These days after returning to the Lin family, he also learned about the recent situation of his former enemies.

For example, the young emperor of the Wang family, Teng, who originally escaped by relying on that emperor talisman, has already completely reshaped his body.

Although he suffered such a big blood loss in the Immortal Fire Palace, he did not dare to be as beautiful as he was at the beginning.

But his father, Wang Wu, still persevered, and continued to claim that his son had the appearance of a great emperor!

Anyway, with the Emperor Rune Protective Body, it will not die.

He seems to want to use this reputation to attract all Tianjiao and forbidden area emperors to continue to be his son's grindstone!

And Ye Que of the Ye family, it is rumored that he was taken away by a quasi-emperor old man with a dark body, and he has been gone for more than a hundred years.

According to Lin Xingyun's estimate, the other party must have taken this opportunity to break the shackles of cultivation, and this time he was bound to come to the Immortal Hall to get a piece of the pie.

As for the Jun Family Jun Changsheng, he has not heard from him in the past hundred years.

The other party was still a semi-open secret, hidden deep in the Jun family, and never born again.

Among the primeval royal family, it seems that they sense that the golden world of the Immortal Domain is coming, and several self-styled ancient freaks have awakened one after another.

They were originally the top Tianjiao several eras ago, they were extraordinary, and they had always regarded the Terran cultivators as ants.

Especially the ancient freaks of those big forces in Panlongtai and Emperor Phoenix Mountain all threatened to find Lin Xingyun to avenge the blood feud they had forged in the Immortal Fire Secret Realm!

"It seems that this trip is indispensable to fight against the crowd!"

"Gee, how do I feel, I'm like... Missing a [Enemy of the World] Black Lives?

Lin Xingyun secretly slandered for a while, and then stopped thinking about it.

On the contrary, his fighting spirit is high, and he is about to take this opportunity to test his current combat strength!

He immediately looked at Liu Meng'er beside him and instructed with a smile.

"Meng'er, you have become a saint, so let's stabilize your realm at home first."

"I'll go back from a trip to the Void Immortal Temple, and then accompany you back to the Liu family to meet my father-in-law and mother-in-law."

"Hmm! Nebula, you must be careful, I will wait for you to come back! The

two hugged each other as they chatted earnestly.

Lin Rong deflated his mouth and reminded Lin Xingyun.

"Little Nebula, you can't be thick and thin."

"This trip, you take the drop with you, and help her take the last step."

"Huh? Fourteen ancestors, what last step?

Lin Xingyun was stunned, and then asked.

Lin Rong shook her head slightly and sighed, and she was rarely serious.

"In the past hundred years, I have practiced my Killing True Demon Sutra and taken the purest killing path."

"You also know that my method is that the more people I kill, the stronger it is, the greater the benefit to myself!"

"Every time I take Luo Luo out to practice, she wants to soothe her thoughts about you..."

"Often she stops thinking by killing, vents as much as she wants, and kills extremely devotedly!"

"It's a true legend of me!"

Saying that, she smiled proudly again.

It seems that he is extremely satisfied with his apprenticeship!

"Therefore, her cultivation has advanced extremely quickly, and now she is also a prince."

"As long as she can kill another saint with her own hands, the way of killing can be initially perfected, and she also has the foundation for holiness!"

"Fourteen ancestors, this..."

Lin Xingyun listened with black lines all over his head.

I couldn't help but wipe a handful of cold sweat that didn't exist between my forehead.

The fourteen ancestors of the secret road, whether it is their temperament or the path they take, are still so outrageous!

However, Lin Rong was still triumphant and continued to explain.

"But my technique hurts the heavens."

"If it can be created, there are naturally limits."

"If only some high-realm elders and ancestors would help."

"Then even if you kill someone, it won't work."

"But if there are girlfriends, Taoists, brothers and sisters with similar realms, etc., help out."

"That's still okay, and it's still useful!"

Lin Rong said, took Liu Qiuyan's arm, and smiled and showed off.

"Before I became a saint, I was assisted by your master and beheaded a saint, and the way was complete!"

"Oh, you!"

Liu Qiuyan shook his head and smiled bitterly, but he also let Lin Rong be proud.

After all, the two really fought hand in hand all the way, which can be called life and death together.

Even in the end, when the two of them reached the pinnacle of cultivation and reached the last moment of the Quasi-Emperor Nine Heavens.

It was she who used the Heavenly Spirit Holy Body to fully assist Lin Rong and reverse the beheading of an ancient emperor, so that Lin Rong was able to completely break the last shackles and become an emperor first!


Don't worry, Fourteen Ancestors, I have understood, just leave it to me!"

After Lin Xingyun listened, he suddenly realized and immediately gave his promise.

Xiao Qianluo now has to reverse a saint to become a saint, but he can't have the help of his ancestors.

If he doesn't accompany her to kill, who else in the world can accompany her to kill?

Without hesitation, he immediately saluted and said goodbye to Lin Rong and Master Venerable.

"Well, well-behaved, still so sensible!"

"In the Void Immortal Temple, although saints and above cannot enter."

"But in the depths of the hall, there is actually a faint coercion of the Holy Realm, maybe there is an existence similar to the Holy Realm

, maybe..." "If not, you can go out of the Immortal Hall and look for a saint outside to kill!"

"Protected by my bracelet."

"As long as you don't enter the Desolate Realm, no one can help you!"

Lin Rong rubbed his face with a smile and also instructed.

Liu Qiuyan was even more earnest in telling him not to make a mistake, and also took out a blessed hairpin and gave it to him as a defensive treasure.

After Lin Xingyun answered one by one, he returned with Liu Meng'er and Yingqing to explain goodbye to his mother and the others.

Then he went to find Xiao Qianluo.

As soon as the two met, Xiao Qianluo was still the same as in the past, and directly threw himself into his arms.

Feeling the plump warm fragrance nephrite, looking at Xiao Qianluo's extremely attached look.

Lin Xingyun's heart was filled with infinite emotion, and he kissed her on the forehead lovingly.


Xiao Qianluo muttered, and took the initiative to raise his head and touch Lin Xingyun's lips.

A pair of white tender and soft shades also began to pull Lin Xingyun's clothes.

Although it was still daylight, she didn't care.

I want to cherish the golden spring light and pull Lin Xingyun to go sightseeing.

However, after the two were tender and sweet for a while, Lin Xingyun separated from her.

Caressing her cheek and smiling.

"Fall, go out with me."

"I'll take you to kill."

Xiao Qianluo was stunned when he heard this.

And understand that the other party is to help themselves after sanctification.

On her dusty and beautiful face, a smile of joy became more and more visible.

"Well, good!"

As if her thoughts were even more intense, she raised her head slightly and kissed Lin Xingyun on the lips again.




Immortal Domain, a barren state of one of the three thousand prefectures.

This Daozhou, adjacent to the Desolate Realm, one of the five forbidden areas, is named after it.

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