Fifth dream.

Haoyue Realm.

In this world, it has also suffered from the invasion of foreigners for many years!

There were even one hundred and eight alien demon pillars that had been straddling this realm for a long time, constantly encroaching on the territory of ten thousand creatures in this realm.

And the ten thousand races in the Haoyue Realm, in order to resist the foreign lands.

In the end, with the strength of ten thousand races, six holy places were formed.

Take this opportunity to cultivate future generations, generation after generation, and fight the enemy together!

And Liu Meng'er in this life was reborn in the six holy lands, specializing in the king riding holy land that rushed to kill!

Since she was eighteen, she has relied on a talent far beyond her peers.

Officially knighted and become a new female knight!

"Meng'er, between us and the foreigners, we are not fighting alone, but a full-scale war!"

"Since it is a war, it is indispensable to watch and help each other and cooperate with each other."

"The cultivators of our King Riding Holy Land have always been the most effective in cooperation with the cultivators of the Assassination Holy Land!"

"Our two holy places have always had a tradition of marriage."

"Dad has selected the best one for you from the Assassination Holy Land to be your good match!"

"He'll be here later, and you'll meet first."

"If it is suitable, you should marry earlier, and you can also familiarize yourself with the method of cooperation in battle!"

Liu Jinyuan stroked his beard and instructed proudly.

Liu Meng'er frowned and began to refute angrily.

"Dad, it's too early to say what a good match, right?"

"Even if I want to cooperate with a cultivator who is good at assassination, I don't have to marry him!"

"And the foreign land is not extinguished, why do you want to be at home!"

"These children's private affairs, let's mention them later!"

Liu Meng'er waved her hand and refused with great ambition.

"Alas! You girl, why are you still so stubborn!

Liu Jinyuan couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

But it's not easy to force it.

After all, the offensive of the foreigners is indeed intensifying.

On the battlefield, how can so many sons and daughters be accommodated?

However, when the father and daughter deliberated.

A boy in white with a white cloth blindfolded and a bamboo cane.

Just walk in slowly from outside the house.

"I've seen Uncle Liu, Miss Liu."

"Oops, the virtuous nephew is here! Sit down, sit down!

Liu Jinyuan immediately got up and eagerly beckoned Lin Xingyun to sit down.

And Liu Meng'er saw the blind boy.

Just at a glance, I was already obsessed............

"Virtuous nephew, don't blame it, my family's dreams are stubborn, and it seems that they have no intention of marrying for the time being..."

"But you two can still practice together and cooperate with each other on the battlefield!"

"In the future, when the war calms down, Meng'er's heart will be more calm, and then we will ..."

Liu Jinyuan was pulling Lin Xingyun and comforted him with a serious voice.

Liu Meng'er suddenly tugged at his sleeves.

Tilting his face, he said with a shy face.

"Dad, my daughter's marriage..."

It's all up to daddy!

"Huh?! Meng'er, you... Are you ———?!

Liu Jinyuan was stunned when he heard this, and he couldn't react for a while!

His daughter was still there just now, and she was proud of her family.

Although women are fickle.

But it doesn't get that fast, does it?!

And Lin Xingyun had already got up directly.

Although blind, he still held Liu Meng'er's hands steadily and accurately.

"Miss Liu, on the battlefield, riding and thorning."

"Please advise more in the future."

"Hmm... Well! Many... Advise!

Liu Meng'er nodded shyly, but did not mean to withdraw her hand.

Liu Jinyuan is also unambiguous.

Seeing this situation, I directly thought about the marriage date for the two!

And after the two got married............

The cultivation speed is naturally higher!

Liu Meng'er even found a blue dragon with a mutated bloodline.

As her and Lin Xingyun's mount, assist them across the battlefield!



A hundred years later.

In the Haoyue Realm, in front of the last Alien Demon Pillar.

Two figures with blue gold sword light flashed in unison, like sword immortals in pairs, joining forces to strike a blow.


That last alien demon pillar finally turned into flying ash!

Countless Haoyue Realm cultivators cheered for this, and the shouts were heaven-shaking!

Because this also marks that the exotic chaos that has mutilated the Haoyue Realm for countless years is finally completely over!

And just when everyone cried with joy and celebrated.

A couple rode a blue green dragon with a mutated bloodline and fled away.


A vast expanse, empty sky.

A blue green dragon, a little stiff, carrying a pair of men and women, continued to soar up.

And at this moment, on the back of that dragon, a pair of men and women are practicing riding and stabbing as one!

"Nebula! We are like this... Do this..."

"Smoke it... It doesn't get angry, right?

Liu Meng'er was covered in fragrant sweat, panting, and asked with some scruples.

After all, now under them, she called the dragon of smoke.

But the mounts and best friends who have always fought side by side with them!

"Meng'er, it's okay, it's not the first time!"

"In our last life, in our last life, we were not also on that willow stump, on the back of that female golden-winged eagle..."

Lin Xingyun was already embarrassed, and subconsciously smiled and replied.

"Huh? Previous life? Last life? Nebula, what are you talking about?!


Although Liu Meng'er was a little confused, she couldn't help but question.

But don't wait for her to ask more.

Lin Xingyun got up directly, and in turn pressed her on the back of the dragon............

And at this time, Liu Qiuyan was already a dragon body stiff, trembling slightly!

"Lin Xingyun! You...... You ————!

She gritted her teeth secretly, almost embarrassed to the extreme.

The three words "little beast" have almost reached the lips!

Feel the strange feeling coming from behind............

She only felt that her bottom line was pulled down by this traitor again!

And she was already in a dilemma at this time, so she had to carry the two who were still busy and continue to ascend to the upper realm


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