"What do you say? Po, I knew you were okay!

Lin Xingyun was also moved, holding her delicate face, and making her intimate one by one, making Liu Meng'er more and more proud.

The two of them exchanged words, and their lips quickly came together.

Although there are still people watching at this time.

But now that they have just successfully crossed the calamity, they are still sitting around, and they are there to vent their joy and feelings.

"Gee! Little Nebula he... Very skilled!

"These two kids are really not very ashamed... It's itchy to watch...,"

Lin Rong watched with relish, and commented with an excited smile on her face.

I can't wait to urge the two directly.

Show something a little more exciting on the spot!

Liu Qiuyan sighed and turned his face sideways.

After all, these two apprentices, what show she hasn't watched

.................. After a while, Lin Xingyun let go of Liu Meng'er slightly.

Turning to Kagekiyo, he nodded and smiled encouragingly.

"Aunt Ying, let's start, you must be fine."


Ying Qing stepped forward and hugged Lin Xingyun at the end.

Immediately volleyed up, also went in the other direction, and officially began to cross the robbery.

Liu Meng'er began to pranayama in place, combing through the various changes after her sanctification.

Lin Xingyun began to focus on the sidelines.

Watching the vast clouds of calamity in the distance gradually take shape, a little worry gradually arose in his heart.

After all, not everyone can cross the Saint Tribulation like Liu Meng'er.

And as the clouds of calamity were completely formed, the Yin Wind Tribulation finally began to descend.

Ying Qing did not dare to be careless, and immediately pinched his hands, and a pitch-black magic jar manifested in the air, and all those dark green yin winds were sucked into the jar!

"That... That's ——?! Seeing

this, Liu Qiuyan was suddenly and secretly shocked, obviously recognizing that it was the Immortal Devouring Demon Jar!

She immediately turned around and looked at Lin Xingyun with a puzzled face.

The next moment, she couldn't hold back her thoughts, so she let go of Lin Rong and stepped forward to pull Lin Xingyun's arm instead.

It took him to the extreme distance in an instant, and when the two were alone, they asked with concern.

"Nebula! I didn't tell you, your practice is too big to be easy..." "

Master rest assured, Aunt Ying is the disciple's beloved and can be absolutely trusted."

"Although she has good qualifications, she has been cultivating for a long time and is already on the older side."

"There is no too special physique and talent to rely on, and it is impossible to win nine things in a catastrophe."

"This exercise is very suitable for her, so the disciples taught it."

"Moreover, the disciple has carefully considered that in the future, the disciple will not pass on this technique to her again."

"It's enough to pass it on to Aunt Ying."

"There will be no surprises."

Lin Xingyun explained, but did not feel the slightest inappropriate.

But after Liu Qiuyan listened, it was as if he had also suffered a thunderstorm.

Her stunning and feminine face was full of sluggishness.

The look in his eyes was much darker.

"You Aunt Shadow... Is...... What a blessing..."

"Huh? Master, what's wrong with you?

Lin Xingyun then sensed that something was wrong.

After a little observation.

He suddenly realized and quickly changed his words.

"But if Master Venerable wants to learn, I can also teach it!"

Liu Qiuyan was stunned again.

A pair of beautiful eyes, finally bloomed again and touched the light, couldn't help but whisper.


Master Venerable, Aunt Ying cares for her disciples to grow up, but Master Venerable you are the same!"

"Master Venerable in the hearts of disciples, like Aunt Ying, is the love of disciples, disciples will naturally treat them equally, will not..." Lin

Xingyun was afraid that she had a mustard in her heart, and subconsciously began to tell frankly again.

Liu Qiuyan listened, although he was full of shame and joy, the previous resentment completely disappeared.

But I couldn't help but interrupt.

"Nebula, don't... Don't say this............"

"You forgot, this is the present world..."

Then he didn't dare to hesitate, pulled Lin Xingyun, and returned in an instant.

He let out a long sigh of relief and still returned to Lin Rong.

"Smoke, what are you doing?"

"Do you and Little Nebula have any secrets that I can't listen to?!"

When Lin Rong saw her return, he pinched her slender waist angrily.

"Didn't... There is no secret...,"

Liu Qiuyan heard her say this, and prevaricated very unnaturally.

At the same time, I couldn't help but think that this Immortal Devouring Demon Skill said that only she and the apprentice knew about it, and kept each other's secrets............

Now time has passed, and she can only sigh and sigh............


Seven days later.

With his more than 600 years of hard cultivation, coupled with the strong power of the Immortal Devouring Demon Skill and the Divine Elephant Prison Technique, Ying Qing finally successfully survived the Saint Tribulation.

When she completed the baptism of saint robbery and returned to Lin Xingyun to hug him, she was already crying with joy, and Lin Xingyun was naturally equally moved.

After calming Ying Qing for a while, the group returned to Lin's house.

But at this moment, Lin Xingyun is holding two female saints with one hand!

Looking at the two beloveds beside him who have already achieved the Saint Realm.

Lin Xingyun was both proud and a little urgent.

On the one hand, he kissed the jade-like and flawless faces of the two saints.

Then smiled and sighed.

"You have just achieved the Saint Realm, so you should also stabilize and breathe for a while."

"It's time for me to go out and break through the realm!"

I have to say that it has been more than a month since I returned to the Lin family.

He felt that he was really living too happily!

First of all, Lin Chen's death made him have a great filial piety.

and busy back and forth between the six red faces every day, sightseeing.

In front of his own family, he is even more highly respected, everyone respects him very much, and everyone calls him both ability and integrity!

Such a happy life is simply more wonderful than dreams!

But he wasn't completely lost in this beautiful gentle country.

Instead, he always remembered that there were still mortal enemies of the Jun family, the Ye family, and the Wang family to deal with.

At this time, he thought secretly, and his eyes showed determination.

"Void Immortal Temple, once in ten thousand years."

"According to the system prompt, it should have been Ye Que's chance."

"With his atmospheric luck, he will definitely go this time, and he will gain a lot!"

"But it doesn't matter, I'll want them all!"

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