Immediately, the spiritual power around him rushed, and he once again raised his sword to kill Lin Chuan.

I saw his long sword crisscrossing.

It turned into a spiritual power divine phoenix.

Every plume of the Divine Phoenix is a condensation of sword qi.

"True Phoenix Ten Thousand Sword Technique!"

he scolded, and the Divine Phoenix killed Lin Chuan with countless sword qi.

"The fourteenth halberd, Qingxiao Wandering Dragon!" Lin

Chuan also swung his halberd to meet the battle, turning into a green dragon phantom.

Strangled with Lin Langtian's divine phoenix.

Just when the two fought to the death.

East of the martial arts arena.

A man and a woman who look like a couple of gods.

Slowly entering hand in hand.

"Wow! It's the

Second Young Lord!" "The Second Young Lord is coming!" "

Jimei, look at it quickly, that's the Second Young Lord I told you!"

"Eh, Jimei, why are you drooling?

This brother... "I

said it earlier, compared to appearance, the holy sons are tied together and are not as good as the second young master!"

Tonight's dream material is there! Just dream that I was knocked by the second young master's wall!" With the

entry of Lin Xingyun and Xiao Qianluo.

In the crowd, screams and screams suddenly erupted.

It is different from Lin Langtian's previous appearance.

This time, it was basically all the girls of the Lin family.

I'm cheering excitedly and talking non-stop.

Even quite a few people, their legs are trembling.

And the children of the Lin family.

All of them were full of envy and jealousy.

But he was afraid of Lin Xingyun's status and did not dare to say anything.

"Oh, twitter, it's noisy!" "

Xingyun, what are you bringing me here for?" Xiao

Qianluo listened to the hundreds of women's comments and idiots about Lin Xingyun.

Can't help but be irritable and inexplicable, can't help but be impatient.

"You'll find out later.

"Today will be a very memorable day."

Lin Xingyun smiled slightly.

Didn't say it to her.

Because later, he is likely to make a move and fight with others.

It will be his lifetime.

He hopes to have someone he likes.

Come and witness his first victory!

"It's true, it's always mysterious..." Xiao

Qianluo had no choice, so he had to beat him twice and spread his anger.

And yet walking.

She suddenly heard some strange comments.

"Who is this woman that the Second Young Lord is holding?"

"I've seen her, and on the day of the Second Young Lord's wanton withdrawal, she was among them!"

Is it the Seventh Princess of the Apocalypse Dynasty?"

"Hey, it's a small imperial dynasty under the rule of our Lin family, and the strongest one in it is a princely realm.

"Ah, there are no saints, isn't that a small place that is not in the flow?" "

What does it matter, she is just a concubine of the young master, and she has not yet passed the door."

"Concubinage doesn't need to look at family background and natural strength. "

It's enough to be beautiful, in good shape, and to serve people."

"Then isn't she quite in line, her appearance and figure are really good!"

"What's so rare about this?" Listen to my father, in the Immortal Desire Pavilion in Linzhou City, there are many beautiful cultivators, and they are not playthings.

"Wow, Qiqi, your dad is playing a lot, aren't you afraid of domestic violence?"

Brother Nebula he... He rejected me in the first place, but left this woman?

"You don't think that the young master only takes her a concubine, do you?"

Women gather together, and the gossip is always endless.

The speaker has a heart, and the listener has intention.

Xiao Qianluo listened to what they said about themselves.

I just felt like I was stuck with a needle in my heart, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"What if... I am a peerless powerhouse with a great reputation like the Fourteen Ancestors of Xingyun..." "

Who dares to say anything to me and to our Apocalypse Dynasty?"

thought Xiao Qianluo with low eyebrows and hatred.

A pair of apricot eyes deep.

A hint of scarlet magic rose faintly.

But she looked up and looked at Lin Xingyun's back.

The mind began to get complicated again.


At this time, the martial arts stage.

The stalemate between the two sides can no longer continue.

I saw that Lin Chuan's halberd Qinglong was killed by Lin Langtian's sword qi divine phoenix one

by one! Lin Chuan was slashed by the sword qi Yuwei, and he was instantly full of injuries! Lin

Langtian chased after the victory, and a sword picked off the halberd in his hand.

Then kicked out.

Kick off Lin Chuan's ribs a few times!

"Poof————!," Lin

Chuan spat out a large mouthful of blood.

I couldn't hold it anymore and fell to the ground.

Originally, if he had the Great Sage-level Great Desolate Sutra, it would be used as a secret method to increase the amplitude.

It is possible to cultivate and also promote to the early stage of the Cave Heaven Realm.

At that time, he will be able to rely on the self-created fourteenth halberd.


the Great Desolate Sutra has been cut off by Lin Xingyun.

The jade talisman and the ancient heavenly eagle were also not on him, and they could not provide help.

He also regretted to lose because of this!

"Hmph, how much do you think you are against the sky and can fight across the border?"

Stepping on Lin Chuan's head, who was vomiting blood, he laughed contemptuously.

"The Holy Son is mighty!" "The Holy Son

is invincible

!" "It has long been said, I don't know where the wild boy came from, how can he be the opponent of the

Holy Son?" "A branch disciple also wants to challenge the Holy Son, making trouble!" Everyone

in the audience began to cheer for Lin Langtian.

Feel free to taunt Lin Chuan.

And Lin Qingtan was already in tears at this time.


she cried out desolately, desperately rushing to the martial arts stage.

But she was stopped by Lin Qian's subordinates and did not allow her to go up and interfere.

Lin Chuan vomited blood on the side.

While listening to the various sounds in my ears.

At this moment, there was no jade talisman around him, no ancient heavenly carving!

In the past, he always thought that he was extremely talented.

But only now did it find out.

There are people outside the people, and there are people outside the sky.

His own power is, after all, limited.

"Your father was crippled by me, and you are the same today.

"Waste your two tendons, go back and reflect!" said

Lin Langtian with a sneer.

Swinging his sword is about to slash at Lin Chuan's hand.

"No... No!" Lin

Chuan was really panicked at this moment.

He didn't want to be as crippled as his dad!

Just as Lin Langtian's long sword fell.

His eyes were already full of despair.


A blue-gold sword qi came at an extremely fast speed!

"Bell ————!"

The sword qi hit Lin Langtian's sword, shaking it apart.

Stopped him from picking off Lin Chuan's tendons.

"Huh?" "

Who is it?!"

Lin Langtian immediately looked up.

I saw a figure dressed in white.

Floated down on the martial arts stage.

Lin Qian's subordinates did not stop him.

But no one is suspicious.

Because he is the most popular and well-known second young master of the Lin family today, Lin Xingyun!"

Lin Xingyun condemned with a righteous face.

Then he turned his head and ordered Lin Qian's subordinates.

Put Lin Qingtan up.


cried Lin Qingtan and pounced on Lin Chuan.

She saw that Lin Chuan was covered in blood, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and she suddenly became more and more frightened.

"Elder Lin Qian, let people take Lin Chuan down to heal.

Lin Xingyun glanced at her and ordered Lin Qian.

"Yes, Second Young Master!" Lin

Qian seemed to have been prepared, and immediately let his subordinates drive Lin Chuan away.

And Lin Chuan was driven away.

Still clearly seen.

Lin Xingyun was righteously rebuking

Lin Langtian! "Lin Langtian, you are a holy son.

"It should have been an example for the juniors of the

Lin family!" "Who would have thought that you were so cruel!" "

Lin Chuan is also a son of our clan, just now you actually wanted to pick off his tendons?"

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