At this time, in the easternmost part of the barren state, a majestic city stood here, also known as the deserted city.

And this desolate city, thousands of miles to the east, is the edge of the wilderness realm, which can be said to be the forefront outside the desolate realm!

But the deserted city has been located here for countless years, and there have been no accidents.

Just because of the Desolate Realm, it is different from the other four forbidden areas.

It has never unleashed a single dark turmoil, and there has never been a strange life inside, breaking out of the Desolate Realm to kill the world.

Instead, it is a great deterrent from the Desolate Realm.

Let the strong people of all parties dare not make trouble in the deserted city!

Even the existence of the deserted city itself has been tacitly approved and protected by the wilderness realm.

There was once a group of evil monks who acted recklessly when passing through the deserted city, bullying and killing the residents of the city.

But only a very short time passed.

Those evil sect cultivators suddenly gave birth to strange red hairs all over their bodies from head to toe!

Then the collective went crazy, and soon it turned into a road on its own, and dispersed with the wind............

Since then, not only those top powerhouses have dared not come rashly.

The cultivators with low cultivation did not dare to commit crimes in the desolate city anymore!

As a result, the deserted city has become more and more prosperous, and it has been peaceful for thousands of years.

And after a long time, all the monks did not dare to come.

However, more and more mortals without cultivation qualifications migrated to live here.

After all, this place is indeed extremely safe, and it is simply a rare treasure land in the entire Immortal Domain.

On this day, on a street north of the deserted city.

In a medical hall opened on the street.

An old healer shook his head and waved at the sick middle-aged man lying in front of him, his wife, and children.

"Terminally ill, go back and prepare for the aftermath."

"Nope! Doctor! Please do your best to save my father!

The young brother and sister hurriedly cried and pleaded, and the woman on the side also shed tears.

"Life and death are fateful, manpower is poor."

"If you refuse to give up, it's better to try to ask the immortal master in the city."

The old healer still shook his head, indicating that there was nothing he could do.

"Doctor, the immortal masters in the city are all wise to protect their lives, and they don't have any dealings with us ordinary people at all!"

"We can't ask for it!"

"My husband is only in his thirties, and he works tirelessly every day to support his family, and only then did he fall ill..."

The wife became more and more helpless and crying, and the two children were already crying.

Because this desolate city was too deterrent, some of the cultivators living in the city were also extremely cautious and easily did not dare to provoke the ordinary.

I am afraid that if I am not careful, I will trigger the weirdness in the deserted city.

Ended up growing a red hair and died tragically on the spot!

"Alas! Then I don't have much to do!

"It's not easy for me to live my life in peace!"

"Can we still hope that there is a living immortal who saves suffering and rescues us at all times."

"Let us live without suffering, without illness, without disaster———,"

the old healer was tired of life, old age, illness and death, and was sighing at this time, wanting to comfort the other party.

Suddenly, a small jade bottle flew from outside the door.

Steady, in the hands of the healer.

The jade bottle is also engraved with several beautiful gold characters.

"This... This is ——?! "

Rescue the suffering... Han Feiyu?! The

healer was astonished and pronounced the handwriting.

A pill had already flown out of the jade bottle and fell into the mouth of the sick man.

The next moment, he was already about to lose his breath, suddenly became light and healthy, and his face returned to blood.

But after a few cups of tea, he actually walked out of the hospital bed.

With an incredulous face, he hugged his wife and children, who were already crying with joy!

"This... This is ——?!

"It's Immortal Master! It must be the immortal master who appeared and gave the elixir! "

Han Feiyu? This must be the honor of that immortal master! The

old healer had seen more, and he had already reacted, and he couldn't help but shout in surprise.

But when he walked out of the infirmary, he looked out.

But I didn't see any trace of the "Immortal Master".

The family of four, but did not hesitate, all bowed excitedly outside the medical hall.

"Thank you Han Immortal Master! Thank you Han Immortal Master! "

Our family ... Never forget the kindness of Han Immortal Master! Their

movements here quickly attracted passers-by to watch.

The old healer held the jade bottle and also excitedly began to publicize the good deeds of this Han Immortal Master.

However, many of the onlookers smiled heartily after hearing this.

Some of them were good show-offs, and even took out various notes, jade bottles, and even gold ingots on the spot!

On each of those things, there are seven words marked "Save the Suffering and Save the Troubled Han Feiyu"!

"This... What's going on?! Seeing

this, the old healer became more and more shocked and inexplicable, and his expression was already dumbfounded.

"Doctor, your news is too closed!"

"The name of Han Immortal Master, we have all heard of it a long time ago, and we have all received his favor!"

"There was a fire in our house a few nights ago, and it was a spiritual wind that blew through and extinguished the fire, and my family was able to survive!"

"After that, there was this talisman paper, which fell into my hand!"

"I have decided to worship Han Immortal Master every day in the future!"

A lean middle-aged man shook the rune paper in his hand and explained with a smile.

Immediately bowed to the sky, and sincerely thanked Han Immortal Master.

"My family too! My baby has been hemoptysis for more than a month, and he is about to die, and no one can cure it!

"I can only wash my face with tears all day..."

"Yesterday, a jade bottle fell from the sky, and the elixir in it cured my child in one fell swoop!"

"Master Han's kindness, I really don't know how to repay it!"

A woman holding a child also sighed in tears.

Immediately, he pulled over the child who was jumping around him, also holding a jade bottle, and bowed to the sky.

After Lu Lu, people gathered one after another, and began to be grateful, telling the story of receiving the kindness of Han Immortal Master.

In the end, I couldn't hold back my gratitude.

They actually began to hold the Immortal Master token in unison, and bowed and thanked them on the spot.

At this time, another man next to him passed by.

Listen to the crowd.

I know that there is a Han Immortal Master in the past few days, who has spread kindness in the city, Ze Pi Cangsheng!

His face suddenly realized.

Immediately slapped his brain, surprised and sighed.

"I said it! It turns out that there are immortal masters doing good in the city recently!

"After my wife married me, she didn't get pregnant for ten years..."

"It seems that it is also this Han Immortal Master who has manifested his spirit and helped our family continue the incense!"

"Thank you Han Immortal Master!"

When he was pleasantly surprised, he also wanted to join the prostration team to thank Han Immortal Master.

There were several people beside him, asking him with strange faces.

"This brother, you said it was Han Immortal Master... Xianling helped your wife get pregnant..."

"Then you have the token of Han Immortal Master?"

"Uh... No, how? Any questions?

When everyone heard him say this, their faces became even more strange.

In particular, several men cast sympathetic glances at him.

"This brother, Han Immortal Master Xianling, will definitely leave a token!"

"Since there is no token, it is not an immortal apparition

..." "But your wife suddenly became pregnant

..." "So is there a possibility..." "

In fact, there is someone who is carrying the weight for you?"

"Brother, look away!"

"Be strong! We are with you! "

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