"Second brother———!

" "Dare to kill my second brother!

He immediately went all out, turned into thousands of extinction brilliance, and bombarded Lin Xingyun and Xiao Qianluo! However, Lin Xingyun only slashed

his sword fingers, and the vast sword qi was like a net of heaven and earth, turning all the offensives in front of him and protecting the two of them tightly.

"A grass chops the stars. In

the next instant, he slashed out a ten thousand lapis gold sword rays with a wave of his finger.

That sword was as powerful as a bamboo, but in a few blinks, it cut through all the extinction brilliance of the other party, completely cutting the middle-aged man in that robe into two

! This towering peak was also cut into a deep crack, as if it had been cut off by a heavenly sword

!"Run away! This son must not be provoked

!" "How is it possible?!He has a Divine Fire Realm complete, and killing the prince realm is actually as easy as killing a chicken?!"

It's terrifying

!" "I haven't been home for hundreds of years, and now my wife is about to give birth, a few Daoists, I'll take a step first!" The

group of cultivators were shocked by Lin Xingyun's combat power and the other party's style of killing people when they saw them, and they all had the intention to retreat!

But just when they took up their magic weapons and body techniques, they were ready to flee from afar.

Pieces of the lapis and gold sword domain had completely surrounded all directions!

"Heavy Pupil Opening Technique!" Lin

Xingyun's eyes flashed with heavy pupil divine light, and huge terrifying eyes suddenly appeared in the heavenly dome.

Another heavy pupil space manifested, like a prison of heaven and earth, cooperating with the Nine-Leaf Sword Domain to completely block this mountain

! Obviously, none of these cultivators present today were going to let go, and they all wanted to be trapped and killed to death!

The gray-robed masked man, just looked back, his face sank, and his eyes burst with endless anger

! "It's that kid from the Lin family! He's also here?!" "

It's really good, no wonder, even Jun Changsheng has to drink hatred

!" "It's okay, let's see what your skills are like first!"

he gritted his teeth and thought angrily, but obviously didn't want to fight Lin Xingyun head-on.

I saw him flash to the side corner, and then blood spilled from his eyes.

The next moment, his figure shook, as if he had not entered the void, and the whole person actually escaped from the blockade of the heavy pupil space and the Nine-Leaf Sword Domain in an instant, and appeared outside the Ten Thousand Heavenly Dome!"

Lin Xingyun ———?!

"Is it him again?!

When Qin Yiren saw the person coming, he was already furious, and the spiritual power around his body surged out.

Although he was in the Immortal Fire Secret Realm, he could only flee miserably.

But now that a hundred years have passed, he thinks that his strength has far surpassed before, and his supreme bone divine power has also gone further, and he may not be able to fight Lin Xingyun!

But for the sake of safety, he still sneered at that Wang Teng and asked.

"Brother Wang, I heard that Lin Xingyun had a feud with you at the beginning

?" "Now that he is coming, don't you plan to join forces with me?" Wang

Teng was already angry, and the anger in his eyes was almost gushing


Lin Xingyun ———!

"Qin Yiren, I'll give you this chance

!" "First cut him off, and then talk about the rest!"

The two of them hit it off immediately, and they didn't pay any attention to the Divine Tree Enchantment, they all planned to deal with Lin Xingyun first

! And not far from the cliff, a cultivator saw that the other party actually gave this kind of poisonous hand, and wanted to exterminate them all, they were all shocked to the extreme!

However, this prison was extremely strong, and in all directions, countless heavy pupil divine light and lapis gold sword qi began to fall.


Xingyun even took out the blood killing sword and rushed up, the sword light was like electricity, completely unstoppable, every time the sword fell, a cultivator died tragically on the

spot! That flesh and blood corpse with abundant spiritual power was also siphon clean on the spot by the blood killing sword, and in a blink of an eye, only white bones remained!

Such a murderous situation made the cultivators present more and more revenant!"

No, you can't break it! This prison... Could it be that the emperor's

heavy pupil opened the heavens?!" "Who is this person?! Didn't that Jun family heavy pupil heard that he was already dead?!" "


As one after another screams and the sound of blood and flesh and magic weapons shattered, everyone became more and more anxious and frightened!

After they exchanged a little, they were all ruthless, and Qi Qi gave up escape, and turned to go all out, intending to fight with

Lin Xingyun to break the net! "Chiyun Imperial Sword

!" "Hundred Refining Demon Soul Breaking

!" "Slaughtering Mysterious Law!" One

after another, magical powers and magic weapons shone thousands of dazzling rays, like a meteor swarm towards Lin Xingyun falling and slaughtering!

!Dozens of prince realm cultivators shot out in unison, and their power was so strong that this heaven and earth changed color, and the four sides of the space were trembling non-stop!

And Lin Xingyun still looked indifferent, directly raised his hand, and the vision of the Great Avenue Immortal Bell appeared.

In the dream of the year before, his comprehension of his physique and vision had already been several layers deeper, and at this time, he saw that majestic immortal bell following his heart, sending out one after another deafening

Dao Heavenly Sounds towards the group of cultivators! "The bell rings in ten thousand worlds!" Countless

Dao Heavenly Sounds sounded like oracles, setting off boundless waves, first resisting an offensive at the same time, making the hearts of those cultivators violently shake, and the magical powers and magic weapons were almost out of control! !

Immediately afterwards, the Great Luo Dao Sword also flew out from Lin Xingyun's body.

After falling into his hands, his body immediately burst out with endless dazzling sword qi light!

After breaking through the weakened offensive, it was like a tiger entering a flock, and another slaughter was launched among the group of cultivators

!" "Fellow Daoists, this is the end of the matter, fight with this kid!" "

Spare your life, my lord, I have no grievances with you, why are you

———?!" "This lord! Please give me the Wind Spirit Moon Shadow Sect a face! I am ———?!

" "Ahhhhh————!h

No matter what face the cultivators are and how they deal with it, the end is inevitable.

However, Lin Xingyun was fighting in full swing, and suddenly his heart froze.

I saw two extremely powerful attacks, coming from the side in unison

! "Kunpeng Law Nine Thousand Miles!" "

Heavenly Tribulation, Heavenly Punishment

Divine Hell!" I saw a Kunpeng phantom with wings spread, roaring with boundless power, wings with infinite divine power, as if it can penetrate the heavenly que

! On the other side is the boundless terrifying purgatory situation, the sword mountain fire sea, the iron tree mirror, all like real, turned into a vision of Senran Divine Hell, suppressing everything in the world!

Under the combination of the two extreme moves, the power was much stronger than those dozens of cultivators joining forces, and at this time, it was like the sky was shattered, and they were attacking Lin Xingyun together!

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