after January.

Burning Flame Realm, on a sacred mountain in the Far West.

The number one sect in this realm, the Soul Sect, is entrenched here.

At this time, deep in the Soul Sect Sect, in a deliberative hall.

"Sect Master, my subordinates heard that the Liu family in the Taobo Dynasty has produced a wonderful little girl named Liu Meng'er!"

"His cultivation and alchemy talents are rare in the world!"

"When the Liu family was strong, it had a life-and-death feud with our Soul Sect!"

"Now that such a genius is rising, his subordinates suggest that all the elders be sent immediately to annihilate Liu Meng'er and the Liu family in one fell swoop!"

"It's best to let the Liu family leave no grass, and even an egg in a radius of a hundred miles must be shaken away!"

A black-robed elder with white hair suggested.

However, above the first seat in the hall, a black-haired middle-aged man asked coldly.

"Then Liu Meng'er, what realm is it now?"

"Uh... It is said to be the Cave Heaven Realm. "

Cave Heaven Realm? That's it? Do you still need to send all the elders? "

Send a protector over, that's enough!"

The middle-aged man showed contempt on his face and waved his hand and said.

"Sect Master! Don't be careless!

"Then although Liu Meng'er's cultivation is still shallow..."

"But is there a possibility that she can leapfrog and fight and grow rapidly?"


If I don't go all out to kill her now, what if she grows up in the future and has the opportunity to destroy my Soul Sect?!"

The old man's face was full of vigilance, and he still seemed to be extremely uneasy.

"Elder Gu, everyone knows that you have always had some crow-mouthed."

"But this time, you are absolutely alarmist!"

"My Soul Sect has dominated the Burning Flame Realm for tens of thousands of years, and a little girl from the Liu family can help my Soul Sect?"

"It's a fool's dream! Boom! "


The other elders present also laughed at Elder Nagu.

"Okay, there is no need to say much, it is enough to send a protector over."

The Soul Sect Sect Master snorted coldly and casually summoned a black-robed protector.

"Ben Protector, you will go to the Taobo Dynasty and get rid of that Liu Meng'er, along with the Liu family!"

"Subordinates obey!"



A hundred years later.

In the Burning Flame World, a shocking event suddenly spread!

A husband and wife joined hands and both killed the Soul Sect Divine Mountain in the Far West!

Among the Soul Sect, except for one elder, he retired from the sect early and escaped.

The rest of the people, from the sect master to the elders, protectors, and disciples, none of them have survived!

And that Chong Xiao Divine Mountain that has stood for tens of thousands of years.

It was also shattered into countless flying ashes by two nine-colored fire lotuses!

Like a soul sect, it completely disappeared into the world!

After the collapse of the Soul Sect, the Liu family in Wuzi City in the northwest suddenly rose and gradually became the first family in the Burning Flame Realm!

And the couple, too, disappeared, and it is said that they have ascended hand in hand.

Since then, the fairy tale is difficult to find, leaving only legends in the world............




[Hint: Write a dream in detail and return to the present world, and the rest of the dream will be kept for later =_=

] [Alas, the main thing is that the family urges too hard, crying

, heQAQ] [The author Jun is only a baby of more than two hundred months, the unit has to be sent to study recently, sad QAQ] [

In short, the family has problems to discuss here, don't scold people don't make bad comments QAQ!!

】【The author Jun pure glass heart, the more he scolds, the more he will only cry


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