode.

Gained 8,000 villain points for him!

And in hindsight, loyalty did not decline further.

It can be said that it was earned in vain!

As for the location of that quasi-emperor scripture.

It was the result he came from after inquiring with Lin Rong last night.

According to Lin Rong.

Although this quasi-imperial scripture.

It is not as good as the extreme yang body, which can completely eradicate the disease.

But at least, Lin Qingtan can be saved.

All the way safely and smoothly, cultivated to the Great Saint Realm!

"The so-called great grace does not say thanks."

"You'd better figure out how to repay the favor."

Lin Xingyun smiled lightly and waved his hand, letting Lin Chuan get up.

Immediately let go of Lin Qingtan and left.

When he walked out of the Gongfa Pavilion, he received a system prompt.

"Ding! The host plunders the child of destiny, and the chance succeeds! "

The reward villain is worth 10,000!" Lin Chuan's gas luck value dropped by 10,000, and the remaining gas luck value: 90,000!

"The host has upset the Children of Destiny, and the additional reward for villains is worth 5,000!"

"Lin Chuan, son of destiny, loyalty has increased by 20 points!"

"Now loyalty: 20!"

"Oh? Has loyalty gone up?

"It seems that he is in a state of turmoil and has begun to gradually shake."

Lin Xingyun thought secretly.

Although he chose to subdue Lin Chuan.

But it can still plunder his chance, and luck.

But he's not in a hurry right now.

He ignored Lin Chuan and went straight back to his residence.

In the past few days, he will start a retreat and concentrate on cultivation.

With his peerless understanding of [Innate Dao Embryo] physique.

At least within a few days, these newly obtained imperial scriptures and great holy laws must be obtained.

All of them are beginners in cultivation.

Make sufficient preparations for the future trip to Yaochi.



Night five days later.

At this time, in a quiet room in the main hall of the household.

"Second Young Lord, I wonder what your orders are when you called me here so late?"

"Elder Lin Qian, I heard that the branch disciple Lin Chuan wants to challenge the Holy Son Lin Langtian?"

Lin Xingyun glanced at Lin Qian in front of him and asked deliberately.

"Not bad, that Lin Chuan, I don't know the height of the sky!"

"Isn't it just that his father was crippled by the Holy Son?"

"For this little thing, it is really stupid to dare to seek revenge from the Holy Son!"

Lin Qian said with disdain.

"Yo, Elder Lin Qian, it seems that you are also a great filial son."

"Huh? What do you say, Second Young Lord?

"Nothing, I mean, I heard you're going to be the judge of that contest tomorrow?"

Lin Xingyun asked with a chuckle.

"Yes, it's up to me to judge."

"Then before the two go to war tomorrow, you will first..."

Lin Xingyun explained to him for a while.

"Please rest assured Second Young Lord, I will definitely do it properly!"

Lin Qian agreed happily.

Now everyone knows that Lin Xingyun has a [Innate Dao Embryo].

It was favored by the fourteen ancestors, and his status far exceeded that of the past.

Lin Qian was also very happy to sell the favor of the second young master.



The next day at noon.

In a martial arts arena west of the Lin family's mansion.

Today, many young girls from the Lin family gathered.

They all came over and wanted to see the Holy Son Lin Langtian.

Fight with Lin Chuan.

Not long after, Lin Chuan and Lin Qingtan arrived.

I saw the brothers and sisters and encouraged each other a few words.

Lin Chuan jumped up.

Step onto the martial arts arena at the center of the arena.

"Lin Langtian, come up and fight!"

Lin Chuan held a halberd and pointed at the crowd in the distance.

A young man who came slowly shouted angrily.

The young man was dressed in purple, carrying a sword on his waist, and his demeanor was good.

As soon as he appeared, he won a full cheer.

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