That giant hand seemed to control everything in the world, and when it was held hundreds of millions of miles away, even the entire Sangzhou was taken away!

"Not good! It is the immortal king of the foreign land, who forcibly broke the barrier! Liu

Meng'er's face was solemn, and her heart was full of infinite shock.

After all, the strength of the other party is far from what they can match now!

But at this critical time.

"Even if I hold the Primordial Emperor City in my hand, I still ..."

The mysterious and proud powerhouse was still saying cruel words.

Suddenly, thousands of wicker-like turquoise divine patterns rose up in the sky, carrying boundless Dao divine power, towards that giant hand!

A rich figure dressed in a green robe also stepped to the sky and fought with that mysterious powerhouse!

I saw that the Skyrim Dao was flickering with immortal light, but in a few blinks of an eye, he had already experienced countless worlds and creations!

And the two who witnessed the battle of the strongest were all happy.

"It's Master!"

"Well, this kind of strong person is better to hand over to the master to deal with!"

Liu Meng'er called out in surprise, and Lin Xingyun also nodded.

Their master Liu Qiuyan is the mighty Nether Realm of the Immortal Domain.

The two have been learning from her since they were young, and they have been protected and guided by her along the way.

Now that the other party has returned to the Immortal Domain, most of his cultivation has long since recovered.

It didn't take long to beat that mysterious powerhouse to a violent retreat and call for help!


"Yutuo save me————!"

Only after hearing a miserable cry for help.

Skyrim is finally calm again.

"Whew! Meng'er, finally escaped a disaster.

"But in the future, we will also have to cultivate into that kind of strong person who has passed through heaven and earth!"

"Hmm! These exotic immortal kings, when the time comes, I will personally kill them all!"

Liu Meng'er waved her powder fist domineeringly, and her beautiful eyes were full of ambition.

After a while, countless emerald green willows fell in front of the two.

Liu Qiuyan's figure also emerged.

She pretended to be indifferent and urged a little unnaturally.

"Let's go, after fooling around for so long, it's time to continue to practice."

"Yes, Master!"

The two answered the promise in unison, and they accompanied each other hand in hand, followed Liu Qiuyan, and continued to compose legends in the Immortal Domain............



Fourth Dream.

Martial Boundary.

In this world, the Liu family is just a small family in the border land.

And Liu Meng'er herself was born in the branch clan of the Liu family.

In order to climb to the pinnacle of this realm, she practiced hard.

With extraordinary talent.

and a mysterious stone talisman that was accidentally obtained, plus the help of the remnant soul of the strong in it.

At the age of eighteen, she finally became the strongest in their lineage family!

After that, in order to go further, she resolutely chose to go to the outside world.

However, I just broke into an ancient tomb with heavy treasures.

In a secret room, she met a young man in white whose cultivation was far superior to her.

But the young man in white was flushed and looked pained at this time.

Covering his heart, he said to her.

"Ah! This girl!

"I have been hit by a strange poison in this ancient tomb!"

"There must be a beautiful girl who is as beautiful as a fairy, a sinking fish falling geese, a closed moon and a shy flower, a country and a city, and ice and jade, to detoxify me!"

"To save my life!"

Lin Xingyun covered his heart and said earnestly with a painful expression.

"You... Your antidote conditions..."

"It's probably too harsh!"

Although Liu Meng'er was speechless, she couldn't help but complain on the spot.

But look at that extremely strange, extremely familiar handsome face.

She still gave birth to boundless strangeness from the bottom of her heart.

It was as if this person was the wrongdoer in his past and present lives!

However, she didn't wait too long to hesitate.

The stone talisman she carried with her released a secret brilliance and hit a mechanism in the secret room.

As the organ is triggered again.

A pink smoke spewed out, and Liu Meng'er was also unfortunately hit.

But she no longer had the slightest scruples, as if she wanted to obey her heart's wishes.

Directly hugged Lin Xingyun......



Lin Xingyun put her arm around Liu Meng'er and assured with a smile.

"Don't worry, girl, although I am a top force in the Martial Peerless Realm, a big disciple of the Daomen."

"No matter the cultivation and identity between you and me, the difference is too great!"

"But this person of mine is a well-known righteous gentleman, and I will definitely be responsible for you!"

"Hmph! You...... You beast! "

Actually... And the face... Have a face to call yourself a gentleman?!

Liu Meng'er scolded weakly.

His face was still red, and he reached out to hit Lin Xingyun.

But Lin Xingyun grabbed Hao's wrist and came to her to joke.

"Bao, the beast is too ugly, and I will call it Fujun in the future."

"You ————?!"

Liu Meng'er was about to be embarrassed, but her lips were sealed again............



A hundred years later.

The ancient exotic powerhouses sealed in the Martial Peerless Realm grasped the gap where the seal was weak and broke the seal together!

But they were about to slaughter and unleash the slaughter.

But he was directly interrupted by a couple who were said to be cultivating the way of devouring!

And according to the recollections of the parties.

On the day of the decisive battle between the two sides, two pitch-black magic jars rose up in the sky!

Devour all the aliens who broke the seal and turn them into nourishment for the two!

And after solving the scourge of foreign lands and saving the life.

The couple also drifted away, and it was said that they ascended hand in hand and went to the upper realm......



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