[Hint: added a few character pictures 乛◡乛]

[Write and refine pictures, who else is such a conscientious author? QAQ family members ask for gifts and tips QAQ~~]



Third dream.

Desolate Heavenly Realm.

The Liu family was originally just one of the giants of the Desolate Heaven Realm.

In recent years, it has risen extremely rapidly, and has become the number one family in the Desolate Heaven Realm!

Because in the Liu family, there is a pair of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chicks, which have completely grown into the climate!

One of their eyes is the emperor's heavy pupil.

A supreme bone with an infinite mysterious body!

The two are still brothers and sisters from afar!

The most rare thing is.

The two have been childhood sweethearts, two little guesses, in love, like glue............

After growing up, he will travel hand in hand and fight all the great enemies in the world!

The Great Wilderness, Hundred Broken Mountain, Kunpeng's Nest, Void God Realm............

In the Desolate Heaven Realm, no matter how Tianjiao demon is, if you encounter one of them, you will lose.

The two join forces, and they are even more invincible!

Under the two of them, the Liu family swept away all the opponents and became the first family in the Desolate Heaven Realm!

Until the Upper Realm Immortal Domain, seven princely realm consummation cultivators descended.

After they came to the Nether, they began to plunder and slaughter wantonly, plundering and slaughtering the Desolate Heaven Realm, plunging the Desolate Heaven Realm into boundless blood and chaos!

Lin Xingyun and Liu Meng'er, who were already the strongest combat power in the Desolate Heaven Realm, naturally fought side by side again.

The two of them didn't even suffer any injuries, and they killed all seven people from the Upper Realm!

After that, the strength of the two people has reached the limit of this world.

Nature ascended hand in hand, went to the Immortal Domain, and continued to compose legends.

And their master, a willow tree that fell from the Immortal Domain.

Since childhood, he has instructed them to cultivate and defended them.

Nature also accompanies them, soaring together..................


On this day, Sin Prefecture, one of the three thousand Dao prefectures of the Immortal Domain.

A forest of fire that stretched for thousands of miles and was as red as fire.

A fire mulberry tree is shaking rhythmically.

After a few hours, the shaking stopped.

A pair of young girls and men are still closely attached to each other, and it is difficult to separate.

Before long, the girl seemed very thirsty.

So he took out a jade pot and gulped down the beast in the pot.

After drinking, she was still unsatisfied.

He didn't care to wipe the juice from the corner of his mouth, and stretched out his hand to the man next to him.

"Brother Nebula, another pot!"

"Meng'er, you're so old, are you still nailing?"

"Beware of saying it and making others die laughing!"

Lin Xingyun smiled and poked her forehead.

But he flipped his hand and took out another jug and handed it to her.

"Hmph! What? It's not all blamed on you!

"If you hadn't been a child, feeding me all kinds of beasts and drinking every day, would I have been able to develop this hobby?"

Liu Meng'er snorted.

While opening the jade pot and continuing to dazzle, he beat Lin Xingyun coquettishly.

But just after drinking a pot, she suddenly felt that something was wrong............

When I looked down, I saw a wonderful hand.

Just at the mouth of her heart, naturally caressing............

"Boom! Brother Nebula... What a lewdness! "

We just... Just now... What do you want to do?

Liu Meng'er said in shame, but did not mean to stop Lin Xingyun.

"Meng'er, don't get me wrong, I'm just feeling your supreme bone!"

"Recently, I heard a saying that heavy pupils are invincible."

"But many bones, many paths!"

Lin Xingyun said with a smile.

Just leaned on Liu Meng'er's plump heart.

Continue to feel that supreme bone simply!

"Huh? Why do you say this?

"Hmph! Brother Nebula, shouldn't you... Want my Supreme Bone, right?

"If you want it, dig it now."

"My invincible path, I don't need any supreme bones!"

Liu Meng'er pouted and said arrogantly.

"Po, don't you know me yet?"

"How could I be ruthless enough to do such a unconscionable thing as digging up the supreme bones of people?!"

"Ah no! As soon as you say this..." "

My conscience is starting to hurt!"

Lin Xingyun covered his heart, looking painful.

Liu Meng'er thought he was pretending, and was amused by his exaggerated appearance.

"Okay, okay, don't pretend!"

"Brother Xingyun, let's go back."

"After coming out to play for so long, it's time to continue to fight at the border gate."

Liu Meng'er said, and helped the mulberry tree behind her to get up.

Now the war at the Immortal Domain Border Pass is intensifying, and the exotic offensive is non-stop.

The two of them, as the Immortal Domain side, are the leaders of the younger generation.

So far, he has already killed countless young Tianjiao of exotic royal families and imperial families at the border pass!

Lin Xingyun didn't bother, and got up with Liu Meng'er.

After the two of them put on their own clothes.

But I still couldn't help myself.

Lin Xingyun pushed Liu Meng'er on that fire mulberry tree and continued to take advantage of his words............

Liu Meng'er is also eagerly cooperating.

Suddenly, an earth-shattering Dao drink instantly spread throughout most of the Immortal Domain!

"Immortal Peak, proud of the world!"

"With me Anlan, there will be heaven!"

With a loud drink, Liu Meng'er and Lin Xingyun quickly separated, looking at the sky in a stern manner.

I saw a giant hand that covered the sky for hundreds of millions of miles, slowly pressing towards them!

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