
A creepy and terrifying wind sounded.

Then I saw that above the heavenly dome, like a catastrophe of the world, a vast dark green yin wind descended.

This Yin Wind Tribulation was so powerful that it could easily blow away the flesh and bones and internal organs of the vast majority of Wang Marquis Realm cultivators.

If you practice hard all your life, you will turn into smoke!

Moreover, this wind tribulation spirit is extraordinary, and it only rushes towards Liu Meng'er, vowing to blow her apart into robbery ashes!

But Liu Meng'er's face was as usual, and between the control of her mind, a series of dreamy brilliance emerged from the dream door behind her, blessing her body.

The next moment, she flicked her hand.

Thirty-six Dao Rhyme auras actually appeared around his body.

Three feet on the top, it turned into a purple qi, condensed and simple Dao Immortal Bell!

The vision of the Great Avenue Immortal Bell slowly rotated, firmly protecting her entire body.

Ren'er east, west, south and north winds, she stood still majestically, looking at the yin wind that could blow away countless princely cultivators as nothing!

Two days later, the storm gradually dissipated.

Another roaring fire descended, scorching the heavens and the earth, and the red flames reflected the heavens and the earth, which was daunting!

Naturally, there were also countless princely realm consummation cultivators, and under this even stronger and ferocious fire calamity, they turned into char, leaving pitch-black ashes in the world!

But in the door behind Liu Meng'er, the dream light flashed again.

The dream power of the third life all gushed out, so that Liu Meng'er had the Great Avenue Immortal Bell Vision Protector.

At the mouth of the heart, a white light bloomed, and the power of the flying immortals escaped one after another!

When the vast fire fell, with the power of burning the sky and boiling the sea.

At the mouth of her heart, a delicate shadow of cat ears and cat tails appeared.

Then as soon as his mind moved, the flying immortal divine fetus rose up in the air, wielding a pair of petite jade palms, and smashed the countless flames into heavenly fragments!

A hundred miles away, Lin Xingyun watched all this and couldn't help nodding with satisfaction.

The hard work of his own ten lives.

After all, it was not in vain!

As Liu Meng'er's [Dream Returning Immortal], he can bring his special physique, magical powers, and talents such as alchemy and talisman into his dreams.

Practiced with Liu Meng'er.

The first time they dreamed, because Liu Meng'er was awakening their physique for the first time, and their realm in this world was insufficient, it was difficult to touch the higher realm cultivation such as saints and great saints in the dream realm.

But when Liu Meng'er's physique was further developed, her current cultivation was further improved.

When you experience it again, you can naturally cultivate to a higher level in your dreams!

And if he can achieve [Innate Eucharistic Dao Embryo] in the future.

Then go with Liu Meng'er to experience a complete life.

Liu Meng'er was naturally able to obtain the power of the [Innate Eucharistic Dao Embryo] from it!

Back to the dream fairy body, it is terrifying!

It can be said that to a large extent, his future growth ceiling also determines Liu Meng'er's growth ceiling!

When he secretly hesitated, he was not far away.

Lin Rong watched all this, and also couldn't help but rejoice.

"This [Dream Immortal Body] is worthy of being the third strongest physique in the Immortal Domain, and it is indeed infinitely mysterious!"

"The saint robbed in front of her, it is as fragile as a piece of mud and paper!"

"Our Lin family can have such a good daughter-in-law, why can't we prosper?"

"Yanyan, your Liu family and our Lin family are really made in heaven and earth, so matched!"

The more she spoke, the more excited she became, so she smiled and hugged Liu Qiuyan, pillowing on her shoulder and rubbing non-stop.

"Meng'er, this child is indeed very good, and in the future, he will become an emperor, and he will definitely not be able to stop her."

Liu Qiuyan was also relieved and admired.

After all, compared to Lin Xingyun, this rebel.

She and Liu Meng'er, as a master and apprentice, actually spend hundreds of years more.

Her love for Liu Meng'er is also extremely deep.

Lin Xingyun listened, but secretly sighed with regret.

It's like in the world, if a wife is pregnant.

Relatives and friends often touch her belly, praise her and reward her.

But absolutely no one will pat Hui Gen of that husband and praise him for a beautiful job!


After another two days and two nights, the fire gradually dissipated.

When the red sky and the fire converged.

One after another, even more dazzling and terrifying five-colored thunder rays followed, shining between this heaven and earth!

"Boom ————!"

Then there was a burst of thunder, which instantly shattered the mountains below into powder!

The most ferocious and terrifying, the Saint Thunder Tribulation that buried countless cultivators, finally came to the world!

A heavy thunder turned into a dragon, phoenix, unicorn, gluttony and other true spirit fierce beast forms.

It was even more as if giving birth to spirituality, and they all opened their teeth and danced their claws, howling and roaring, and attacked and killed Liu Meng'er!

Compared to the endless thunder beast spirit, Liu Meng'er's body appeared extremely thin and small.

Like a lonely boat in the waves, it is in danger of capsizing at any time!

But she was still unafraid, and the vision light of the door behind her flashed, pouring all the power cultivated by the Ten Dreams into her!

Her dreamy brilliance flickered, like an earthly fairy, and her temperament was already ethereal and close to a fairy.

The next moment, her face was calm, she stepped on the lotus step, and volleyed away.

Between the dancing of the sword fingers of the plain hand, the countless thunder turned into true spirit fierce beasts, like clay sculptures and wood carvings, were slashed by her in large areas!

The Saint Thunder Tribulation that had killed countless Princely Realm Perfection cultivators was also like a leisurely walk to her.

When he crossed the robbery, his expression was even more relaxed than when he was sightseeing.

Two more days and two nights later.

When she raised her hand and sword, she slashed the last of the most massive Thunder Black Dragons.

The clouds of calamity seemed to have exhausted all their strength, gave up their struggle, and began to slowly dissipate.

But just when the clouds of calamity dispersed, as if everything was over and the work was about to be completed.

The Saint's Heart Demon Tribulation has quietly begun to descend.

Liu Meng'er was also prepared, and immediately sat cross-kneeled in the air, closing her eyes and staring.

She became holy in the way of dreams, and after ten lifetimes, her heart was already extremely tenacious.

Moreover, Lin Xingyun accompanied her throughout the whole process, making her every life complete and satisfactory, and her Dao heart did not have the slightest defect.

At this time, in the face of the Heart Demon Tribulation, it didn't even take much time to get through it safely.

When she opened her eyes, she was completely over.

Above the sky, a heavy mysterious rhyme turned into a heavenly flower, scattered from the underworld, merged into the three flowers on top of her, helping her to wash her body of lead and truly transcendent into the saint.

On the earth, ten thousand golden lotuses emerged, spiritual herbs and elixirs flourished, and auspicious rui appeared, congratulating this new saint!

After another day and night, Liu Meng'er finally ended her sanctification baptism.

Her breath is already countless times stronger than before, and she can almost collapse thousands of miles of rivers and mountains!

But she took one step and returned to Lin Xingyun's side and hugged him tightly.

"From now on..."

"You'll have a saint's wife!"

"How's it going, are you happy?"

She said with a playful smile, her beautiful eyes full of expectation.

It seems to be looking forward to Lin Xingyun's praise and reward.

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