"Don't call me Master, I'm not your Master!"

"In order to save Meng'er, it's okay for me to rely on you for other things."

"But you're going too far this time!"

Liu Qiuyan finally couldn't suppress his anger, and reprimanded with an excited expression.

"You know my father's situation, why did you make this arrangement?"

"What do you want to do? Want me to take you as a father?

"Lin Xingyun, I always thought that you were just a young man with a heart and a penchant for beauty..."

"I didn't expect you to be dirty and shameless!"

"You disappointed me so much..." Liu

Qiuyan closed her beautiful eyes, her face showing sadness and sentimentality.

Lin Xingyun was also extremely distressed to see it, and hurriedly explained.

"Division... Master!

"Master don't blame, disciples just... It's just from the Fourteen Ancestors that I learned about the past experience of Master Venerable..."

"Because this is in a dream, everything can evolve as I want."

The disciple thought... At least it can give Master a little comfort, so..."

Before Lin Xingyun finished speaking, Liu Qiuyan directly interrupted coldly.

"Lin Xingyun, do you really think I don't know what your mind is?"

"Even if your fourteenth ancestor tells you everything, so what?"

"Although my father abandoned our mother and daughter, he is my father after all!"

"This is my family affair, I don't need you to do anything to comfort in this way!"

Liu Qiuyan was said to be the deepest thing in his heart, and his expression became more and more excited.

"Master! Disciple...... The disciple knows that he is wrong!

Lin Xingyun was also a little panicked.

He finally understood at this point.

It seems that his master's temperament is indeed very different from his own.

Even if she was abandoned by her father, she didn't resent her father so much after all.

I made my own claim, but I touched the bottom line of my master!

He sighed secretly and quickly came to Liu Qiuyan to admit his mistake.

"Master, it's a disciple... The disciple is too willful!

"The disciple swears that he will repent in the future!"

"Ask the master for forgiveness and give the disciple a chance to rehabilitate!"

Liu Qiuyan was still angry and sad.

But his eyes also showed reluctance, entanglement, and helplessness.

After a stalemate.

She finally let out a long sigh and shook her head slightly with her eyes closed.

"Lin Xingyun, this is the last time!"

"Now that the dream of this life has become a dream, I can't leave the dream suddenly."

"But in the future dream, if you dare to arrange me into the role of a daughter

..." "I'm afraid that your and my master-apprentice fate will come to an end..."

No, Master!

"The disciple swears that the disciple will never do this again!"

Lin Xingyun only felt that thunder exploded in his ears, and hurriedly assured.

The two stalemated for a long time.

Liu Qiuyan looked at Lin Xingyun, still hesitant and nervous.

She finally couldn't help but feel distressed.

With a long sigh, he gently stroked Lin Xingyun's face.

"I have already reminded you not to think differently of me again."

"Why are you still obsessed?"

"Could it be... Do you have to be Master..."

she said halfway.

Suddenly, he sensed Liu Meng'er coming, and immediately shook his body.

Transformed back to the little girl who was carved in pink and jade.

"Smoke, smoke?"

"Nebula, what are you doing with smoke?"

"It's so late, it's time for the smoke to rest, the child is growing!"

Liu Meng'er pushed open the door and urged angrily.

"Didn't... Nothing, you take the cigarette and go to sleep..."

Lin Xingyun replied with a smile, beads of sweat oozing from his forehead.

It seems that the words of the master just now still made his heart palpitate.

"What tells me to go to sleep with a cigarette?"

"The smoke is so small, we are a family of three, do we still sleep in separate rooms?"

Liu Meng'er scolded him with a smile.

Then he waved his hand and took out a small bed made from the Qiankun ring.

Then he picked up Liu Qiuyan with one hand and let her sleep on the small bed.

He pulled Lin Xingyun and lay down on the big bed.

A moment later.

"Huh? Lin Xingyun, what's going on with you today?!

"Did you cultivate a fork? So absent-minded?

Liu Meng'er said angrily.

"Didn't... Nothing..."

"Not in a good mood... "

Maybe it's overwork...,"

Lin Xingyun said with a wry smile.

But my heart is secretly sentimental.

His master, whether it is vision or cultivation.

are far from being comparable to their current selves.

None of his thoughts can be hidden from her!

Even in the dream world.

As a powerhouse in the Great Emperor Realm, it is impossible for the other party to lose amnesia.

Even as long as Liu Qiuyan is willing, she can modify the dream at will.

Now Lin Xingyun can do whatever he wants.

It's just about the other party's favor and indulgence.

Especially just after being reprimanded by the master, he made him uneasy.

Now his interest in mountaineering with Liu Meng'er has naturally been greatly affected.

"Alas! Or did I underestimate the importance that Master attaches to my father, after all, not everyone is as filial as me..."I

can only take one step, look at one step..."

Lin Xingyun shook his head and looked at Liu Qiuyan, who was half-asleep on the side.

But he made up his mind again!

"But Master, the disciple is well aware of your pain and sorrow!"

"The disciple is still very weak now, and when the disciple strengthens greatly in the future, he will definitely solve your worries and problems!"

Seeing this, Liu Meng'er frowned and asked.

"Nebula, shouldn't you..." "

Is it because you refuse to call your daddy today, and you're not in a good mood?"

"Uh... Well..."


"Meng'er, you still understand me!"

"Yanyan is our adopted daughter, she is so close to you, but she loves to ignore me, how can I not be sad?"

Lin Xingyun was also difficult to explain, and just replied smoothly.

"Gee! Look at your little bit of a thing! That's it?

Liu Meng'er smiled teasingly and patted Lin Xingyun a few times.

Immediately, as soon as his heart moved, he moved his body.

With a charming face, he leaned into Lin Xingyun's ear and said in a coquettish voice.

"Silly not silly you, smoke smoke doesn't call you daddy

..." "Smoke her mother can call it..."

"Po! You really know me!

"Since I can't be a smoke-and-smoke daddy, then I'm super plus!"

Lin Xingyun was immediately refreshed and more majestic than before!

As soon as he turned over, he pressed Liu Meng'er on the bed............




January, in the blink of an eye.

In the early morning of this day, the Tianxuan Holy Land was full of people, and the strong gathered.

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