"Binglan is the sister of Sister Hanyi.

"Why, is Binglan looking for me?"

Lin Xingyun questioned as he pointed to his sword, and cut off a piece of tender dragon meat and roasted it with Chaos Green Lotus Fire.

In front of him, a dragon had been beaten into a corpse, and there were more than a dozen corpses of the Taikoo royal family and Terran cultivators, scattered all over the place.

Just because they were fighting for a gold source stone vein here before, they were bumped into by Lin Xingyun and Xiao Qianluo who were passing by.

Both are good men and women.

Naturally, they were sent to the Western Sky together.

After that, Lin Xingyun suddenly remembered that he had not made a barbecue for Xiao Qianluo for a long time.

In order to recall the good times at the beginning, after collecting and devouring the loot, he picked a dragon from the ancient royal family and began to roast and eat it fresh.

After a while, a piece of delicious and juicy dragon meat has been grilled, and the meat is fragrant for a while, which is very appetizing.

And Lin Xingyun took the barbecue, turned around and asked while sharing it with Xiao Qianluo.

"What did Binglan say?"

She seems to be saying goodbye to you, and the message is quite sad.

Xiao Qianluo gulped down the roasted meat, and puffed out his cheeks a little unhappily.

"Look at you, you don't let go of Sister Hanyi's sister, and you make other girls die!" Recalling

that she was also looking for death for Lin Xingyun, she couldn't help but pinch him a few times in anger.

"Ahem... Cough...... I'd better see what she posted first.

Lin Xingyun laughed twice and took the messenger.

I saw that next to Zhao Binglan's avatar, dozens of messages quickly flashed.

"This sister, grandmother, living bodhisattva, help, life-saving —————!

, "I'm trapped in the Void Immortal Temple! This ghost place is called heaven, I really will thank

you!" "Please tell the young lord quickly, let him bring someone to rescue me

!" "Sister's great kindness, I will repay you as a cow and a horse in this life!"

"Binglan is also in this immortal hall?" Lin

Xingyun glanced at it a few times and couldn't help frowning.

But he did not hesitate and immediately replied.

"Binglan, it's me, where are you?" "

Young Lord————!! [Burst Cry] [Burst Cry] [Burst Cry]!"

followed by a series of location information.

"Don't be afraid, I'll save you.

After Lin Xingyun replied, he did not hesitate and immediately pulled Xiao Qianluo forward.



At this time, on that cliff.

As the group of cultivators continued to besiege, the Divine Tree Enchantment showed no signs of breaking, but the movement was so great that it gradually attracted other cultivators.

A cold man in a golden robe passed by here, and suddenly his heart moved, and he also stopped for it.

And when he came to the top of the cliff, after a little glance, he saw the Divine Tree Enchantment and Zhao Binglan, and he couldn't help but show surprise.

"This is ... Seven Treasures Mysterious Tree?!

"""Legend has it that this tree contains special Dao rules, which can take away all the magic weapons in the world, and it is even more wonderful to integrate into one's own body!"

"That woman is actually quite familiar..." After

Wang Teng looked at it, he already had a number in his heart, and immediately descended to the periphery of the Divine Tree Enchantment.

At the same time, he also noticed Qin Yiren, who was still watching, and couldn't help but scorn coldly.

"Qin Yiren, are you engaged in this trick of inviting people to besiege women again

?" "Well, Brother Wang?!" "

Long time no see, how have you been lately?" Qin

Yiren looked a little embarrassed, but still smiled and asked.

Then there was a secret soul transmission.

"Brother Wang, in front of the Immortal Fire Palace that day, I really lost my proportions

!" "Please also ask Brother Wang to join hands with me again for the sake of our two friendships

!" "Brother Wang rest assured, after the matter is completed, this divine tree will be one and a half for you and me, and Qin Mou will not break his word this time!" Now

nearly a hundred cultivators from all walks of life have gathered here.

Plus the gray-robed man who does not show the mountains and does not know the origin.

He was not fully sure that he could successfully seize the treasure for a while, so he had to find Wang Teng to join forces again.

"Hmph!" Wang

Teng snorted coldly, his face full of hatred and killing intent.

In front of the Immortal Fire Palace, Qin Yiren's treacherous act, he can still remember it clearly!

With his character, at this time, he almost wanted to directly solve Qin Yiren and took his supreme bone! But his attention at

this time was still attracted by the Seven Treasures Mysterious Tree and Zhao Binglan in the enchantment.

"Strange, what's so special about this woman, how can it be so exciting to me?" he

was secretly surprised, as if the woman in the enchantment was his destined person, and the Seven Treasures Mysterious Tree was also his destined great opportunity

!" "And wait for these people to consume the enchantment first, and then it's not too late to strike

!" "This woman and the Seven Treasures Mysterious Tree must belong to this emperor!"

He secretly made up his mind in his heart, looking around, the young emperor was not angry, he had already begun to prepare for it, intending to collect everything!

But suddenly, he only heard a scream from the rear.


" "Spare your life, my lord, I'm just coming to see the liveliness! I'll go, this is ————

" "No————!"

A middle-aged man in a brown robe was fleeing in the clouds.

Lin Xingyun waved his sword casually, and a sword radiance was like a scythe of death, cutting off his head along with the body protection magic weapon, and a column of red blood gushed out!

But several blood-red chains followed closely behind, and still strangled his divine soul together!

And behind this pair of men and women dressed in black and white, there were already seven vertical and eight horizontal and eight lying more than a dozen corpses.

Both of them seemed to kill the gods descending into the world, while mowing grass, reaping the lives of the cultivators along the way with an indifferent expression, while quickly stepping on the peak of this barren mountain hand in hand.

I saw Lin Xingyun punch out again, bringing up a hurricane that broke the sky, and blasted a large area of mountains into powder at the same time.

He also beat a young man in Daoist robes who had no time to flee to the point that his body disintegrated and his soul flew away!

Now with the combat power exerted by his foundation, it only takes one punch to kill such a dispersal cultivator of the Princely Realm!

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