Soon, the three of them were well fed and drunk.

Liu Meng'er took a piece of silk and gently wiped the little girl's face.

Lin Xingyun whispered to her.

"Meng'er, it seems that this little girl has no family and lives on the streets begging for food."

"Or... Let's adopt her, shall we?

"Well, I also think it's so pitiful!"

"But Nebula..."

"The two of us have never brought children, and we still have to practice."

"If you rashly adopt this child, will it be... Bad to bring?

"Or... Send her to the Holy Land and let the elders in the Holy Land adopt and teach..." Liu

Meng'er nodded in agreement, her eyes showing distress.

But there are some concerns.

Lin Xingyun walked directly to the two.

He gently rubbed Liu Qiuyan's face and asked with a gentle smile.

"Little sister, do you remember, what is your name?"

"Willow... Willow...... Autumn smoke............,"

the little girl's ignorant voice sounded.

Liu Meng'er listened, but instantly froze in place!

"Willow... Liu Qiuyan?! "

You... Your name is... Liu Qiuyan?! Seeing

the little girl nodding cutely, Liu Meng'er became more and more shocked.

Ever since Lin Xingyun said she wanted to name their child that way five years ago, she has been thinking about it.

But now I met a poor little girl.

It's such a coincidence, it's called this name!

"What a coincidence! What a coincidence!

"Meng'er, maybe this is the will of God!"

"Now that Providence has arranged this, it would be rude for us not to adopt her again!"

Lin Xingyun was also amazed and reminded at the right time.

Liu Meng'er no longer had any hesitation.

Directly held Liu Qiuyan in his arms.

The maternal love in her heart could not be contained, and said with emotion.

"After that... I'll call you Smoke! "

Yanyan, you will follow us in the future and let us be your adoptive parents, okay?"

"Don't worry, we will definitely be good to you, let you eat and wear warmth, and grow up happily!"

"Smoke ... Smoke..."

Liu Meng'er held Liu Qiuyan and muttered a little fascinatedly.

With his own face, rubbing around her little face.

It was as if he had taken her as his own daughter.

Liu Qiuyan was already confused.

In the little eyes, there is a big shock!

After all, Lin Xingyun didn't tell her in advance, and there was still this adoption plot to perform!

She showed a rare look of anger.

Angrily glanced at Lin Xingyun.

Lin Xingyun smiled and winked at her, signaling her to adapt.

After a while, Liu Qiuyan had to sigh helplessly.

Immediately returned to his ignorant expression, hugged Liu Meng'er, and shouted hesitantly.

"Mom... Mother..."

Smoke and smoke!

Liu Meng'er replied happily.

I couldn't help but kiss the cigarette on the forehead.

Then he pulled Lin Xingyun, took the little hand of the cigarette, pointed at him and smiled.

"This is my mother's husband, and I will be your father in the future!"

"Smoke, call Daddy!"

And Lin Xingyun was already full of anticipation and excitement.

Even if he is calm in heart and sophisticated in acting.

At this time, the corners of their mouths were already fiercely raised!


"Don't call!"

However, the smoke was a small face dark, and he snorted coldly.

He turned his face angrily, not wanting to look at Lin Xingyun again.

"Huh? Smoke? What happened to you?

"Why don't you call Daddy?"

Liu Meng'er frowned and asked, her eyes full of doubt.

I feel that this little baby in front of me suddenly became a lot more mature!

"It's okay, it's okay, maybe the child is afraid of life!"

"Meng'er, let's take the smoke back, first wash the child well and change clothes."

Lin Xingyun hurriedly played the circle.

There is already a bit of a bad premonition in my heart..........

Because he can feel it.

My own master, it seems that he is really angry this time!

He was also not easy to provoke again, so he had to quickly leave the restaurant with the two of them and return to the Tianxuan Holy Land.


At night, the Holy Land of Heaven.

Lin Xingyun room.

At this time, he was standing there like a child who had done something wrong.

He looked like he didn't dare to make a second attempt, and he waited uneasily for the lesson of the master.

Beside him, Liu Qiuyan had returned to his original state.

She sat on an ebony chair with her legs together, still dressed in a dignified green robe, her face was charming, and her posture was full and moving.

But Lin Xingyun did not dare to appreciate it at this time.

Because since Lin Xingyun worshiped Liu Qiuyan as a teacher.

The other party has always been gentle with him like a spring breeze and rain.

It is even more tolerant and pampered, meeting all his requirements, and not even saying a word of gravity.

But at this moment.

His master's face was surprisingly gloomy and cold!

This made him extremely uneasy and even regretted it a little.

And after the two stalemated for a moment.

Liu Qiuyan spoke coldly.

"Lin Xingyun, aren't you very proud now?"

"In the dream world, you can manipulate me as much as you like and arrange various identities for me, are you happy now?"

"Division... Master! Disciple...... The disciple knows that he is wrong! Lin

Xingyun heard Master Zun for the first time and called his full name.

The feeling of uneasiness in my heart suddenly became even stronger!

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