Lin Xingyun had naturally sensed the existence of these two people, and at this time, seeing the two earth-shaking extreme moves, he no longer paid attention to the other cultivators, his figure flashed, and he went straight to Wang Teng and Qin Yiren

! ! The next

moment, a cat-eared cat-tailed silhouette flew out from his heart, but this time he did not step forward to attack, but snuggled tightly on Lin Xingyun's chest.

After thousands of years of experience in the dream realm, with the magic of the dream fairy, the mystery of the heavy pupil and the supreme bone of the flying immortal, Lin Xingyun has used and understood it countless times.

At this time, he was about to borrow the two people in front of him to try his new magical powers

! I saw that he and the Flying Immortal Divine Fetus were combined, and the vast white immortal light shone in the world, completely covering this barren mountain!

The pair of vertical pupil cat eyes of Flying Immortal Qin Di Yao also quickly changed into the shape of Emperor Luo's heavy pupils, which also gave birth to the mighty power of opening the heavens

and the earth! The next moment, two huge vertical pupil phantoms appeared behind the two of them, as if powerful beings had descended from eternity, examining the world!

However, just a moment later, Wang Teng and Qin Yiren's two extreme moves were killed together, that Kunpeng Illusory Shadow can also cover the sky, and Senluo Purgatory is also bursting into murderous intent

!" "Flying Immortal Heavenly Technique!"

And those huge vertical pupils also burst out two gray-white light pillars in an instant, with endless annihilation, attacking power, and those two extreme moves to start a shocking collision



!Under the collision between the two sides, the aftermath of spiritual power was like a huge wave, destroying all the rocks, plants and trees on this barren mountain into powder!

However, there were still a few slightly weaker people who were hit hard by the aftermath of this extreme move and flew away, smashing on the Nine Leaves Sword Domain and the Heavy Pupil Prison.

He was continuously killed by sword qi and divine light, and died on the spot!

And the divine tree enchantment is also shaking non-stop, but because it is far from the center of the collision, it is still stable for the time being.

In the enchantment, Zhao Binglan looked at Lin Xingyun, who came in person and was fighting hard, and she was already crying silently.

She never expected that under this environment of heavenly destruction, she just called for help, and the other party actually seemed like a god descending tomorrow, so soon to rescue herself!

Young Lord————!"

She whimpered and wiped her tears, and was about to step out of the enchantment, wanting to help Lin Xingyun a little.

However, before she left the Divine Tree Enchantment, a woman in a black dress covered in scarlet magic light landed outside the enchantment and waved at her to stop her.

"You are Zhao Binglan, right?" "You

don't cultivate enough, now the enemy is watching, it's too dangerous to come out rashly."

"Let's stay good first, we'll fix it soon."

After Xiao Qianluo gave an order, his figure turned into a phantom and attacked directly towards the frontal battlefield.

Zhao Binglan was stunned, she already knew that the other party was the "grandmother" she had been begging for before!

After feeling Xiao Qianluo's extremely strong cultivation aura, knowing that what the other party said was true, she had to stop her movements helplessly, her eyes full of self-blame and frustration.

I only feel that although my talent is good and my cultivation experience is quite hard, compared with these top Tianjiao, the gap is still not small..........

And above the sky, between the fierce confrontation of the two sides, the victory and defeat were finally divided!

I saw that the two gray and white pupils cut through the sky like two comets, bombarding the Kunpeng phantom to break its wings, and shattering the Nasenluo purgatory!

The two of them each sacrificed their body protection magic weapons to resist, but they were still shot out by the power of the pupil light, and they slammed into the sword domain and the heavy pupil prison together



Wang Teng forcibly calmed down the churning and boiling internal organs, but a wisp of blood still spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"This... How is this possible?!" "

After Qin Di Yao's supreme bone was taken away by him... It has been developed to such an extent?!" "

I have been practicing hard for a hundred years, and now... He couldn't fight him more and more?!"

Qin Yiren looked at Lin Xingyun's familiar white fairy light, as well as his cousin's flying immortal divine fetus, and his heart was already terrified!

As the divine son of the Qin family, when he had been practicing hard for a hundred years, he was still a rare opponent, making his invincible heart that was almost broken at the beginning gradually condensed again.

But at this moment, facing Lin Xingyun and that flying immortal fetus............

As soon as they met, it almost instantly reminded him of the fear of being dominated by these two people in the Immortal Fire Secret Realm!

"This will be a vicious battle, you better give me all my strength

!" "But in a hundred years, he has grown to such a point, if you don't kill him today, it will be even more difficult in the future!" Wang

Teng still looked cold, and it seemed that there were still hole cards that had not been displayed.

"Brother Wang, then you and me..."

"Hmm?!" As

soon as Qin Yiren wanted to speak, nine scarlet chains had already fallen from the Nether Void to him!

"Mountain and River Fatu!"

He hurriedly urged his spiritual power and shot out a spiritual power plan to resist.

However, the killing power of those nine chains was amazing, just two breaths of stalemate, and the picture basket was torn apart and worn

out! A black dress silhouette also followed, and with a palm came out, countless spiritual power blood thorns rained down on Qin Yiren, actually planning to kill one of these two people first

! Those blood thorns were extremely strange, as if they could easily break through the spiritual power defense, but in an instant, blood stains and scars appeared on Qin Yiren's body!

"Huh? And the master?!"

"Heavenly Tribulation Light!" Qin

Yiren was furious to the extreme, and immediately urged the Supreme Bone of the Heart Mouth again, releasing a robbery black light to resist those spiritual power blood thorns.

When the two faced each other, he suddenly had infinite signs in his heart.

Just because of the attack of the woman in front of him, he suddenly remembered that he was outside the Immortal Fire Secret Realm back then.

The same woman in a black dress manifested from a booklet.

Just with the power of the incarnation of the divine soul, the lord of the Jun family, Wangu, was chased and killed and fled, shaking the mountains and rivers of 100,000 miles away from the state!"

Could it be ———?!,"

he secretly wondered.

Two more sword rays of light struck at an extremely fast speed, it was Lin Xingyun who came with a sword, and he also planned to kill him first

! "Damn! really treat me as fish and meat, let anyone slaughter me?!"

Qin Yiren was suddenly besieged by these two people, although he was extremely resentful in his heart.

But seeing that he couldn't resist, he was rapidly adding injuries!

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